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Everything posted by FerkWork

  1. And I'm the Pope and Santa Claus. People will play and come back game will be fine including Solo players. If you feel that upset about the game and resort to belittling others then maybe it's time to take a break and chillax.
  2. I once dreamed I was a goat in space. Didn't make me a goat irl and neither denying that we got 1-3x Variety of content from Solo to Group. Only 4.x took that away. Piece of cake go do MM Brontes and report back. Or a ranked match against good players. If you want the true raider experience then you wouldn't be getting any content for 2 years. Have fun with that.
  3. Yet it was solo'd with ease by any casual player. This game was first and foremost an MMO with multiple content including Ops. As for gearing as it should be, challenge should reward more. Nothing sacrificed except delusions that this game was Single player. This game always was an MMO only 4.x tried to destroy that at great cost to the game. The real Swtor is back.
  4. Are any of those Ops? No. Those uprisings only came with 5.x and the failure of two years of nothing. Star Fortesses really? Any person could solo at the highest level that with a comp with ease Pure solo content with an optional group me. We got zero FPs from Battle of Rishi to Umbara that was December 2014 to July/August 2017. PvP seasons way terrible rewards zero balance as story got updates and two horribly bugged maps with an arena that could insta kill you if you jumped funny. DvL World Bosses also only came with 5.0 after the failure of Story only. I had nothing to look forward from 3.x to till Keith took over. Now the Swtor feels much better to me. If you don't like that feel free to go, but please don't tell me the past 2 years untill 5.x and Keith taking the helm was enjoyable content or any content for me. Maybe for you but the future is now.
  5. We got an Op in between 2014 and 2017? I must have missed something cause I totally did feel totally excluded with no new content for me during that time. XD
  6. Good stuff. Awesome news about merges was about time. Rest looks good and can't wait.
  7. Pretty much, I've had JC crash on me more than Harb has for a long time. XD
  8. A simple solution to Op healing lacking Interrupt and Pushback immunity would be to give Interrupt and Pushback Immunity while Stim Boost is active. Zero effect on the heals but improvement in PvP especially Ranked. The actual heal changes are fine and Ops will remain viable Healers in PvE and Regs (Ranked without Interupt immunity does make them very weak there but as mentioned above an easy fix of they so desired) At the end of the day all 3 heals will be fine as they were overturned.
  9. This will weed out the bad Operative Healers from the good who only got by OP (no pun intended) heals. I approve of this culling the weak.
  10. You will still be able to do all the content as MM. For PvP, their burst will still be strong and DCDs are good enough already.
  11. If it's makes people feel any better, I only played it once and preferred they had spent the time making Ops bosses instead in 4.0 than sub rewards and wouldn't bat an eye what they do with it. But that's just me
  12. I did extremely crude napkin math and got 300 +- 100 DPS but others may have gotten more precise numbers by now.
  13. Only issue is that they didn't fix clipping for Carnage and Fury's new rotation will put them above it on the dummy. In Ops Carnage will still be the go to spec. That said, all content will still be doable with Anni so no need to freak out.
  14. MM will still be able to clear all the content.
  15. Seems pretty good change and the buffs to the critical chance on furious strike will add a bit more burst to it.
  16. For all the schenagians and blunders of 3.0 at least there was 2 full raids. And more people did play then.
  17. Which is a joke of a prime time compared to 3.x and 2.x. But that has more to do with 2 years of "episodic storytelling" and lack of real substantial MMO content. CXP in its original intent by Irving was just a reaction to the oh this isn't working how do we stall for time.
  18. We were also promised MM version of the previous boss after the each one was released. So MM Tyth coming with A&E. Turns out that wasn't true.
  19. Cause content drought since 3.x. No reason for me to log on outside raid time. At the rate it's going Gods won't be finished till 2018 and still no word on MM versions despite a promise of the last producer we would get MM Tyth with A&E.
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