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Everything posted by FerkWork

  1. This thread is memes and so wrong it hurts lol. Fluff damage is irrelevant and you already made a whining thread elsewhere.
  2. Brontes- Carnage preferred Terror- Carnage pref Styrak- Carnage pref Council- Either Kephess- Carnage pref Hmmmm LOL the backtracking when proven wrong is memetastic. So when those "facts" you spout are wrong max Kek LUL when you are told that Carnage outperforms Anni on most fight and that Anni downsides factor into fights. Specially Carnage has all the positives while Anni has a few negatives. There are some fights where Anni is just annoying to downright unhelpful while the few fights Anni can be better, Carnage is very close. 99% of the payervase doesn't go beyond SM or even raid so they don't even do content with big enough HP Pools for Anni. I never said that Anni wasn't able to do the content and spec doesn't matter as 248 making anything possible just that it's far easier to play Carnage on most fights and that you will be more suitable for the new teams able to deal amazing burst and near equal sustained just look at what the top players play on fights that matter. No ramp up time and amazing AoE helps a lot. But play whatever to comfort you it doesn't matter with 248 gear and Carnage being much stronger than it should be plays a large role in it. Maybe will change if they nerf it but shall see but until then check yourself before you spout nonesensical memes. But as Beast said be able to play both roles and note pigeonhole into. But 99% of the good Maras ingame are going to play Carnage on the Apex fights that matter. Just because you can kill anything with a Fury Marauder but it doesn't make it optimal lol. Also, no need to be rude. Good Day.
  3. Class is OP because of Reg fluff that any non mouth breather can easily heal through, LUL much keks. Muh damage fluff when other fluffers do it better. Also balancing around regs where any person with a brain can be a superstar lol much Kek. On a Mara with the Carnage spec being retardly obscene and whining about Sorc DPS is kektacular. If you don't do the highest level of content please don't comment about how a class is Op. This thread is memes and not worth the time or effort beyond this post.
  4. MM is about as "hard"as Arsenal and Madness is about as "hard" as Virulence. Engi is just repeating a mostly static rotation. None of the classes are hard to play and if you think Sniper is hard that's a L2P issue. And Madness is a sustained spec compared to Virulence which is Quasi burst a tier lower according to BW metrics. I can see a future buff to Madness or another nerf to Virulence
  5. So you killed it with video proof that there are zero mechanics involved in Veteran mode E&A? I'll await that video.
  6. Or just destroy it when removed like a dye or have the restriction lifted on ones unlocked account wide. Or make a weapon designer. This is going to hurt CM Crystal sales a lot and end up backfiring as they will be as useless CM weapons.
  7. Whelp guess I can't use CM crystals now without the hassle of removing them everytime for credits and then reiquipping them everytime. There were better ways to fix this exploit as even if I have them unlocked in collection the hassle remains. At the very least this restriction should be lifted on crystals you have paid CC to unlock in collections. Just going back to basic crafted ones I guess. It would be fine if you had a weapon designed too to compensate. All in all very bad move when other solutions to prevent the exploit could have been taken. :/
  8. Grats! Good to see more Apex kills, especially good ole Styraids.
  9. I have noticed it on both classes that once simple SRs on fights are nigh impossible. And it's happening in parts where I know SR is possible. The thing is looking through the logs it doesn't even tell me what put me back in Combat or that I even re-entered Combat itself.
  10. On the plus side at least will be able to have and maintain a rotation in Madness with the announcements today.
  11. Crit DR is already high enough you can have both. I don't see any issue and neither does BW. But good luck in getting BW changing this as they seem content with it. And all your suggestion have been to make extreme changes over a nonexistent issue. Both Meele and Ranged use 1400-1500 Alacrity and 1800-1900 Crit in PvE regardless of most classes.
  12. Except when you actual offer info that is incorrect on what classes need these days then yes it's an issue. Doesn't matter if they are beginner or advanced info that is wrong is wrong. There's nothing to argue. It's far more beneficial to use Lethal B Mods, And DPS Relics as Tanks. The extra endurance cushion is better (also the dtps decrease is less than having more enurance and RW is overridden by any other Shield Bubble) and combined with better tank DPS. As defense is mostly wasted stat above 1500 the rest is best put in Lethal mods B. Also all tanks only need a max 1300 Absorb and rest can go into Shield. A detailed explanation of that can be found in the 5.0 Darkness Assassin guide on Dulfy. Look, as someone who has experienced writing guides you have to be able to take criticism if people have valid critiques. You can't hide under this is for beginner, you're an elitist snob because these people aren't here to belittle but rather guide people. I'm equally invested in making sure people are gearing right and thus I will comment how I choose and not just let people post cause they can. And bolster does make gearing irrelevant and particularly beforehand. People shouldn't be worrying about gearing until they have gone through Ops or Command Levels and gotten their set bonus. That and a modded legacy shell they can then have there gear fit in place. Especially as Tanks will need there mods and enhancements crafted.
  13. 1) SM Ops are bolstered so gear is irrelevant for it. Now gearing up in SM is then you go from there. 2) You don't want "experts to nitpic" but there are things wrong with this sheet that "experts" will have to correct once people ask around. Not everything is wrong but there are issues and you have to realize people want the good info not just info. Tanks Should be using Lethal B Mods and DPS Relics. I will look at it more later.
  14. Alacrity is a really good stat and 1% alacrity increase is equivalent to a 1% DPS increase. Alacrity does the following: •Speed up ability activation, GCD, resource generation •Speed up dot ticks, duration of channel and DoTs •Reduce internal cooldowns on stuff like procs. Alacrity is great for casting classes as it allows more abilities by reducing CDs on your attacks and make the channel faster allowing more damage to be fit in a shorter amount of time. Second reducing the overall GCD so it's actually useful and allows more abilities. For example, Alacrity is what allows Virulence Snipers to fit 4 GCD under Weakening Blast and the first tick of the second Cull. In simple terms, alacrity is one of the most powerful stats out there especially with Crit DR. Change alacrity and we kill the playstyles of classes.
  15. Member when Alacrity was a mostly useless stat until 3.0. Pepperidge Farms Members.
  16. Changes of damage and AoE are reasonable but as detailed above already the energy change was not. Also I am curious what the point of snipe is in this spec as you do bring it up and there are passives for it but right now you do not use snipe in the rotation. Also, BW be nice to see the optimal rotation that is swimming in energy.
  17. All hail the reign of the Carnage Mara :D :D
  18. Because everyone knows that nothing will happen soon as stated by the interview by Bad Feeling and whatever will happen BW will make the sole decision. Thus the rest are here to troll or to win forum PvP.
  19. Can both of you stop derailing this thread please and get back on topic? It detracts from any feedback given hurling insults at each other. Personally I'm fine with most of the nerfs as healing in all 3 Classes is overtuned. On a playstyle level while keeping the difficulty and heal in target range, I wish the spec would be more dynamic on energy regen (as in not just use Consumption) like a Merc but I understand why it's not. I disagree with the bubble nerf as defensive for the class in any spec. Other than that I see them adjusting Merc and Op heals as well into target range so no need to jump ship to Merc or Op probs.
  20. You misspelled Carnage Mara and AP PT. With the ranged spot going to an MM Sniper cause Le Shield. But it doesn't really matter cause 248 makes all DPS checks in the game irrelevant anyways.
  21. Thank you and I hope it's addressed. This issue hinders the enjoyment of the class and prevent a flowing rotation that optimal.
  22. Respectfully, without addressing the Force negative rotation that hinders the spec in sustained fights and cuts down the use of Lightning strike or all together (also forcing the use of consumption) this doesn't change much at all. Broken rotation is still broken and should have been addressed first.
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