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Everything posted by Kazuone

  1. Did you check the fleet ? I think you can buy their mission item with galactic season token and have them.
  2. There will always be complaints (I won't talk about PVP or r4 nim.. that will be our secret..). That was just an idea, could be modified. We could choose cwich buff we want with any companion. Biochimist could craft some kind of stim that give a bonus to your romance comp or craft mission could align the companion to light or dark side. The thing is I think there's not enough visible difference between comp (if you forget about shae dps, zzoom heal). It juste like too much choices kill choices Bessie is ok but in the end, seems like we'll do the same thiings with bessie than with another....or mabye bessie do special stuffwhen 50 but idk, didn't had the faith to leveling it up.
  3. I think having more companion is useless untill they bring us something special. They all do the same: fighting with us. Date night are cool but not essential. I think it could be better to make them have individual buff for crafting/fighting or other.. but more companion that we'll use for a limited period od time seems to be too much dev ressources to be interessting. An idea could be: all companion lvl 50 in the fortress give you a conquest buff (legacy unlock) I think we can have a lot of idea to make existing companion better.. but I'm not sure swtor dev team can follow
  4. When did you sub swtor last time ?
  5. hello, Try the steam client version or if that's already the case, try the swtor.com one. If you have some antivirus like avast or other, try disable it during install. Hope that will help
  6. I feel the same way. One year ago, Broadsword got the game. We talked a lot about maintenance mode. When I watched the devstream, I tought that we are getting closer to this. I tought there will be a new zone in an existing planet for something like dailies or a new flashpoint... but ... no.. not this time again.... I don't blame swtor team, I really think they do all they can for the game. When we rread productor's letter, on their side, seems to be a lot of content each time, everything is bigger, better ..etc... but on our side that's not the case. Lot of vet players feels that there less and less content is added to the game. If we can't have more content right now, that's OK, but lot of us would be more confident about the game future if we had some kind of teaser of what is planned for the game in a long term. Does 8.X is comming ? New combat style ? when DX12 is comming ? Sometimes I feel the game goes everywhere but nowhere. I think 7.6 or 7.7 will be the last update of 7.X serie and I hope that they are working on major contents for 8.0 series.. but major content from veteran player view.... Mabye we'll have some info at the end of this year.... let's hope that and go on other games till that time comes, if we're not habving fun with the game as it is now....;)
  7. hello. For star forge player mabye your issue is somehow linked with and for other, you can still try the steam / bioware client version . I know that's not the perfect deal but ...
  8. Sure, here is the translation of the text into English: I don't think the developers are responsible for all the game's shortcomings. I think they're rather passionate to stay on the team for so long. We should look more at the decision-makers, those who allocate budgets, development times, etc. Broadsword remains a subsidiary of Electronic Arts... As for the producer's letter, it's just a recap of what's happened to the game in recent months when we wanted to have a teaser of what's planned for the future for the game. There is a difference to be made between what employees in a company want and what they are allowed to do, to say. I would really like to understand where this silence and lack of roadmap sharing come from.
  9. hop yeah, love the game so can"t wait so..lol mabye wait for jackie confirmation to confirm this s the official finished version ;). https://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/62624/7.5b-patch-notes
  10. Thx for this but I think most players need to know where the game goes...Even without details but will we have 8.0 ? New combat styles ? Server merge ? multi server party finder ? If you can"t share this could you tell us that announcement is planned for en end off the summer/autumn/winter please ? We need a long term hope to feed our love for this game. Thx
  11. Test the steam client version.
  12. I agree and still hope for news from BS but we should have in 1 or 2 month the Q2 producter'e letter Letter from Keith...
  13. Mabye only dying games were given to them... That said, We would have loved to hear more from them about how they see the game, what direction they want to go with it .... that kind of things... but mabye they were told to let the swotr team continue to handle the game... the thing is... we are john snow we know nothing. We can only play swtor when we want to and when we're fedup with it, we can go elswehere... ff14 7.0, teso goldroad or anything else and.... come back to swtor after ;). We arge John Snow but we can make our choice instead of crying, whinning, waiting too much
  14. If I remember correctly, it seems to me that some time ago (about 1 year ago), Keith had announced that content was planned up to update 7.6. With EA having transferred management of the game to Broadsword at that time, I don't think it was to leave the game in maintenance mode. If that was the case, why did they switch the game to 64-bit, cloud servers recently and plan for dx12? Update 7.0 probably did not have the expected success and above all, it came out much later than expected with the problems we know... For me, there will be an expansion 8.0. Broadsword will surely take their time and only communicate about it when they are sure of the content they want to put in it, how they are going about it, have enough staff, and the release date. 7.0 had been announced too early and the developers surely had the pressure to release it in December 2021 and finally the release was pushed back to February 2022. Let's just be patient... we might have some surprises 'new combat styles, cross-server group finder / server merge.. there are so many possibilities and without Bioware maybe more budget...
  15. (Gemini trad, English is not my native langage ) Perhaps by delivering highly varied content for multiple player sets, the swtor team is gradually losing a certain identity. Especially in a community where players know exactly what they want and especially what they don't want. Example: PVP and strongholds. PVP players probably don't appreciate housing and yet we regularly have strongholds. HL PVE players are probably not interested in new PVP arenas. I would have liked a new flashpoint too, but honestly it takes a lot of work from them and in the end I would only have enjoyed the flashpoint too little in relation to the work done. I would be happy for GSF to evolve but not at the expense of the main story content. Finally, perhaps the game was too rich and too varied in terms of evolution possibilities from its inception. The swtor team will probably never be able to satisfy enough players to assume a real identity. The team from the game's release is surely not as large now, so we have to wait until the next update that will give us a flashpoint
  16. yeah I'm disapointed too. But I don't think that explain why here will change anyything (lot of things has allready been told multiple times during multiples years ) So I will sub time to times to continue the main story and ... in another game for the rest of the time. Complaining here is pointless and the game is not enough fun for me anymore (exept guild buddies )
  17. I don't balme BW/BS. I think swtor 's state is what it is now cause upper decisions. We can see very often that the game is loved by swtor team (more than before since BS). The game needs a lot of work and doesn"t get back all the money it desserve. We, as players often blame devs, swtor team etc but we are john snow, we know nothing. If we don't like the game anymore we should go teso, ff14 etc and come back when we want to. Complaining just make things worst. Swtor team won"t make the game better because each one of us complain but mabye only if they get back more money. Date night are too short, OK, I'll take a break from this functionnality and come back later. DM is still where he is since a lot off time, OK, I'll take a break and come back later. No megaserver, OK be back later when / if my server have more player or migrate to another one. That's just games. Game purpose is to have fun. If we don"t, there's something we have to change but asking others people to change individulally for make "our" fun better seems kinda utopic. PS sorry, English is not my native langage, there's no taunt/troll to read here
  18. Aller un petit up ! Viendez donc ! Sorties diverses et variées (PVP (meme du galactic starfighter.. c'est pour dire...) / PVE (ZL vet/maitre, soulevements, Opé NM/HM et nim (selon les gens dispo) tous les soirs mais pas que sur swtor ! Y'a aussi des soirées skribio et autres joyeusetés blindtest et cie ! Bien entendu, vous aurez également acces à des guides de classes, d'event etc... La guilde accepte tout le monde même les débutants ! Ne restez pas dans votre coin, venez vous amuser, progresser avec nous !
  19. Hello. If one day this is possible, I'll be happy to play the game with english voices and French subtitle. Actually game is full English or French or German. Thx
  20. You're right to point out Broadsword as a company. They have their rules, their employees, their bonuses, profits, expenses, operating costs, and... EA! As players, we tend to forget that behind the games, there are people who work and that they need to continue to work in good conditions that should improve over time with their experience and the company's profits. There are many things to say about the game, but they have often been said in other topics, so I will focus on 7.4.1. I'm sorry for the people who work on the game, I don't want to be mean but just share my feelings with my words and without beating around the bush. The new stronghold is nice, but isn't it the same as multiplying the partners? Maybe players buy cartel coins to decorate them, and in that case, it's a good thing. That being said, I find the content of the strongholds completely useless on a daily basis, I play Star Wars, not the Sims... The "date nights": The idea is interesting but we get it too easily and it's way too short. It reminds me of a cherry on top of the cake, but the cake is super light and doesn't satisfy the SWTOR greed we have ;). The old skins: It's a very good thing to have integrated them back into the game. I would like to farm to get some... except that I don't know what they look like in advance so the probability that I will find a complete set is very very low and doesn't encourage me to farm... We need an in-game system that allows us to have a preview of the skins (even if we don't own them) and that tells us how to get them. Even if it takes a lot of farming. The Galactic Season: It's nice because it's extra gifts and it's done quickly. One thing that is very important to me about the game: the skins. Am I the only one who doesn't find them beautiful for the most part? I wanted to do the PVP season and the galactic season 6 but the skins as rewards don't appeal to me at all. I don't think I'm the only one. And if in an MMO the skins don't appeal to you, you play a lot less... The 7.4.1 update is not an interesting update for me that makes me want to play SWTOR. I will have to wait for the 7.5 update which I hope will advance the main storyline a lot... I am also waiting for the announcement of a future 8.0 expansion to silence the rumors that SWTOR is a dead game. PS: Gemini trad because.. gemini is better than my english. Sry if there is mistake ;)
  21. I've only done Theron but... too short. Could be a good feature but that's just not enough. I would prefere that king of story more later with a lot more content. I feel like "There's so much other things to do with this game, why make date night now ?" OK, I feel the same with strongholds lol I love swtor but since fallen empire and eternal throne, game lost something. Hard to explain but this is how I feel. Date night are not good nor bad but why so short and why now ?
  22. Personaly, I created a loadout with basic craft stuff in my legacy storage. Everytime I need to switch betwwen loadout, I use the loadout craft one and switch again with the wanted one. For ce records, when you switch bw sage dps and sage tank loadouts, linked class item will stay in you rinventory cuz equipable with tank or dps restricted. Loadouts should be updated cuz some things aree missing to make them more usefull and understandable.
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