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Everything posted by DuskIsNotAmused

  1. hmm mine's just kicked me to, Internet is fine, strange Edit: Ahh all of DM then.
  2. There are parts that don't sit well with me, but I don't get the level of bad you seem to (or more accurately, it was supposed to be bad Valky was a horrible parent - understatement of the age. But none of it was painted as a good thing...him in your head manipulating you/them was meant to be harrowing/threatening. It's the basis of your connection/empathy for his children) . Initially I thought it was the bridge to potentially reach out to both Arcann and Vaylin Maybe at some point it was...Maybe I misread it, but I can't help but wonder if the rush to the next storylines effected it ...
  3. Well a planetary holo of Alderaan next to her holo it is. Thanks, glad someone but me appreciates the image . I'm not sure about the force ghost option (not sure they'd be interested in that storyline, but powerful force users - especially darkside alignment- do often seem to hang around), but it is possible we might be able to talk to her family about her. Now that the immediate threat is over. I know it was mostly implied/alluded to rather than outright stated, but after going through the expansion myself as opposed to watching playthroughs on youtube, I do get the feeling her family are sorrowful over her death. In meta terms some didn't like the focus being away from their PCs so I think they were avoiding focusing to much on the eternal family interactions by then (which makes me sad I like getting to know my allies/antagonists...plus I've spent most of the base game focusing on my PC), plus in story it wouldn't be a surprise that they felt unable to talk to us about it. She'd just killed off one of our friends/allies, we'd just been in a pretty big battle against her (the alliance)...and most importantly we'd just killed her. The alliance is possibly extremely happy about said fact. I wondered about that, if people wanted more a CM comp that they could head cannon, or story reference catharsis possibly both
  4. I'll have you know I was trying to drink when I read that . Drinks are not good when inhaled.
  5. Oh dear he's going to need his Sith BF bodyguard . Maybe a change of address...
  6. There's been content not necessarily content that interests all of us but there has been content. Plus the behind the scenes, how the game runs, work. We do know an expansion is coming also .
  7. Such difficult decisions, does she go and antagonise her dear brother and most likely daddy's failed vacation home titled the outlander, or go and hide a present (think cat) in mother's room (you can thank Random_Ru for that image, Senya playing hunt the ungodly smell - where is it coming from?!).
  8. If we stop subbing how are they going to make new content? It's the problem with us more PVE story focused players, we're only subbing around new content (not all obviously, referring to general trends seen in forum) which doesn't really help fund new stuff, where as the PVP and guild focused ones are more likely to stay subbed all year round. It's fair that they're seeing some love. I kinda see subbing to the game like supporting an artist on patron monthly contribution to keep them doing what they do (and I love) It's not always going to be my thing but not everyone likes what I like. Mine will come round eventually, and yes if you can't afford/don't want to support what isn't aimed at you that's totally fair but we can't be surprised that the players that are subbed all year round are the focus, the game is a business after all it needs money to keep going. I think they are trying to keep things more balanced content type wise, But it leaves some of us with long pauses between relevant patches. Having no idea what we're waiting for doesn't help but announcing plans to soon leads to unhappiness in the forum/fan base to. I'm honestly not sure how they can win that one.
  9. -Sighs- I want a Thexan memorial/holo I can put next to my Vaylin one (I would rather they we're both alive, but I'm not rating my chances on that one). Gamephil was it you who said she liked Alderaan? I have Valky and Dramath chasing each other's tails some where off to the side. I'm not really sure about including him at all, but he was a huge influence in most of my fave character's lives...plus there's a certain poetry to it; there go fight your dad for all eternity. Like if Palpy was stuck in a room with Darth Plagueis. If they bring back companion talks and if any of her family have them maybe we can find out more about her, or learn if they had any kind of a funeral... Maybe she's prowling Odessen as a force ghost, messing with alliance members or just generally screwing with our pc/her brother/her mother.
  10. Oooooh so this is the default icon until the true Eshvara is returned? -panic over-
  11. There is no such thing as an interruption in the Hive -Dusk is perfectly capable of talking over the loudest of interjections- Errrrr ahem....Yes I just noticed this new Eshvara icon, the question is is it our Eshvara. This will require reconnaissance methinks. Do we have any agents handy? Edit: Also -waves- happy to see you Milishor!
  12. Ohhh so like class story then? Silent partners. Whelp I'd be happy to do some levelling when your up for it Need to create the character, but then can go whenever
  13. Class story is the main, and so long as it's not my character saying it, it might be somewhat of a relief My SW gets...frustrated by the constant distractions/interruptions. What about in Eternal Empire expansions? out of curiosity.
  14. Yup, but the character's we are learning it through are by nature unreliable narrators just because thats what they took away/observed from what happened, doesn't mean they're correct . I can give you a list of reasons it's a terrible mistake One, my brother refuses to game with me because of my penchant of stopping and looking at everything, plus my distractability. Two, I Listen to all convo's regardless of how many times I've seen them, I do all soloable missions. I'm also likely to redo convo's I didn't like the responses in. I'm recording main storyish ones. Third, I did mention my distractability right? I can go from owning mobs to bringing shame to my PC I also periodically forget what my keys do... There's a reason I only inflict myself on people I know But if that hasn't sent you running for the hills I'de be pleased to have a (sometimes) levelling buddy ..But I shan't hold you to it .
  15. Budget for advertising is usually a separate beast. It's always confused me when people say they'de prefer something be spent on one area or the other, as far as I understand budgets for different parts of a project are set from the start, removing from one area will not benefit another...It'll just go on what ever they do end up doing .
  16. In other news I've given up on my inquisitor and am now looking to do my main warrior (as opposed to my AltWarrior ) playthough...but I'm struggling for motivation , we've no idea when the next story instalment will be or what it will be about (except in the broadest sense) -sighs, falls over onto side- Edit:... Do you think we'll get a trailer with this next arc? -hopeful-
  17. but true to life. They are writing from different characters perspectives, their experiences of galaxy events, which creates this big patchwork of conflicting information that we/the character's have to eye ball for common themes/strands
  18. Oh good, not driving yourself mad then At least no more than is acceptable.
  19. I can't tell if your enjoying hypothesising or about to put your head through a wall if there's a specific point you want to talk though (for writing or whatever) I'm game As the gambling ads say `when it stops being fun, stop`. Guess it applies to lore to
  20. So there's been something I've been wondering about for a bit, Arcann doesn't feel able to go to Nathema because of the effect Valky had on the place. He thinks it will undo the precarious balance that the Voss ritual helped restore. So does that also mean that Ziost is out? Have I been taking him to missions on the wrong planet? Also is it specifically life consumed places, or are heavily darkside planets a bad idea too. I know that Odessen is fine and that's a equal light/dark planet. It made me start thinking about stronghold locations, the capitals for Imp/Rep are probably not a good idea for him, given recent history (if they have enough time between taking shots at each other of course...). Nar Shaddaa is probably fine , Tatooine to. Manaan ...I don't see why there would be a particular problem there, Yavin is a strongly darkside planet like Oricon (and one assumes Korriban) could pose a problem. Umbara... no idea, haven't even had a look at this one, but I don't think the planet itself poses any issues? Plus you are on a train (or so I'm told), -groans- I'm getting travel sick just thinking about it -has Assassin's Creed Syndicate flashbacks- . The upcoming Rishi one looks like it would be fine. -Hmmmmmmm-
  21. That's good to hear It's not overly philosophical, my SW is a more pragmatic applied knowledge type `-Frustrated sound- Act as you need to and know that the force, the galaxy, will do the same.` - My SW. A promise and threat in one, he's thrifty like that .
  22. For those of you on the PTS server, what do you think of the changes? I know a few of you were disappointed with the Rishi SH, does it help?
  23. -Laughs- Is it bad that I can hear my SW's response to this discussion in my head
  24. Check, also added. I have you down for Theron's and Lana's .
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