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Posts posted by Wimbleton

  1. This is, unfortunately, another problem of low population that simply cannot be remedied. Even after you get the mat farmers out of the queue you'll still have the guy with barely 25 valor and absolutely no clue how to play his class possibly in the game with the best rated SR player in the server.


    Even if you get all the mat farmers out, and make it harder for the val25noclue to join, you have an entire elo spectrum of skill fighting for one of the 8 or 16 spots available at any given queue pop(s).


    The game will still likely get decided more-often by the lowest skilled participant rather than the combined efforts of everyone else.

  2. I typically don't even stay in Vandins but the first one I was in by myself put me in it twice more after I left it so I decided to just play it. The second one I noticed that the guy who helped me win the first one was on my team again, so I stayed again. Then I groupd with him and we got another and laughed, then got another and I said thats all the Vandin I can handle for a single day. The 2-3 matches we played after were an arena other normal maps.
  3. Yeah yeah yeah. You're really going to make me start a log of pvp matches for a video game? No thanks. Take my anecdote or leave it.


    PS - I got ZERO Vandin pops last night.


    I got 4 in a row. 2 of them with just me and 2 of them with someone I found from the first two vandins who was playing well. I sent him a message, and he agreed to group with me. I didn't even mention discord and we queued 4-5 more times but the first two pops were Vandin. We won all 4 due to our cooperation and play skill.


    So then we had a premade OH NO THE DEBIL HAS ARRIVED. Played a couple more games and I had to log off and get ready for work.

  4. Your missing the point. Even though matchmaking didn’t really help anything, it also didn’t hurt anything. Cross faction only helped the queues (be more consistent for low pop faction). Removing premade a would completely ruin the queue, for premades and non premades. The vast majority of premades are two or three people who are friends or guild mates, not a team of 4 skilled players with a trinity comp. and from my experience, the vast majority of 4 mans also do not include a tank. And for the skilled players in premade, it doesn’t matter what the comp is. Regardless, this is how those people choose to play. A separate queue would be fine if the population could handle it, since the people capable of making friends are more likely to play with friends regardless of how the queue groups them. But that game does not exist. Even if there was a second queue it would have been long ago combined to help queue pops just like the creation of cross faction shows us.


    Since you are slow, here’s my 3 points:

    1: it won’t change, this entire argument is misinformed.

    2: you act like every premade is a skilled 4-man, actually you’re just horrible and you’re looking outward for the reason you get workt.

    3: mmorpg might not be for you, maybe try msporpg. Oh wait, doesn’t exist. Yikes!

  5. There were hundreds of thousands of threads about cross-faction and matchmaking and for long they were not acted upon... until they were.


    And did those help you win? No. Cross-faction was a population deficit response and matchmaking is lololololololol The only thing they did for matchmaking was make it to where you can't queue two healers or tanks in the same grp.


    Still tho, this will not change. It's time for you to move on (or not, because forum PvP is nearly as fun as in game PvP).

  6. Players who constantly login to tryhard trinity comp in regs are sad creatures. If I had enough people login who were able to trinity effectively I would be in team ranked asap. That is where actual good players and team coordination is. I learned a long time ago competition in regs is trash. Bashing newbs all day cuz your in voice is hilariously easy for even subpar players. Leave regs for people messing around and having fun.


    Wait... did you sell your account or something? Or are you going to pretend you didn't queue with Doc (on sin tank) and you as Op healer +1-2 DPS for literally all of 4.0 and most of 5.0 until you got farmed out? Quick, delete the VODs.


    If I had enough people login who were able to trinity effectively I would be in team ranked asap.


    Except you never did/do.


    That is where actual good players and team coordination is.


    There is no NA ranked, you have to set up kick ball matches or get the occasional mat farmer. Or possibly watch for a mediocre team pouncing mat farmers and pounce them. Asking people to competitively queue against 50 ping with 300 ping on DM isn't really reasonable.


    Leave regs for people messing around and having fun.


    Exactly, grouping with 1-3 other friends and PvPing is fun, you're right, glad we agree.

  7. Gaiz, settle down. Splitting queued groups? Are you serious? Do you just make up random stuff with absolutely no thought to it’s feasibility?


    Let’s get real here for just a second. I’m going to assume you missed the multiple many-hundred-pages threads on this subject that were previously NOT acted upon:


    Nothing will change, because nothing should change. Wether it’s social or skill or even preference, you being alone is not the fault or responsibility of anyone other than yourself. Sorry. That’s just the way it is. Hope you can find closure over the next 500 pages of this thread.

  8. You're acting like people are telling BW to remove premades. Asking for them to ensure if you're in a premade then your opponent is also a premade is completely reasonable.


    You're acting like premades are the reason you lose. Asking them to ensure you can win is completely unreasonable.

  9. I mean cheating certainly happens in solos and especially granked now... but not nearly as much as all the kids on the forums would have you believe.


    The vast majority of the time the cheater and hacker screechers can't handle themselves in either ranked environment so they resort to the "They are all out to get me, the system is completely rigged, I am at fault in no way" etc. type of ego protecting mentality.


    pmuch sums up this thread right there.

  10. If you want to check out Osuss you can DL the PTS. On the PTS you travel there with galaxy map, but I’m sure the story will take you there when 5.10 goes live. SS is dead as far as ranked goes but in my experience regs still pops regularly. SF assuredly has a better pvp population.
  11. Aaaand you failed AGAIN (how extremely surprising!) to not assume bad traits about people who queue solo...

    And just a thing I often notice: when there is a premade in my group, they make 0 contact and cooperation with the other 4 in their team (even not passing ball for an open stealther).


    Hey its the serial hypocrite guy. LIke the 10th time he's roasted someone from doing the exact same thing he does in the exact same post. Epic. Here's when you come in and post that you did it on purpose. What a loser.

  12. Rafiknoll's whole post was excellant, but I would really like to someone come up with a good answer to this question. An answer that doesn't amount to 'I don't want a real pvp game where both sides are equal'.


    Splitting up people who are choosing to play the game cooperatively so that you can have a better experience? Are you delusional or just wordthatcannotbesaidwithoutpoutypeoplegettingpoutier?


    You *******s keep saying "premade" like its always the "premades" fault that you are getting obliterated. There are plenty of good players that queue outside of premades. There are plenty of premades that are horrible beyond belief.


    Premades are not why you are horrible at this game. Premades are not why you cannot find a group of PvPers and see if you think the same things are fun/funny, join a voice platform and play with those cool dudes from game to game.


    The reason for this is that you are socially inept or game skill inadequate - or - you CHOOSE to be good at this game but play solo.


    If its the first two, again, its not premades fault. If its the latter, thats your choice, now be a big boy and accept the consequences.

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