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Posts posted by Wimbleton

  1. I just came to meme up the queue.


    its harder than I thought.


    Hahaha yeah, you're talking about legendary levels of skill required when it comes to the perfect combination of horrible gear, horrible playmanship and a modest touch of RP - ALL AT THE SAME TIME.


    Came to meme, ended up being the meme.

  2. And they were all identical to previous crates. They yielded 244-248 gear, 1 CMT, some legacy CXP thingies, 3-4 command boosts - just like before.


    Does this mean that old packs are going to give old rewards? In 5.1 they were grandfathered and old packs gave new rewards.... or whenever CMTs started coming from packs.


    I only had a chance to open 40 so RNG could definitely be the reason, but I never saw confirmation one way or the other on hoarded Command Crates.

  3. I'm going to be honest, I read it up until the point you said "math lessons" then my screen BSOD'd, I DDOSd myself, stood my ground against my PC with a mossberg 500 home defense, went to best buy, bought another PC, then logged in to type this reply.
  4. You don't ask Aaron Rodgers to play defense .... You don't tell Lionel Messi to play keeper, and you don't ask LeBron to play defense either ... So why be mad when offensive players only want to play offense? PK Sabban plays defense because he is a beast at it and no one is going to dare ask him to play centre so again why the hate? Once you understand this then it makes it easier to understand the type of players out here in the PvP community.:):):) Accept them for the type of players they are, because if you like guarding and turning nodes and playing defense then you're going to smash the other team badly because its balance, if it's nothing but number players, while the damage will be big, but the warzone will be lost because no one is doing defense. It's a team event and these players like myself have already chosen the positions we are good at.


    Are you using guys in your analogy who fall down, cry real tears and grab their leg if someone bumps their hair?

  5. Nice video! I gave it a like.




    From the poster's YouTube video description: Hey guys! This is my very first warzone on my Sith Juggernaut! This is also my very first time seeing the new huttball map!


    Sounds and looks like they have played in [some] warzones before. I'm sure sorting isn't that hard anyways.


    Curious, did you watch the whole video? Or go straight to the end to see how the poster measures up?


    I watched it, but I was playing Crowfall so "watch" is a stretch. Thanks for your concern into my youtube habbits though, warms the heart.

  6. I think we should also remove the ability to que for pvp unless you've been subbed for 4+ years. Those people who've only been playing for 2-3 years really drag down the teams. Also, if you don't have the founder title then you should be subject to skill audits, just to be sure.


    You could be on to something here... .because with the gear grind the way it is, we need to give people plenty of time to learn their character AND grind for gear.

  7. I want a 'WAKE friends' and 'SHAKE friends' buttons too. Sometimes I queue at around 4.30 in the a.m. I want it to get them out of bed, ready to PVP ( and be properly dressed for god's sake) within 1m30s. Coz I ain't queuing with just anybody at that ungodly time.



    I've added your great ideas to the the list of great ideas. Well done. I can tell you understand this game on a very high level and are very good at player versus player combat group cooperative play warzones.

  8. I mean this is just getting horrible. Every time my and other premades try and get some good games going vs each other, the queue just starts to bloat with solo queuers. This is a MMORPG, time to add a "make a friend" button where it automatically invites another person to your grp in fleet and sends them a message that says "you want to pvp with me?". This is a team-effort warzone queue, lets require teams!


    I'd like to hear some serious ideas about how we can keep these solo queuers from ruining our cooperative 8v8 queues.




    1) Make a Friend Button (As described earlier).

    2) Require at least 1 other person in your group before you can queue.

    3) Require voice comms with groupmates before you can queue.

    4) Disable the option to queue if you are ungrouped.

    5) In order to queue a channel has to be activated on two to four pillars (like Xeno), from a single group, then it puts you in queue.

    6) [storm-Cutter] Wake a Friend Button. Used for waking friends up early in the morning when they are required to become part of your premade.

    7) [storm-Cutter] Shake a Friend Button. Used for waking friends who did not first respond to the Wake a Friend button. Likely we'll need SWTOR to hack their phones and reverse the flow of current so we can shock them through their ear buds.

    8) [severith] Requirement of 4 years of active subscriber in order to queue for regs 8v8, to give people enough time to grind all this new gear if they dedicate 8 hours a day.

    9) [MackPol] Make top dps and top healer in any given wz automatically friends list each other. Also tank if there is one.

    10) [MackPol] Make friends list Legacy ! you know a player you know all their alts.

    11) [MackPol] Make premades cross faction, dont let Pubs suffer lack of friends.

    12) [MackPol] Allow 8 man premades, why tolerate 4 non friends.. ?

    13) [MackPol] If you win 1v1 against someone they must join your premade and do what you tell them.

    14) [MackPol] Add Premade option to Groupfinder, with all the perks, like extra daily CXP and role in need !

    15) [banderal] Solo queuers may queue as backfill fodder in a poorly lit, dirty area low in the fleet and wait to be called up to a premade game should someone on a premade leave/DC.

    16) [ilfiriel_azurian] Require at least 20 screenshots of games above 5k for single target and 8k for dots dps, 8k for heals and 4k for tanks

    17 [ilfiriel_azurian] Proof of at least 20 12k dummy parses.



    Please list any of your ideas out and I'll add them to this list so we can keep all your great ideas in a single place for the devs to read at least 5 times before implementing many, if not all, of these great ideas.

  9. The fact that you'd even consider defensive stats makes me think you really have no understanding of the game, about on the level of a tank who cannot keep aggro.


    I've never had threat problems, ever, healing any raid, pug, or otherwise. The only time any mobs might possibly look my way is during trash pulls when I have to heal before the tank has had a chance to put threat on them all, especially if they are spread and/or ranged. No big deal, I maintain proper positioning, drop threat, cc or find a LoS. If for some reason none of that worked, I'd either be extra cautious or communicate with another sorc so he could pull me (lower my threat) or possibly use bubble.


    All that being said, your main job is bringing consistent big green numbers to the Ops, so dress for that and let everyone else do their job.


    If a tank is falling behind, the raid leader would need to address it but even with the worst geared horrible tanks I've seen, that hasn't been necessary in a PuG.

  10. This is why I specifically requested filters because it allows people to engage in the pvp type they desire which means EVERYONE benefits. being forced to play in (in my case arenas) scenarios you dislike is not what gaming is about, don't we all just want to have a bit of fun during our gaming experience? :)


    If you allowed unlimited bans it would be very easy to ruin the queue, which has priority right now, since there are no plans or efforts designed around increasing the population. So "EVERYONE benefits" very little if no queues happen or if they drastically slow down waiting for the right combination of unbanned maps to manifest in the queue.

  11. Save up any legacy bound CXP packs for the double event coming Dec 20th.


    If you are already over CR 300 and getting tier 4 crates, don’t open them until after 5.10 drops, as they have a chance to drop 252 gear or masterwork shards. It is possible that crates earned before 5.10 won’t be “grandfathered” into the new system, but it doesn’t make a huge difference to wait a few days.


    If you have any ranked pvp weeklies in your mission log go ahead and finish them. Come 5.10 they will require 50 matches instead of just 20 (Wins will count as 5 instead of 2), and with that change it’s possible they might reset progression on the mission so best to finish them up now and earn the CXP/comms.


    Finish up the KOTFE/KOTET/Iokath/Umbara/Copero/Nathema series if there are any specific choices you’d like, and if you wish to romance Arcann, finish his alert before you start the 5.10 story stuff.


    Hoard any Reinforced Isotope Stabilizers, Charged Matter Transubstantiators, and Superior Resource Matrices you can, as these are all needed to craft the new 258 gear, and in extremely high quantities to boot.


    I’m sure I’m missing some things.


    This is an excellent list. Best way to get legacy cxp is flashpoints and ops, but the best ones are the ones that come out of command crates. So running those FPs and Ops on tunes that are not yet 300 might be a good idea, since you'd be opening those command crates anyway.

  12. So there i was, walking down the sidewalk on a sultry hot summer day. The kind that has just the perfect mix of humidity and heat to really make you second guess your entire existence. Luckily for me I had a near-frozen can of Sprite. Even the sound of it opening, knowing what was waiting for me as soon as I took a sip was nearly enough to make me forget just how hot this day was. And on any other day, I likely would have completely forgotten my predicament all together.


    But this was no normal day and I luckily had a supernormal drink. As water started to condense on the side of the can, drops running down to my hand as if they were racing to be the first one to reach my skin. Synapses going off in my brain, screaming commands back down my arm and hand to lift this can to my mouth.


    I started to raise the can, the promise of not just relief, but oasis incarnate, total comfort, a mere half second away.


    But as my lips pucker forward, uncomfortably I might add, due to them being dried and cracked, I saw something that made me stop.


    Yes, even on this day, with the promise of rescue a split second away, I paused.


    Before me on the road was Vandin, writhing in a fire, calling for help. "Please!" it shouted, "just poor that on me and I'll be saved!" The desperation in its cry was palpable. I could feel it the same as I could feel the cold can begin its transition into a slightly cool drink.


    So I quickly took a deep draw on my Sprite and kept walking.


    Then I woke up and realized the nightmare had just started and queued into a Vandin, maniacal laughter sounding deep within my head, I think.

  13. If they allowed filters, HB, Odesyn, QHB, Vandin and Arenas would all disappear from the queue. That would be fine until people got tired of the other maps. Then they’d cry for them.


    They took HB away for 2 weeks to try and fix Dsync and people where asking for it back.


    If they did map bans maybe they should allow only 1, at least at first, to see the effects on the game.

  14. PS: nothing makes my... "tail" get more tingly than catching a number farming premades dps alone, dumping on him solo and watching his hlr come barreling around the corner to save the day. makes me deeply happy, and yes, it happens a lot.


    Wow ur so mene. Stop attacking people in PvP.

  15. The only solution is population. That is the truth. That would bring money and with money they could fix the infrastructure of this game, and reopen 8v8 ranked and the different game modes would flesh out etc etc.


    Anything other than an increase in population cannot fully solve any problems currently plaguing this game. We also know that an increase in population wont happen. So that means that any manifestation of population must be protected and any changes made to the foundation of the game must not fragment those bubbles of population.


    So as I see it, there's a group of people who like to play single/smallgroup/companion/story type stuff, there's a group that likes to do raids and there's a group that likes to do PVP.


    The only directives coming forth should seek to increase those populations and if no more true/new population is going to be gained then the only option left is to cause those groups to overlap.


    Lastly, the efforts that used to be put forth to gaining population must also now share the responsibility to retain what is had for as long as possible.


    They also won't inhibit people from playing. Obviously, they let mat farmers play ranked. Thats much more damaging to the other players experience and chance to win than a premade on the other team. Yeah, some premades, like mine, rarely lose and dominate you into the ground relentlessly giving you only the two options of 20 deaths or surrender/leave, but those arent the normal premades. And to be honest, premades are much more critical of other premades than they are of the random solos. The premades that are normally in queue are much less effective than the combined effort of decent solo players working together for a win.



    So, in conclusion. They won't split the queues. They won't split premades. They can't. They are trying make the groups intermingle as much as possible and it's showing some success, they won't take any action to the contrary.


    Any realists out there? Lemme know.

  16. Don’t worry, he’s not taking any ideas from this thread. They are not going to break up premades. And they are certainly not going to split the ONLY queue that consistently pops, and no, pretending that eliminating two completely dead queues somehow balances this is naive enough that even Eric could see through it.
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