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Posts posted by Wimbleton

  1. Having played the first time last night in many moons I'll say that Merc healer is practically its own tank, and I did not even play with -30% dmg while stunned. I felt very safe coming out of a stun at half or lower health and being able to survive with energy shield (if i was able to kite) or kolto (if I was going to be locked down in an area, net, additional stuns, etc) and saving reflect for my last option. Reflect is great but you need to use it early in a situation you know you'll die in, if you wait till low health you'll just get AoEd down. Watch that sniper and if you are stunned and you see his ambush animation out of the corner of your eye, pop that ****.


    I would even request guard be removed from me and placed onto DPS sorc or similar.


    I'll play the sorc once I have it geared properly and report on that one but I can guarantee you I'd be fully comfortable solo queuing regs as a Merc healer.

  2. Playing last night (on SS), we ran into 2-3 full premades (over the course of our night) with a 2-3man non tank group (for some reason Janglor thought it was a good time to go fishing in Florida, what a luzur). It was great fun, won some, lost some - but they were all nice and courteous with non troll GGs goin out after the games. Teams, when they had the chance, were all contributing towards a win. If you were under constant premade pressure, leaving an area would be deadly for everyone you left behind so that was not always an option. Couldn't queue ranked but not sure if it was even popping, at least no one was spaming for people to queue granked.


    Merc healers are so frikin tanky right now goodness...

  3. I love bubble stunning now. It's a fun wrinkle that I never messed with before, but if you use the endless barrier, you can have a lot of synergy with barrier and other abilities.


    I find it's useful for kiting and just giving yourself some breathing room when you really need it, even if it's only for a few secs.


    And no doubt, I find many DPS especially melee end up leaving me alone they get tired of chasing me everywhere which means their DPS takes a big hit, and the last thing good DPS want to see is a dip in their numbers on the scoreboard. After about the third time chasing me, most melee go after easier targets.


    The best DPS farmers will want the enemy healers to die last, more targets alive for longer = more dps via the AoE parts of their dmg rotations and more uptime on sustained outgoing dps from not having to wait for respawns.

  4. It's not a bad idea (@OP), it doesnt completely fix the problem but it does stopgate much of the problem. People always forget they didn't immediately know everything and were immediately awesome at solo ranked. It's a completely different beast from both regs and team ranked. It takes time to learn and that comes from mistakes made. Asking someone to be in 306 is not asking them to be good, it's simply asking them to put in a tiny amount of effort before jumping into a game mode that requires a larger amount of continued effort over time to become consistently successful.


    All of the sensitive snowflakes who quit because they cannot handle the toxicity of the environment are hilarious. You have no place anywhere on the internet, much less a pvp game, much less a pvp arena, much less a ranked pvp arena. You literally picked the worst place for yourself to be.

  5. Make sure you're taking the -30% dmg while stunned utility if you are not queuing with a guard. You can also try overload root and/or bubble stun depending on how you play. Melee going after numbers will not want to train on a bubble stun sorc (unless they are still easy to kill).


    The same tactics that have always been recommended are even more necessary. Smart - and original - phase locations, Position around LoS, don't stand still, stay out of the "open middle area". The more defensives you have on cooldown, the more conservative you have to play. Find that one really solid player(s) on your team and stick next to them. Keep them alive. They'll usually reciprocate out of self preservation.


    Sorc healing v 8 punishes mistakes pretty hard. Every time you make a mistake you're using one or more of your big DCDs (PvP cleanse, Phase, Bubble).


    Side note: If you're using knockback root, the best way to apply is dragging melee around corners and los, jump, turn, knockbackroot, turn keep moving and they don't get the chance to leap/saber you as you eclipse them with the corner/LoS. If theres a mara or PT in that grp, be ready to stun them after they break root and if they break that, insta WW or nade.


    That's all theorycrafting but the absolute best way to survive as a sorc healer is "teaching" the enemy DPS that there are better targets than yourself (each and every game until they start to remember it).

  6. STOP RESISTING! Welcome back Wimbleton. Haven't seen you posting in a while. Are you guys/gals still on SS? I used to love & hate seeing that guild name pop up on the other side... mean it was going to be a tough match. :D


    I thank you for the warm welcome, but, as a group, we are currently trying to process this unwarranted phobia against our style of queuing as a team. I'm just not sure we can move forward. Only time will tell. I forget which server we are on, we are on the one that was Harbinger.

  7. so I would not hold my breath waiting for them to act now.


    Why would they act? Is only your reality of queueness the correct one?


    Full premade people are actually very nice and courteous people, but only to those who are also skilled. This is a lifestyle, this is how we identify. I really need you to accept who we are and know that we are trying to be the best we. Why is our version of our own identity not good enough for you? Why can't we just be who we are and you accept and love us for it?


    We feel it would be like living a lie were we not to explain peoples deficiencies in game during matches and also explain to them how they are frustrated with their inability to increase in skill.


    I think you are fantastic solo queues and I appreciate who you are and what you've been through, if only you could do the same to meandmy3buds.

  8. All they need to do is have expertise replace mastery on pvp gear. Have expertise operate the same as mastery or very slightly better, but only if the target is a player. Then you can give max gear away/make it easily achievable, you can set up mods/enh vendors for cheap and it has zero effect on pve or pvers. They can still use their pve gear in pvp since mastery works on players and NPCs.
  9. In 4s: Mostly sorc, just because they are easy and do well; they can consistently respond to burst dmg and have two breakers. A good tank makes Ops > Sorc but otherwise not. Merc’s can be out DMGd and are probably the worse of the 3, but they do ok when everyone in the grp is tanky/slippery, and if you can make it work, you get a (or an extra) net.
  10. I could play HB “all day” if not for the performance issues. The Vandin map is a design failure because the design encourages you to skip the map (run pit, camp endzone), but let’s face it, pretty much every map released since Novare has been really bad, so it’s on par. But the competitive aspect of the HB maps is crushed by desync.


    Since it’s quite clear they can’t/won’t fix it, they should at least reduce its pop rate. I think the main reason they don’t do this is that they make all their decisions based on the assumption that their content working and well liked. They know this to be completely false but will not openly admit failure.

  11. What I hope, Eric, you get from this poll is that the war zones you’ve been putting out post-Novare are all 100% a complete disaster and failure. Need more proof? Poll the regs+HB maps.
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