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  1. Don't get me wrong I LOVE bioware, They have done an amazing job on creating games and stories for them but I just came back to swtor after like a year or so ago and the reason I left last time was exactly the same problem we are having now. our servers is dying and they STILL haven't done anything about it? They needed to have either do what WoW is doing which is have the phase in open world thing AND All Q you go into are across more then just one server OR Do what ESO has which is a mega server. They could have just made a mega server for us all to be in. This whole problem with dying servers is unacceptable! Its gone far to long and they need to do something to FIX the problem not bandage it up and get same problem again in 1 year from now. Its really messed up that they haven't done anything for these dying servers in this whole time I was gone, instead they rather let the servers die and milk the players who want to play the game by FORCING them to spend about 10$ worth of cartel coins. Just so they can play their game. so I say to everyone in a dying server lets unsub and never resub again UNTIL they FIX this problem that has been going on over a year. IF we do all unsub and not resub they will QUICKLY wake up and do something about it I can promise you that.
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