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Everything posted by RandomName_Ru

  1. After seeing many of your posts and spoiling myself with the things to come, I suspect your fun writing is not just "good", it's a bloody work of genius compared to the conclusion of the traitor arc.
  2. Bah. With the amount of a** pulls incoming, Vaylin suddenly popping up and wanting to join Commander will not phase me now. *grimly stares into the distance
  3. Remember I was ranting about bad fanfiction? This is the level of BW storytelling now.
  4. I suddenly have a headache. This is... pathetic. Theron lovers... you deserve better. We all do.
  5. After listening to the dialog for a second time, I am not sure Ashara talks about power in terms of DPS. She talks about being able to make her own decisions, not being the blind follower. Then she joins you on Taris, she do it because she is lost and can not decide for herself what to do (and following SI is so much easer then explaining to Jedi what exactly happened in Enclave). A child. Now she wants to join as someone who is in control of her own life. An adult. Is it such a terrible crime? Granted, DS Sith will be even more furious and will kill her on spot. This is there the alert failed. Still, not in favor of the kill option. A fight and flee scene for Ashara would be more appropriate methinks. Thankfully, for my non DS SI the light/neutral approach worked pretty well. “Ashara, you finally broke your chains! Took you long enough. Erm, no, why would I want your help? By-by!”
  6. Now I want to play the Smuggler and hit every flirt option... And I disliked Smuggler the most. I wounder why .
  7. It used to melt ice over one datacron on Hoth.
  8. Yes, a typical Dark Councilor, second only to Vitiate in power... At least thats what the game says. If your Agent written it in a report after dealing with Jadus no wounder he got a free tour to that Castellian facility. I think it is a good old power creep and gameplay and story segregation. All bosses in class stories are a joke now and if BW would dare to let Jadus (or any of the other bosses) be as strong as he is supposed to be, some players would complain. A lot. I would call English version swoonworthy if not for the voice acting and dialog which gave me chills. It is so... creepy, calm and evil somehow. "Why do I feel like I am about to die?"
  9. Former bad guys who turned good . Edit: am I the only one who feels that our last “shame on you!” visitor is not doing his forum icon any justice? If Jadus would post here, I suspect we would be blown away by the sheer intelligence, awesomeness, craziness, sophistication and sithiness of his rant... And after having a mental breakdown, we probably go full DS, convert Arcann and start spreading the democracy of fear all over Universe!
  10. I knew that there is something wrong . Asmodesu, stop! You Force Choke Paul and he enjoys it! The audacity! He must be punished. Mind trick him into doing dishes in a white frilly apron with pink hearts and "Kiss the Jedi!" slogan on it?
  11. Should I point out that you unconsciously Force Choke Paul in the background or not? Decisions, decisions...
  12. One of the following: a) Male physiology is even more complicated and weird then I thought. Arm is vital, there is an additional sensory body part AKA "antenna" somewhere... b) Zakuulans are a very distant offshot of humans. c) Paul needs to refresh his biology. Like in that old dirty joke: “And I was using it to crack walnuts!” I am probably not . Edit. Oh. Another update delay? *sign
  13. Oh my... “Misery” by Steven King, anyone? Is it even possible to do seriously? My willing suspension of disbelief is pretty flexible (considering the thread I am in), but Vaylin... Ok, we do have a time travel via Rebels cannon, but divergences is a big “no”, right? And even if your evil Sith Lord will screw the rules, how would they stay alive around Vaylin for any respectable period of time? By being more powerful (if it is even possible)? She will hate them for caging her and pounce at the first opportunity. And she will need a very serious motivation to even consider allying herself with anyone. And this will have to be some longterm goal, so killing Senya do not count (or it will be a very short story). A common enemy strong enough to give Vaylin pause? Riiiigth . If you will go “only mostly dead” way (SI did pull that off with Thanaton after all), she will still need a reason to not break PC neck. I can see Vaylin as a restless Force Ghost haunting the Spire (or PC head, even if SI will probably be more annoyed then exited). Don't get me wrong, I think Vaylin had so much potential... And her death was rushed. She deserved better (as all other characters in explanations). But it have to be an awesome writing to make her return good and I am not sure devs have the spark, desire and resources for that. I am not sure that a "Pet Cemetry" version of her will do her any justice.
  14. By this forum logic, one companion can get screen-time only by devouring another companion resources. So... Senya, Arcann and Ashara are not a good sacrifice considering that they already joined the silent ranks of crafting pets . Jaessa on the other hand... I heard she is DS only, so I will send her your way, Paul!
  15. Eviiiiiil. And so much better then "I can not be angry at you. Because it will create a story branch devs will not be able to deal with. So, I am going to be a Love Martyr and wish you the best. I am sorry you dumped me. See you around!" I read "hate of the galaxy" first . Poor Outlander. Ah, so this is what happened to the Black Hole and Section X quest givers. *Is secretly torn between pointing and laughing, giving a poor SF player a hug and swooning
  16. While this is true, it have been at the start of the SoR. Lots of time have passed. Now in game they are set up as Fire Forged Friends who relay on each other. So... Working alone and trust issues should be dealt with, no? I was thinking about that too... But it shows such a lack of understanding how One-Man/Woman Army may react if their ally/friend/lover betrayed them, that it is beyond stupid. And not taking in consideration that PC may have some loyal followers who may have an issue with this betrayal and politely ask in a lovely letter if PC would like Therons head... Well, I can see Theron doing it (he is more of a tactician), but Lana (who is a strategist) being on it? Is she not the “wise” and "pragmatic"?!
  17. I did try to think why PC is kept in the dark by Theron (and Lana if she is on it)... And the only valid reason is if PC somehow endanger the plan to infiltrate the Order and lure out the traitor. Now for why the PC can be the weak link – I am at the loss. It's not like they are stupid enough to broadcast a “THERON IS A DOUBLE AGENT” across the Galaxy or spill the beens in the cantina to the first random stranger. Are they? So... It have to be a brilliant reason! Or a flashback to the PC, Theron and Lana coming up with the plan, discussing pros and cons and all agreeing to go for it. P.S. Maybe Theron suspects Lana? She obviously is not the traitor (duh ), but he could suspect her. IDK...
  18. *Points at Vitiate, Six Gods of Zakuul and Firebrand. Being evil a***hole seem like a perquisite to be worshiped by Zakuulans. Wanna bet that Zildrog will be a total opposite of small cuddly loving warm LS 5 carebear? Seriously, what is wrong with Zakuulans?
  19. *Walks in, raises an eyebrow. We are The Hive. We sent agents to infiltrate Order of Vaylin to ensure they will not do anything nasty to the object of our affection. Agents assimilated Paul. Not sure what for, he never liked Arcann, but ok. Now The Hive have a symbiotic connection with Order of Vaylin. And you know what that mean... A mind is usually a terrible thing to read, but seriously Paul? Thats a waste of good chocolate, Ortolans do not work like that, by this rate you will need a new screen and that idea will land you in a medbay with droids making fun of you! Since Vaylineers would love nothing more then to see the galaxy burn, a new Overmind is trying to emerge... What was that Zildrog thingy again? *Googles Zildrog ...Oh my. I suggest nuking it from the orbit. *Cherfully waves at Dusk. Bugs? My favorite!
  20. Ermm, are you talking about cutenesses or ingame animations? Is it too sexy or not feminine enough?
  21. Was thinking about it myself... On the one hand, it will be nice to clear up the ranks a little bit. On the other, all of my toons have at least one lvl 50 companion and loosing any of them is not something I enjoy from a time and gifts spent perspective. "SCORPIO, you metal piece of junk! Give my gifts back! Ashara, you little twit! Same! And KHEEEEEEEEEEEEM, my morose monster! Give him back NOW!" And as someone already mentioned, some companions will not want to go to the other side. Pierce, Jorgan, MX-4X, Dorne, Quinn, Rusk, Zenith to name a few. Even Lana and Theron.
  22. I hope that BW will not muck up Theron's possible return. And if all of it was a cunning plan of Lana and Theron, I hope Commander will be able to call them out - in a way that fits PC alignment - including neutral.
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