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Everything posted by Clone_Enforcer

  1. Get over yourselves. Get a life. Period.
  2. The harbinger has that every week. Same guilds on first place. Getting tired of seeing their names pop every time I'm on a planet minding my business. Got any guilds doing the same on this server? I would really appreciate if someone can tell me if there's actually an off switch for the heads up display popping on who conquered the planet. I really don't care about conquest other than getting the rewards for the week for material/item reasons.
  3. I like thick females, but not THAT thick. x)
  4. Our new commando ability lasts within a few seconds and our cooldown for it is 2 minutes. That's a fair bargain for us. Since we need to stand still in order to activate our healing abilities than compared to other classes. I had to put up with 3 siths trying to take me down while doing my best to stay alive. There's a reason why they wear heavy armor in the first place. Not a single class needs to get nerfed at this point. Just as long as premades don't abuse the system. Otherwise, we're gonna have a problem to the point where they need a time out. Literally.
  5. I'm more of a fan on the thickness of female legs, hips, and glutes. Mmm....
  6. I did the survey and when I got to the last part when they wanted more comments, I typed in more then 1400 key words. I had to subtract until I reached around 400 keywords. I had a moment where I had great ideas to make the game better but now they aren't gonna get it. All I put was make the reward system equal for players going solo with 3 companions out in flashpoints, with HUDs. I'm getting tired of waiting for this mode to happen. And it really needs to be a challenge. Bought so many packs and got cool gear and I want to have a theme going with my squad looking like they are part of Zakuul or Havoc Squad or the Jedi Order.
  7. Here's where I would accept cross faction: - Huttball - Arenas - Odessen Proving grounds All this makes sense since the expansion of "Knights of the Fallen Empire." Anyone who thinks this is against story reasons is either ignorant or has not even played the latest expansion yet, or is just trolling (poor guy needs to get a life like literally). The down part was when they made adjustments with the queue time and results for Odessen proving grounds. It use to pop a lot but the main reason was because most players were queueing warzones on the empire side and not the republic side. They complained they keep getting the map but that's their fault for queueing empire every time. They complained and preferred that they get a less chance on getting that map and got their wish. They just want to be the bad guys for the rest of their life. They hate losing and they are sore losers when they don't accept losing as a stepping stone to success. They see failure as a despair while the good guys see it as an opportunity to doing good. So what I'm saying in general is that if cross factions get implemented, we're mostly gonna see players in their empire toons outnumbering Republic toons. And I hate that. It's yucky and depressing to be near most of them in their imp toons.
  8. You're right. This and giving players the option to ignore to other players accounts instead of their alternative characters. This is getting out of hand especially with the huge list of alternate characters within guilds and ignore lists. If they are able to increase characters slots and make legacy names appear within guilds, why not just make it simple by taking legacies to account? They were able to simplify the class stats by replacing class stats with mastery and getting rid of expertise, why not add legacy ignore instead of alternate characters? It just makes life a lot easier. I know swtor will be a bit better if this was implemented.
  9. I only see them execute their suppression fire ability to 1.5 seconds. I want to see it last to 3 seconds. That's what they use to do before "the Shadow of Revan" expansion was released. Where's the love of animation for crying out loud?
  10. Been waiting for too long. You got alternate skins for the annihilator droid and the nexu but not the warbot or the QO-77? What's the hold up? Give them Republic droid skins already!
  11. They might make it available when they release the HK Pack next year. They might include the bonus chapter in that pack as an unlock like the way Section X works. They might even put HK - 55 as the companion unlock as well there within the HK Pack.
  12. 3 companion mode in flashpoints, with HUDs. NOW.
  13. I thought Uprisings was gonna give me the opportunity to have 3 companions out and get into the action with three of their HUDs out. I thought they were gonna get more abilities like they did before "The Shadow of Revan" expansion was released. Instead you half implement that in the new KOTET expansion. What's the hold up? Are you just teasing me? I spent over 300 dollars into this game thinking you guys would pay the favor in return with the suggestions I've made about 3 companion modes, with HUDs. Are you gonna do it or not? If not, then thanks for wasting my time and money from day one. I don't see myself in this game anymore after all I've been through. I was hoping to have a good bye if you happen to implement this suggestion so I can say to myself "my job is done, and I had a half good time.... HALF good time. Now I can move on." But instead it's gonna be "What a waste of time. I should've just bought a PS4 instead this year. There was so many games I missed out on since the PS3. Now I need to wait until Christmas and see what happens next. I'm not gonna wait another year anymore on this game. I'm done. I hope I can move on with my life until then." So there you have it. What's it gonna be Bioware? 3 companion mode or no 3 companion mode, with HUDs?
  14. DO IT! Make one Light appearance customization and one dark appearance customization for each companion that can't use gear like M1-4X and T7. Same for Bowdaar and the Star fortress companions! DO IT SOON!!!
  15. Only the good shall prosper from where they reap. Period.
  16. I got better results with my commando since this game update on the eternal thrones. I would hate to see it go away with a major nerf on their abilities and utilities. I remember having a match this week when I had a rough time staying alive when 3 sith juggernauts/assassins/marauders, or 4; I can't recall, were ganging up on me in the middle of the ancient pylon warzone. I had only one guy in the middle of the map doing his own thing on my team while 3 or 4 siths were trying to eliminate me. I had a rough time because of their stuns and interrupts on my healing abilities. I had to use other abilities that helped me stay around a little longer while waiting for back up to arrive but turned out they were trying to regain control of a pylon that my enemies had stole. It's still tough to be a one man army as a commando but this new expansion made it a whole lot better for my commando. Please do not get rid or nerf my commandos utilities or abilities. PLEASE!!!
  17. It's the player community's fault. They need to stop one siding with empire faction in pvp servers. I moved out of there a long time ago because of their major trollage boast on empire side and in general. You guys wanna increase population? Start being nice for once and for the rest of your lives. No one wants to be next to a self-centered ego person.
  18. Dang, never thought of that. Although, I kind of wouldn't care because I'm not one of those people that take this game too seriously as if I'm actually in the game.
  19. You must've missed her " Elara Dorne Disapprove" description whenever you make such decisions like that.
  20. Hahahah! Even I'm not that desperate for something like that. I wouldn't mind having a second wife besides Elara Dorne.
  21. The fallen empire was both the Republic and the empire. Both of those factions fell against Valkorian's faction: The Eternal Empire. The Knights are the new alliance that was formed by the Republic and the empire to rebel against the Eternal Empire because of Valkorian, aka The Emperor.
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