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Everything posted by DomiSotto

  1. Here are some Real Life Screenshots for you, that's what actually happens in GSF, not in an artificially arranged match : 3/16 people have >5 medals, both screenies from tonight, and those are what I bothered to take, the rest was not much different. I did a weekly with 1 win, 5 losses & it took about 2 hours of queueing. I had 5 medals in a winning game flying a Razor around a sat and rushing one of the ships that get over, so if the mark is lowered to 5 medals, I'd get Conquest points for one zone out of 6. I played 2 zones on each of my Razorwire, Gunship and Sting. That's what I see whenever I queue up. 5 medals is leet in my GSF. http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t502/Melirinda/SWTOR/Screenshot_2016-03-01_22_16_02_523047.jpg http://i1063.photobucket.com/albums/t502/Melirinda/SWTOR/Screenshot_2016-03-01_21_03_38_052245.jpg And I don't mind it. I mind all those folks endlessly telling everyone how it is so easy to do stuff that is actually pretty darn hard.
  2. What I am trying to say is that I am seriously doubting it that locking the Conquest points essentially saying: "Nah, you suck to much to get anything," is not going to make the GSF any more appealing. You already have to wait till a certain time of evening to queue for GSF, then sit in a queue for 10-20 imnutes. I honestly have no idea why folks don't care for it, it is a fun game, but well, they just do not. I don't think more GSF points gonna solve that. In truth, I just want it to stay the way it is, a status quo. And, yes, I am doing all that, trying to get a capture points, and all that jazz (except usually they are waiting for you at every sat and kills you, and if you try a Gunship, you get shot even faster unless your team facerolls; then you will have troubles getting a shot out in time, everything will be dying before your charge is finished, and yes, that's whith changes the power to engine, shields and guns). What I see is plenty of people with 0 medals when one guy gets 25 kills or something, and that getting medals in GSF is far harder than in the ground game. That's what I see, and I have no intention of posting screenshots because... well, I don't really see the point. Who on Earth cares. I am fine the way things are. Just leave it be, don't try to mess things up and cut people deeper than needed, and tell them that the suckers don't get even frigging useless points.
  3. Five-six medals?! OMG, I am lucky to get one if I am not on a bomber in a 3 satellite games & we actually managed to capture a Sat. If that rule was in effect, cutting off at 5-6 medals, I'd get zero conquest points for playing GSF ever. Two is GREAT! I can't remember off-hand if I even have seen 5 or 6! EVAR. Four assists are very hard, because the ship you are hitting has to get killed. And you have to land a shot before it gets killed. And for the next medal, you have to double the Assists, which means 8 ships has to go down. I've done over 10K damage a few times, and even then I had maybe 2 medals. And, yes, hanging around satellites on a bomber is the only easy way to get medals. That's what I said. Is that what you'd like us all to do? Hang around sats no matter what is going on? As a raw beginner, I can also tell you that my lifespan is insufficient to gain a defense medal if two Gunships are covering for one another. My only chance at a medal is to shoot at the turret before I die. Having anything upgraded to Tier 4 is not a raw beginner! I think I don't even have it on my very first ship, the Blackbolt yet, because it's like 10K ship comms! I am happy to have step 1 and 2 upgraded. Seriously, guys, I know what I am talking about, 'cause I am a noob, and I see what I see.
  4. I am surprised that you would say this after asserting that the Operatives are not hard to play for an average player. I started PvP with a clueless Dirty Fighting GS, and managed, except in arenas. I could not even level a DPS Scop, I've respeced back to heals at level 28 or something. The melee AC is by far harder than the ranged on this class. If I had to pick between the two DPS there, I'd pick GS over Scop, just not the Sharpshooter.
  5. if this game doesn't miss something right now, it's companions. You, like, can't spit without hitting one. There are so many of them, you can't even remember their names. Bleh.
  6. DomiSotto

    A PvP a Day...

    Lol, like a proper tank.... (Sorry, I am still bitter about the loss of tankiness in PvP) We can try giving Discord a shot, but we still scatter too much. I will also need to gear up my healer, so I can free Lhance up to DPS and so we can swap comps from trinity to T/3D. Comms will come, but creds... eww. I tried Yavin, and it is hopeless. I will run dumb Heroics or buy something from cc shop to sell for creds.
  7. DomiSotto

    A PvP a Day...

    There is a lot of work involved before we achieve Evil.
  8. Well, when I am carried too too much, I don't get medals either because by the time I wheel around and get into the shooting range or charge my guns, Poof! The target is already gone, and there goes my Assist to Be. I jump out of my skin to get a kill or 4 assists for even 1 medal. The bomber gets medals for flying in circles and taking pot-shots at anything that comes to them. The only downside is that it is boring. If the tangible benefit of getting Conquest points (and some credits for meeting that goal) is tied to medals, I will be doing what will overall net me the most pluses for the time invested. Right now when I actually play GSF (which I did not for over a week, 'cause other stuff is more of a priority), I try to switch ships to get the bonus comms, because it is a tangible benefit. It is a good one, because it encourages trying different roles. Conquest points tied to medals is a poor choice, since so many people end up without, BUT there IS an easy way to get 'em AND everyone choosing it is probably not ideal at all.
  9. I agree. The whole Faction separation was really just a way to recolor 4 classes into 8, and create some silly extra gearing requirements, plus complicate the queues. Cross-faction warzone was perfectly great in the cross-factional aspect of it, and it would make life so much easier if all the group content was like that. It should be possible to group up with the friends on whatever alt you want. And no more grinding out two left sides or second MH/OH. And, of course it should be cross-server, the grouping, the content. If I have an alt, it should be good enough to play regionally. It is silly to have to transfer or level every bloody class again if I want to play with someone on another server. Any measures that reduce the need to create MOAR alts will relieve the pressure on the system. Seriously, I have 25 characters on two servers, and I play 3 or 4. And that's a very modest legacy size. It is just so wasteful.
  10. DomiSotto

    A PvP a Day...

    That's when I discovered that I moved off the resource regeneration buff to an obscure bind prematurely. Offhealing costs on a Sorc DPS despite it being so amazing.
  11. I am not big on Conquests, but from what I have seen in ground PvP, extra points for win is not an incentive to try. Conquesters that have no interest in pvP, ground or space, would rather AFK for free points, than work for extra. As for medals, well, you will be penalizing the folks that earnest try. Unless I am on a bomber, I don't get any medals in a lot of my matches, and I sure as heck try hard. Unlike ground PvP where 8 medals is a baseline, I quite often see teams with over half the team getting 0 medals. Tbh, I had no problems getting personal Conquest done on a PvP character, but even on that week when the conquest was all about GSF, I only got like 11K points on my GSF toon. GSF's appeal in terms of 'getting things' is super-easy XP, & nothing else that I can think of. To be honest, people that feel like they 'have to' do something in the game ain't going to do it with a consistency necessary to sustain the player base.
  12. DomiSotto

    A PvP a Day...

    Ha-ha, no worries, we channeled nothing but goodness after you've left having been routed in two or three matches in a row. Speaking of the OP opponents, that Sin tank in the NC was crazy good. Well, it helped that his two friends showed up in time, but oh, well, he was wearing down our one Sorc there to nothing, then we barely managed to hold him off when he came from death and I well, kited for my life, but yeah, when his buddies showed up, it was game over, call or no call. And, I can't believe I traipsed to support West after the whole rhetoric on the importance of staying together. I'll be trying to make it today, but I might not in time, 'cause RL. Apologies in advance.
  13. Ah, no. If I stand strong on one side long enough, my superior rock-solid noobness will make the winds and the tides shift! Thus the Balance is restored. It's all me! Seriously, I am afraid of many things, but having my pixels wiped out in a computer game ain't one of them. Like, even multiple times. A new player strongly benefits from sticking to one character. There is no advantages at all to play more than that. So, well, looking out for number one in GSF means sticking to it till you start packing the punch.
  14. Oh, boy. This is going to be an interesting week. I was just about to have enough geld to get That Second Bomber That Can Heal People.
  15. Well, I do my very best to tone it down on the Imperial side! I bring balance! Yep, that's it, that's what I do. Balance is my middle name.
  16. The class quest line is locked out on a level 60 toon that is purchased. You can however level your character easily enough by playing just the class story and doing dailies of just one of the following: GSF or Heroics. You might need a bit more ground PvP to keep up with the levels, but GSF certainly floods you with XP. You can get all the gear you need if you decide to pick one of the abandoned characters by doing heroics, starting with Ord Mantel and Coruscant. It will even transfer you to the planet/starting point for free I hope this helps.
  17. I believe that in a certain zone(s) one can start capping a node, then PW away, and the cap will continue, essentially allowing a cap from 60 m away without the opposition being able to interrupt a player in time, as s/he is out of range.
  18. DomiSotto

    A PvP a Day...

    Only if they are not matched against another premmie or a competent pug. And to ensure that a premmie fights a premmie, or a competent pug, one gotta learn how to play in a premmie. (Shrug) I want to learn to add my efforts' to other players correctly. And, yeah, as simple as it sounds, I really want to get that one thing first, stay together & target one guy.
  19. DomiSotto

    A PvP a Day...

    Yep, I get it too, but I think I also can't help but love the love that did go into that map. But it's kind of blind and deaf love that seems to ignore the sore points. It is the most elaborate PvP toy to date. It almost feels like it was an Operation set-up married with PvP. A lot of it feels like it needs the raid and TS to work really good. I can almost hear one of my raid leads going: split by frame, Player X you're on buffs, etc. So, it is funny that they picked this 'pug really sucks vs premmie' map for cross-faction. Stealth being less useful on the map for objectives I guess might relate to the frustrations of an Average Joe. But the infinite defense capability of a tank-heals pair though.... Anyway, I am game for going back to last week's last page and trying to shoot what you guys are shooting and kill a target fast.
  20. I drop when my team starts being obnoxious towards one another. I came to expect nothing but the worst from the premmies, but if my own team cannot grasp the simple fact that we fought together, we lost together, well, I have better things to do than to stay there.
  21. The one thing to consider is that DPS produced by each player is a variable dependent on the support the player gets, and the comparative strength of the teams facing one another. Your average player with some grasp of his class/awareness of what other players are doing in a group of all DPS will put out 1-1.5K DPS, but is capable to almost double that in a group of 6 DPS + 2 heals of a similar quality. If the opposition is far stronger than the pug, or the pug is fighting under numbered, that number will drop to 0.3-0.8K DPS. It takes by far more proficient player to put out the 2K+ numbers independently of the opposition's comp and support.
  22. That's an awesome idea, and the SL population is lucky bastards to have this on offer. HM is really odd. The EV/KP is indistinguishable from the SM in difficulty. The SnV is okayish till the last boss. All the other ones for me was the 'first boss down and that's it'. I'd really love to know how to break through the 'second boss is 2 HARD' syndrome There should almost be a Second Boss guide.
  23. Play-style and demand on the player imo. I play Serenity and would not touch Infiltration because it requires incredible reflexes and needs to play off-nodes taking/dueling rather than defense or putting pressure with the rest of the team. It takes a high skill cap to be good in 1 vs 1 imo.
  24. DomiSotto

    A PvP a Day...

    Oh, just saw Tait's post: http://www.swtor.com/community/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=8840093 So, wait till they fix things then go back to PTS
  25. DomiSotto

    A PvP a Day...

    Yeah, not having LoS on the off-nodes was my other concern as well, as now you simply have no idea what is going on on each of the 5 nodes, you have no way to take a shoulder check. EDIT: Anyway, just wanted to say I am back from the dead and will try to catch up with you folks on the Ebon, Empire.
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