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Everything posted by Clone_Enforcer

  1. Not worth your time dude. Everyone prefers the bad guy faction to win. I hate the empire. They are scum. Wish this game dies.
  2. They should create a better window for crew skills because it's a drag when I click another scavenge icon on another companion from the left window and the list resets at the right of the crew skill scavenge window. I don't like using that mini drop down list to pick a certain companion on the right crew skill window. It should just be one unified crew skill window like the one that lets us open the list that displays our companions with their descriptions, stats, and roles.
  3. The colors on their outfits aren't unified in the alliance base, in the starship, during cut scenes from KOTFE chapters and if I apply my crafted ones from my commando to an empire companion, they don't show the alternative version, faction wise, during cut scenes and even guild strongholds. Even Treek's and HK-51's aren't showing their altered appearance customization in the KOTFE chapters and other cutscenes like during conversations.
  4. So I have her out and when I apply the fortification buff on her, her buffs turned to the dark side. Her buffs turned into the ones that an empire character would receive. Either fix this, or give me an option to banish her for life and give me a refund. Or give me a replacement, either way I can't have her being influenced by the dark side this way. Not at my side.
  5. There's a actually a bug in the heroic area from the black hole where when you meet the 2nd to last boss they enemies have there head tucked into their collar bones while their hair is just floating.
  6. If I had to guess again, I think they are gonna improve group finder like giving us more options on who to randomly queue with. That and do improvements or add better opportunities to the old flashpoints like Colicoid war games and the red reaper and other ones that haven't gotten much affect on them for level sync reasons.
  7. Body type 5 should have the height of body type 2 and the thinness of body type 1 Body type 6 should have the height of body type 3 and the thickness of body type 4.
  8. Hey did, any of you guys played Star wars: Revenge of the sith video game that came out before it was released in theatres? I thought it was cool with the types of droids I had to face as Obiwan Kenobi or Anakin Skywalker. They had some really cool super battle droids that had awesome upgrades. Hopefully Bioware can adapt some of that from that game and apply it to this crafting droid option. They would look so awesome!
  9. Guess what droid I'm gonna craft if this were to happen? Somebody ask me now!!!
  10. Maybe Dr. Oggurrob took the Force Enclave members hostage and fed some of them to the new Dashade that you've just recruited a while ago. Dashades eat force users for breakfast from what I've learned.
  11. If poaching other guilds members is no considered an exploit, then ninja looting must not be an exploit.
  12. Ahahahahaha. Eeeeeeewwwww. That is so sadistic as hell...!!! xD Nah, but that's sad though. And gross....
  13. MAKE IT RAAAAAIIINNN!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVeu7jREUnU
  14. Lol. I see what you did there. :^)
  15. This isn't EA/Bioware's fault, it's the PVP community in general.
  16. Hm... I wonder why...? Could it be the PVP community...on the PVP server?
  17. That's because their lack of skills, which you guys claim not me, in PVP is not considered an exploit.... Unless they happen to hack and cheat that would supposedly make up for it, then that's a whole other story.
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