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Everything posted by Maxumus

  1. That was my thought too. I created a new player on PTS to test and the group finder while not able to queue shows both hutta and korriban as content able to be selected would make it easier to get content done such as the heroics.
  2. At the rate they are going they have over half the servers already up for transfers in a little over a day. They should easily have all up by Friday afternoon
  3. Is the pattern we saw yesterday of 4ish hours between each new batch going to be standard or could be see some change in that based on how the servers 'stablize' meaning longer/shorter waits
  4. Ah sorry. Didn't see it on the main page and posted as I found it. I kinda think there are 2 on balmorra but just a guess. I have a level 50 pub on PTS so I will give that a search too
  5. NO they didn't they stated that a FAQ would be released on tuesday when transfers went live as they were not releasing the server list of origin/destinations in the event of any last minute changes.
  6. This already exists in game. If you would like your companion to attack your target you can hit CTRL-1 (or the first button in the companion mini toolbar bottom left of your screen) to attack whatever you are attacking. If you are CCing and want your companion to not break it you can also hit your ~ key to bring up the companion full toolbar and uncheck any aoe abilities so they will only use single target attacks.
  7. SWTOR's twitter pointed to a Q&A from march stating extra slots would be implemented at some point. I know I would benefit. I currently have 6 50s and 2 30s so I will be capped soon (yay unemployment) I could use the extra spaces.
  8. It doesn't matter where you are going. As they have already said you will only get ONE destination server. Everyone on your server will end up in the same place.
  9. I like the group finder but feel a couple more options could be added. They should consider allowing you to queue up for world bosses relevent to your level in addition to just the planetary content especially with the newer quests which require killing them.
  10. In 1.3 On Balmorra (imperials only) Unusual egg spawn at -1781 137. Go into the lake where Grandfather is and head north you should hit an exhaustion zone and on your right will be a little alcove off the lake. There are 2 nests there but I am unsure if there are eggs at both or just 1. When I arrived only 1 egg was spawned
  11. Does this include East/West coast for US servers? I was hoping to move to a west coast since I mostly play during West coast primetime so more players would be available. Or is coast not taken into account?
  12. There are 3 RP-PVP in both US and EU servers. Highest pop will most likely be destination other 2 becoming origin servers. I doubt they will change it from Rp-PVP to PVP since they did state server choice will be honored.
  13. They stated today guild would not be transferred would be disbanded and needed to be reformed upon transfer. QSRs could reinstate guild banks though once the guild is remade on the new server.
  14. The wording makes it seem like it will be 1 at a time but I'm sure they will let all characters of yours transfer. I'm thinking you just need to wait until your first character completes the transfer then queue the next.
  15. Is there any chance guildmates could be split between servers during the transfers unwillingly if their origin server has a couple different options. Or will the players transferring be able to choose and ensure they stick together
  16. Jedi Covenant is your best bet. It is always Heavy-Full during primetime and most often does not ever drop below Standard.
  17. Any chance of new titles being added for testing 1.3 like they had with 1.2. Me and some others thought it was a nice touch to the testing.
  18. Since 1.3 is a content light patch compared to 1.2 and not much to test (unless of course new things got added) I expect a short testing period probably no more than 2 weeks putting 1.3 release around June 19th.
  19. I'm looking forward to all of this. I'm just hoping they will also implement some new character slots in some way as well since a lot of us have already used our 8.
  20. they never stated when it will come in. They just stated it is coming. They could have level increase not hit until december which is a year from release which isn't too bad for an MMO
  21. Keep in mind they may not allow transfers to your new server. While we don't have any new information yet with full servers (fatman and jedi covenant) they already experience heavy volume and occasionally hit 'full' It does not make sense to open them up to a mass influx of players causing long queue times. Unless they significantly raise server caps I would consider a backup plan just in case.
  22. I got this message. Immediately logged in again and it worked. I would try a couple more times.
  23. There was a Q&A a couple months back that stated more items would be added to the C.E vendor.
  24. Everything on that IGN video had already been on the forums in a Q&A, forums posts, etc. The only difference was the IGN video consolidated information that was already out to the community in 1 video. It was not new information
  25. It's not an account wide perk. It's a 1 char only perk. Source: Hover over where it says 'coming in 1.3' and it clearly states it is only available for the char that purchases it.
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