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Posts posted by ForfiniteStories

  1. My Female Trooper did not receive an option to kill Kaliyo. She disobeyed my order and went in to "help" Aric Jorgan, but when they returned, the best that I could do was expel her from the Alliance. I know this options exists, but I did not receive it, therefore I suspect that it is a bug.
  2. If you're a new player, I highly recommend flying the Flashfire. It doesn't require upgrades or skill for it is already perfect. And if someone manages to take you down, know that it is of no fault of yours; they were simply cheating. Unless, of course, it is another Flashfire. In that case, they are not a cheater, but a traitor! Try not to get mad about it though, like I have done from time to time. They had no other choice as it is impossible to best a Flashfire otherwise.
  3. An annual subscription would be great. You pay more up front, but end up saving in the long run. Bioware and EA also have the assurance that the individual will remain subscribed for at least a year. If such an option would be available, I'd likely renew my subscription as the current plans are too pricey for my tastes given that I am no longer as active or interested in the game as I used to be. Being spared a few more dollars per month ought to sway me.


    I wouldn't argue against a lifetime subscription either. Star Trek Online has that. I don't know why, but they do. Silly me actually purchased it while it was on special without having any idea of what I was getting into, but I've been around SWTOR long enough to better estimate the value in such a purchase for said title.

  4. I like the Spoils of War. it has many excellent ideas. Tacticals I think one of the best additions to the game in recent years. Having more than one buildout option is also pretty nice - though it still seems to distill to one meta these days.


    The funny thing about that, is that even though ESO's multitude of bonus sets are far more interesting than SWTOR's (6) Pick Your Nose 2% faster bonus sets, it suffers from that very same problem. It's nice that there are so many cool ways to gear your characters in that game, but what's the point if every group and their mother, and perhaps the content itself even, requires a specific build? Essentially, I have all these characters to play, but no game to play them with.


    Ideally, for SWTOR, the sets need to be more interesting, provide more character, and the content need not be too difficult for any set to overcome. I prefer though if they got rid of the whole variety of set bonuses thing, and designed specific sets for specific specialization like pre-6.0. It's just easier for everyone that way.


    My tinfoil guess is that they hope that you accidently choose the wrong set, thereby providing Bioware with more playtime by regrinding the one you actually need. Which happened to me. And ticked me buttocks off, causing me to despise the system enough to stop playing... the complete opposite of what Bioware ought to desire?

  5. The class design in this game is ...interesting to say the least. I despise the ability bloat myself, the over-abundance of abilities that don't seem to need to exist, and there are indeed some classes I cannot play worth a darn. Rotations seem to be more complicated than they need to be.


    Yet, I see other players do very well in some of these specs. To the contrary, some of the specs I'm good at, others aren't, which surprises me.


    While I am not a huge fan of the class design, I do find it interesting how different people handle different specs with varying competency. In a way, this is good class design; each specialization speaks to different people, and it allows players to represent themselves in different ways. I'm the Annihilation Marauder. He's the Innovative Ordnance Mercenary. We're both good players in that regard, yet we'd be terrible at playing as each other's specs.

  6. I built a computer in 2013. Spent 2014 experimenting with various MMOs and as a result, discovered SWTOR early that year. Played others on and off throughout the years since then, but it was SWTOR I decided to main and thus SWTOR I decided to stick with. I am a fan of Star Wars, but also many other things, so it wasn't because SWTOR is Star Wars that drew me in, though that may have been a part of it.


    As a matter of fact, SWTOR got me back into Star Wars--I was dealing with so much beforehand, that I felt like I had just crawled out from under a rock. I didn't even know who Revan was before SWTOR, for example. If only real life didn't get in the way, I would have been geeking out years prior. Heck, I remember enthusiastically following the development of the KOTOR games and Star Wars Galaxies, but never actually getting around to playing them (except the Beta for the latter.)


    The atmosphere, aesthetic, music, storytelling, voice acting, customization, crafting, gearing, leveling, the freedom to be whoever you wanted with so many unique classes and class stories and multiple dialogue options with varying outcomes, were most of what drew me in. Pretty much everything really. It just felt so fun and looked so cool. My characters were brought to life more than any other MMORPG could manage, which drew me into the world and made it seem so real.


    To me, SWTOR has lost a lot of its charm since then; a lot of what I liked about it isn't the same. While I no longer play SWTOR as often, I am certain I'll drop by every now and then, like I have done so just recently for example. And I'll continue to stalk the forums and reddit too. Other games may have my interest for the time being, but SWTOR will always be number one. It still feels like a second life, albeit with long periods of carbon-freezing between tiny story chunks.


    2014 feels like yesterday, but I feel like SWTOR has been with me my whole life. It's hard to remember what life was like before I played this game for it took me like a storm.

  7. Pretty much just Galactic Starfighter at this point, though that seems to have always been my primary activity, despite the fact that I always had an interest in everything the game offers.


    The reasons for that are a few; GSF is completely independent from the gearing system, the need to group, and the need to subscribe. It also pops frequently. My favorite thing about Star Wars is the starfighters, particularly those of the Galactic Civil War and shortly thereafter.


    I used to PvP often, but the gearing treadmill and the removal of PvP gear burnt me out in that regard.


    I was also really into story content, but that has suffered over the years, so I can't say I really care anymore.


    I never managed to dip my toes into PvE content. Besides the struggle of finding a group for anything in that regard, the few guilds that I did join that at least somewhat partook in said content weren't comforting.

  8. Looks incredibly good and ambitious. And strangely, apparently quite close to release. They been beta testing for a month now.


    I haven't heard of that, so thanks for bringing it up. I suppose it's because it's a new project? There is also a similar project for X-Wing. Who knows, it might make my experience in that title more bearable; it was difficult to see targets further out in the older versions of X-Wing, making missions in which you needed to intercept enemy fighters and bombers more difficult. The 1998 version did not have this issue, but I don't believe it allowed you to create custom pilots. To give myself a necessary edge, or at least a less frustrating one, I created Ace Pilots based on my own characters, which ought to have helped on some missions. It was also more fun to have my own characters involved in the action. With this mod, I could get the best of both worlds.


    I just hope neither of them, or any other project for that matter, get the axe like the KOTOR remake did. I never managed to get into the original game, and Apeiron may very well have been the key for me to do so.


    It is great to FINALLY have some sort of a spiritual sequel to these games in Squadrons. I wish they make a bit more ambitious and bit more single player driven sequel to it one day. Pref. not after a 20 year wait.


    You're right. It is great to have gotten anything like that at all. I really wasn't expecting anything. I just find it odd that they didn't take their time to make it even better. It wasn't like we weren't already waiting a long time anyway. I think it may have had to do with the fact that EA wanted to push something out before their license was renegotiated or something? The end result is a product that even GSF surpasses in a few areas, and something too similar to Starfighter Assault for Battlefront II. I had acquired EA Play for a month to give it a try. Can't say I was impressed. At least it has the more immersive simulator feel to it.


    Funny thing, since I play GSF a lot, I naturally ended up reconfiguring the controls to mirror that of GSF. I was also playing X-Wing around that time, so whatever I couldn't transition from GSF, I transitioned from that title. Since a lot of players were new or not experienced or warmed up yet, I was ahead of the competition. Had some good games early on. It almost made me regret taking down my YouTube videos, but that was something I felt the need to do because of my lost interest in SWTOR and the sheer amount of crazy things going on in the real world at the time that was causing me a great deal of stress. I think recording videos of Squadrons would have helped to nullify my issue of not having my pilots represented in-game, as I could have simply edited the videos in a way that helped represent my pilots more.


    I'm always willing to come back, but a few things are going to need to happen before that does, and one of them is that my interest in SWTOR needs to return. I've always struggled with finding a decent part of the community that engages in PvE content with the same enthusiasm as I'd like to. Without that, there is really not much else for me to do or care to do rather than play GSF once in a while, since it is a game mode completely independent from the gearing system, the need to group, and the need to subscribe.


    I warmly recommend you taking a closer look at Emperor's Hammer and their Tie Corps tbh! Judging by your writings, I think you totally have the..heart strings to really enjoy what they are doing!


    Aye. I'll consider it.

  9. That's very interesting..Always nice to see some flesh and meat added to bones when it comes to Piloting business! As fate would allow it, some of the Squadrons you've listed have namesakes that are actual entities in GSF sky of SWTOR.


    Here is Iota Squadron, for example Iota had its roots on Progenitor and is now on Darth Malgus..tho maybe hibernating, I'm not sure. Besides Iota, Proge used to have Vermilion Squadron&Red Squadron. All theree were RP communities combining roleplaying and GSF. Red Squadron of 1st Expeditionary Fleet being something of a grandfather of the others; they RPd pilots before GSF was even a thing. I recon each can be found on Malgus now, though hard to say how active they are.


    Star Forge has Sabre/Ghost Squadron, which is an ancient Pilot community that has been up and running since mid 00s or thereabouts.


    Emperor's Hammer is another pilot community that is still somewhat present on Star Forge. There can't be many older still living Guilds established arond video games, they were founded somewhere around early/mid 90's. It was a guild(or a clan, if you will) that was all about flying the classic XW/Tie fighter games together. Im sure they busy having time of their lives with Squadrons atm.


    Thanks for the information on all those player groups.


    In regard to Iota Squadron, they were who I was giving a slight nod to when alluding to the "other, many aces." I am not too familiar with them besides the fact that I know at least one of them has a YouTube thing going on with GSF or they at least used to.


    I haven't purchased Squadrons yet, but I might come around to doing so sooner or later. The main thing for me is that you are represented by your username rather than your character name, and as you can see, I'm all about my characters. I guess ...I'll just change my username to one of them and only play as them, but that could get boring after a while. Or maybe I'm just being too picky.


    I haven't touched most of the older flight sims since I was in High School. I did pick up X-Wing recently and I swear I will try to beat it sometime, but gosh darn, despite all the good things I can say about it, the level design made me hate it (almost.) It's like GSF, but your team mates are useless and you have to fend off half a dozen respawning Manglers by yourself within a tight time limit.


    On another note, I do have a character in SWG Legends, but I am not yet aware of any groups that play on it; not that there isn't any, it's just that I haven't done my homework yet. I put together a new computer a while ago and I still have yet to reinstall it. Mind you, I quit playing SWTOR for a while, so my interest dropped.

  10. "The role of these interceptors is comparable to the Empire's TIE Fighters. Many design elements are the same," - Darth Vader, (Book of Sith, p. 57)




    Imperial Pilot Dossiers

    Ello ello. I am Neveah Scottis, a pilot for the Galactic Republic who flies for Blue Squadron. You may already know me for my affinity for the Flashfire starfighter, of which I do not hide. I am proud of my ship, and boast about it whenever I can, as proven here. Indeed, if anything will be the key to defeating the Empire, it will be that ship. If anything will stand the test of time, it will be the Flashfire.


    But that is not what I wish to talk about this day. Before you is a document which speaks of our enemy, particularly the starfighter pilots of the Sith Empire whose skill and prestige have been made known to us. Not necessarily through any espionage, of course, but to their own merits. Their aces, so to say. I wish to convey the danger these pilots pose to our own, and describe them in a manner that will assist our pilots and our tacticians in defeating them. We have already lost too many to their ordnance, thus this document is a work of passion. I desire not another loss of life, especially our own. And despite how skillful our own aces are, we cannot defeat the enemy alone.


    Unfortunately, it seems there are more of them than there are of us, but the Republic has always been known to fight against greater numbers. We possess quality. The Empire possesses quantity. I would say that quality is greater than quantity, and thus that our victory is guaranteed, but it seems the Empire has bested us in both regards, for even their aces are more numerous. At least that is what it seems.


    With permission and approval by Fleet Admiral Bey'wan Aygo of the Republic First Fleet.




    Alpha Squadron

    You might recognize Alpha Squadron. They are possibly the largest and most common of our adversaries. This gives them plenty of opportunity to produce aces of their own, yet we know of just one.


    Kadja Dragonface may seem unassuming at first, as his vessel is standard among the navy in which he serves, but he is the perfect example of one who makes use of whatever it is that they have. He can turn his starfighter into a killing machine, stretching it to its limits and thus utilizing every fabric of its hull to its fullest potential. You know, the stuff that makes aces who they are.


    To put it simply, he is the best that Alpha Squadron has to offer. At least for now. If you find yourself in an entanglement with this squadron, make sure that you are prepared to combat against one of the Empire's best.


    We are better than them. Our ships are better than theirs. Do not let their fear-inducing psychology control you.


    The sheer number of fighters that spring forth from their chambers may seem overwhelming at first, but if you can muster the willpower to push forward against their mass, they will disperse just as easily.


    Kadja represents the Empire as much as you'd let him. Feel free to remind him what being an ace really means.


    It is worth noting, for me at least, that his homeworld is the same as mine.

    That does not mean I bare any fondness for him. His brother, on the other hand... we'll get to him later.


    Data of the pilot has been laid about in a concise manner below.


    Name: Kadja Dragonface

    Homeworld: Alderaan

    Squadron: Alpha Squadron


    Seen flying an FT-3C Imperium | TIE Fighter, exclusively.




    Iota Squadron

    Iota Squadron is one of many Imperial squadrons, but unbeknown to most is that their pilots tend to rank higher than most. To put it simply, there are many aces who fly with Iota. If you wish to learn more about them, feel free to inquire, but for now, we will speak of one pilot who has yet to be given detail. While you may already be familiar with Iota Squadron, as reputable as they may be, there remains to be even more pilots who fly under their banner that we do not yet know about. An oddity no doubt, perhaps a coincidence even, that their supply of aces never ceases.


    Darcey Prinze, a Zabrak who favors the packing punch of a battlescout not unlike myself, has been making rounds with his vessel. He has retrofitted his scout craft to pursue and destroy with relative ease, more than either myself or Sandy Bellinger dare to manage. I assure you, however, that such capabilities are well within our own potential--we're just too good to see the need to use them. Ironically, the weapons of burst installed onto Darcey's Sting are not always used by pilots in need of a compensation for a lack of piloting skill. Darcey Prinze is actually a very capable pilot, which makes his use of these weapons all the more dangerous to his enemies.


    A seer of ours envisioned the death of one of our own aces by his cunning. I for one wish to prevent this from happening. Thus I declare that in any entanglement with Iota, the prioritization of Darcey shall be paramount. Shall you make the kill, you will have my gratitude as well as the gratitude of the would-be victim.


    Make no mistake, however, that such an opportunity will be scarce. He isn't the only ace you ought to look out for.


    Data of the pilot has been laid about in a concise manner below.


    Name: Darcey Prinze

    Homeworld: Iridonia

    Squadron: Iota Squadron


    Seen flying an S-13 Sting | TIE Interceptor, most commonly.

    Other ship(s) include the B-5 Decimus | TIE Avenger.




    Gamma Squadron

    Bombers are often generalized as being typically slow and stupid, fat and lazy. They are indeed slow, they are large targets, and in some cases, they don't take much to take down if you know what you are doing. Some bomber pilots, however, are aware of this stereotype of theirs, so they customize their vessel to favor a more agile preference. In some cases, and perhaps in this case, they can combat other fighters just as well as other fighters can. While their role will always primarily be that of a bomber, some may alternate their loadout depending on what their target actually is.


    Liz Dragonface of Gamma Squadron seems to favor this niche, and her loadout remains relatively similar regardless of her duty. If you spot a selection of bombers making for an attack run, be warned, for if one of them is Liz, you have been fooled. Be wary when addressing the lightning terror, for she will always set her sights on you instead. This surprise maneuver may give the rest of her squadron the breathing space to then unleash their payload, but at least you would be spared the embarrassment of witnessing your failure.


    When in doubt, see if you can find an alternate exterior amid her squadron. Chances are, it is her. That would then be your cue to go in and get the kill you deserve. Be warned once more, however, she fights well despite the limitations of her vessel. You best keep that in mind. Never is any ace an easy target.


    Liz Dragonface is a sister to Kadja Dragonface.


    Data of the pilot has been laid about in a concise manner below.


    Name: Liz Dragonface

    Homeworld: Alderaan

    Squadron: Gamma Squadron


    Seen flying a B-4D Legion | TIE Bomber, exclusively.




    Nu Squadron

    The one and only ace we know of amidst Nu Squadron, Bitte Xin has been trained to serve the Empire at a young age. Most of her lifetime had been involved in martial training up until an actual career had been acquired, and when that dawn arrived, she found herself as an espionage agent who favored long-range weaponry. That is not to say, of course, that years of martial training as a youth was left to the side. She can fight, and she fights well.


    Her skills as a pilot seem to reflect this, but it is known that pilots fly their vessels like an extension of themselves, especially the better pilots. She flies only a gunship in the form of a Mangler. A vessel that mirrors her preference with a sniper rifle, and one she customized to better tackle an assailant in close quarters combat, just like she is quick to pull out a blade while on foot. Perhaps her talents are what set her apart. Perhaps her talents will split her apart as well, to the point her squadmates cannot keep up. If that is her weakness, then she will die alone, with no one as good enough or brave enough to come to her aid.


    Even alone however, she is not to be taken lightly. A common theme among top aces, if you are not yet familiar.


    She has a fondness for her father, who was integral to her upbringing. If he remains alive, perhaps his capture can bring her to us, and therefore remove her as an asset to the Empire.


    Data of the pilot has been laid about in a concise manner below.


    Name: Otruta Pavúková | Alias: Bitte Xin

    Squadron: Nu Squadron


    Seen flying a GSS-3 Mangler | Xg-1 Star Wing, exclusively.




    Tau Squadron

    Annabeth Rosenberg, or Anna Rose for short, has a tendency to gaze gleefully at explosions. The cause of many a fiery death, Anna often volunteers for assignments that will allow her to deploy her explosive arsenal onto the enemies of the Empire. What peeves me greatly is that not many of her victims are actual pilots or soldiers. It may even be unfathomable to grasp the sheer number of innocent lives she has taken. That of the civilian population. Men, women, and children. Human or otherwise.


    She performs her duties without restraint or remorse, and while she may not always show it, she most definitely takes pleasure in them. To make it onto this document ought to speak volumes as to how truly destructive she is. Perhaps with her death, at least one more life may be spared; the toll she induces is greater than that of her wingmates. She is relentless in her pursuit of destruction and mass genocide, sparing none it seems, for while the Empire at large houses a surplus of tyrants, there remains some who ought to be all the more vile. Her record speaks more sinisterly than others.


    I can feel the dead cry out in vengeance at the mention of her name. Will you grant them the right to rest and allow others to live the life they deserve? The longer she remains a threat, the darker the galaxy will become. I for one cannot bare another genocide at her hands and those who issue to her their orders. This must stop now. Yesterday even. I don't care what else you read here, Anna Rose is the worst of them all.


    Data of the pilot has been laid about in a concise manner below.


    Name: Annabeth Rosenberg

    Squadron: Tau Squadron


    Seen flying an F-T2 Quell | TIE Oppressor, most commonly.

    Other ship(s) include the GSS-4Y Jurgoran | Xm-1 Nova Wing.




    Sigma Squadron

    Sigma Squadron may seem peculiar at first, but one needs to realize that some squadrons tend to specialize in specific aspects of warfare. For example, our own Gold Squadron is commonly depicted to house our bombers and their pilots. Indeed that is true. Most assignments in which said tactics are required are often assigned to Gold Squadron, though that is certainly not all they can do.


    Similarly, Sigma Squadron is not often at the fray. They tend to operate on a more specialized basis. In regard to one of their pilots, Masta Gaid, it seems that at least some of these operations are quite covert. Masta Gaid in particular is often involved in penetrating our defenses not through mere force, but through espionage and cyber warfare. He is a cyborg, and thus is imbued with a detailed array of gadgetry and technology that assist him in this manner. If his squadron isn't already specialized in that regard, then his starfighter is. If his starfighter can't do the job well enough on its own, then he can.


    We may not know much about them, but that's the point. It seems we can thank Sigma Squadron for having so much known about us, and we believe that Masta Gaid may be the cardinal culprit in these affairs.


    Data of the pilot has been laid about in a concise manner below.


    Name: Masta Gaid

    Squadron: Sigma Squadron


    Seen flying an S-SC4 Bloodmark | TIE Vanguard, most commonly.




    Black Squadron

    Alderaan is a romantic world, and the same could be said about its people. Though some may hold other worlds in higher stature, Alderaan possesses a beauty that is seldom replicated. Perhaps I am being too optimistic however, as my home world seems to be quite rife with political feud and warfare. This may not have always been the case, but at least it hasn't permanently tarnished its character. Most I have spoken to regard it fondly, and see the conflict as a mere passing. I too concur. Once the Empire has been dealt with, it is all but assured that such macabre will be left behind if not outright forgotten.


    In all the irony I can muster, however, it seems such romanticism has fallen on behalf of such great evil force. Regardless of how vagrant one's charisma may be, the charm conveyed with one's choice of words and the tone thereof, their ideals shan't change behind such a deceptive curtain. Romeo Dragonface may be a lady's man, but the banner he upholds twists his words more than he'd like to admit.


    I will not lie; perhaps the Empire could change for the better with someone such as him as its leader, but it would have to go through so many changes to the point that such a gesture would be pointless. I believe it best that Romeo place such ideals upon his own mantle, to embolden and prosper House Thul rather than strip it of its honor and dignity, at least that which still remains, in exchange for whatever foolhardy concept the Empire delivers in its place. Nothing can save the Empire from itself; it can never exist as a force of good, for being a force of evil has been its entire point from the get-go.


    There are occasions in which I have felt that I misunderstood him. It is difficult to escape his enchanting gaze, his soothing voice, and his overwhelming sense of insight and wisdom. He's warm, even to his adversaries. I do believe he has noble intentions, but that can never excuse service for an unjust cause. He will make himself out to be liable for the Empire's actions, and not even I could spare him from the only fate that can entail.


    Unfortunately, his skill as a starfighter pilot has forced my hand. Black Squadron has proven to be a thorn in our side, and with him at the helm, most definitely so. To sympathize with the Empire is one thing, but to effectively aid them is an entirely different matter. Romeo has essentially labeled himself not only as an enemy, but a dangerous one as well. With Black Squadron being held as some sort of standard for the Imperial Navy, it also seems that he has made himself out to be an idealistic figure.


    He is a priority target for us and for Alderaan reasons.


    As he is personal friends with Lord Serjay Thul, it is possible that we may be able to get to him through means other than mere starfighter combat. I wouldn't recommend the latter anyway; their reputation and status precedes them.


    Data of the pilot has been laid about in a concise manner below.


    Name: Romeo Dragonface

    Homeworld: Alderaan

    Squadron: Black Squadron


    Seen flying an S-12 Blackbolt | TIE Striker, most commonly.

    Other ship(s) include the M-7 Razorwire | TIE Command Shuttle.




    Titan Squadron

    Titan Squadron is not commonly known, nor is it often encountered amid our duties. For that is because Titan Squadron is a specialized unit, who appear to be dedicated toward one goal; the destruction of a prototype vessel of ours and perhaps the eradication of those who partake in its defense. We have conjured a specialized squadron of our own to protect said vessel and to act as a counter to Titan Squadron in the form of Vanguard Squadron.


    All would be well said and done if this squadron of theirs didn't possess an ace amidst their ranks. Friedrich Deus has proven to be a stalwart leader. Our own ace in the hole has yielded to us much success, but the commanding figures of Titan Squadron constantly shrug off his work. Indeed, Friedrich Deus is not necessarily a pilot as much as he is an admiral of sorts. He commands the squadron from his flagship, a Harrower, and possesses an uncanny talent to reimburse his losses with utmost ease. To make matters worse, he does partake in battle as well, and he flies a vessel unique to him, much like a hero with a cape. His presence on the battlefield does help sway the outcome in his squadron's favor just as well.


    If we can wrest him from his command, then it will only be a matter of time before Titan Squadron withers away. One can only flail against a wall for so long, after all.


    Data of the pilot has been laid about in a concise manner below.


    Name: Friedrich Deus

    Squadron: Titan Squadron




    Imperial Inquisition

    There is but one pilot I wish not to discuss, but duty has granted me the burden to do so regardless of how I feel about it. My personal dislike of Maxine Dagenais is indeed the reason why she is last to be listed, but I hope the benefit of doing so will prolong the memory of her entry. May the reader or the listener take her threat to heart. I will personally see to it that her killer receives a notable reward, perhaps in the form of the Star of Alderaan.


    I will not lie; I have met this individual before. You can say we grew up together. Despite the fact that our worlds were lightyears apart, we had the misfortune of being introduced. Like a demon in human form, or the Dark Side itself in disguise, she reacted to me as if she could see through me. As if she knew that what I was had been counter to everything she made out to be. I have known her since my youth, but I cannot say that I truly know her. She is incomprehensible, as are her dark ambitions. It is no wonder she now serves the Empire. And it is no wonder that as opposites, I now serve the Republic in kind. We share only our interest in spaceflight, nothing more. Metaphorically, it's as if we had been of the same mold, and that she is the manifestation of my darkness long gone. And that I am the good that used to be in her, if there ever had been.


    Perhaps we share a little more. Just like I, Maxine is an ace pilot. She is my exact opposite in that regard. If I am the best the Republic has to offer, then she is most certainly the best the Empire has to offer. I hope you learn from that fact alone, that she is extremely dangerous indeed.


    I wouldn't recommend taking her lightly. Even that is an understatement.


    But it is not just her skill as a pilot, nor is it her viciousness; the ship she flies exemplifies the threat she emanates. I will never admit that anything is better than the Flashfire, but that may be the Truth here. The Rycer is the accumulation of years of Imperial technical prowess. All of their advances have led up to it, and the best of minds have made it so. So proud the Empire is of such a feat, that the vessel is aptly named after one of their navy's core figures. I am glad that the Republic is able to counter it with a fighter of our own, for there may have been no hope in stopping it without one. The Star Guard is no Flashfire, but it will do just fine.


    If such a ship could best many of our own alone, it becomes even more apparent how much of a threat it is when only their aces are permitted to fly it.


    Maxine herself isn't just a cog in a wheel. All Rycer pilots are indeed dangerous, and yet she still manages to make it out among them.


    Rumor has it that her starfighter's primary weaponry is modified; that its green laser fire is imbued with the plasma of her homeworld's core. If this is true, it would explain much, but not everything. I do believe all else written here would remain the same even without this terrible revelation.


    I hope I have made it clear how much of a threat she is, for she has managed to stick out among a sea of knives, and knives themselves are already sharp to begin with. We shan't be pierced any deeper. It is imperative that the blades be dulled, hers above all.


    Data of the pilot has been laid about in a concise manner below.


    Name: Maxine Dagenais

    Homeworld: Naboo

    Squadron: Imperial Inquisition


    Seen flying an F-T6 Rycer | TIE Defender, exclusively.






    I would like to thank you for joining me thus far. We have spoken a great deal about a great deal of enemies. I hope you will take what you learned here to heart, and come to truly know what we fight for as well as what we fight against.


    Take the fight to them, I implore you. I look forward to this document being a simple historical document, and not something we have to ponder upon as we try to alter the fate of the galaxy.


    Mark your targets and pursue them, but don't overdo it. You may be one such ace that they seek, and it'd be best if they'd lose theirs beforehand.


    Stay safe out there, yet be strong. A firm conviction and a smart mindset will draw victory toward our favor. We will see through this, and they will not. Be convinced of this and fate will yield such fortune.


    Neveah Scottis, signing off.






    Apparently Ms. Heaven-Spelled-Backwards has a fondness for Mandalorians that most of her associates aren't aware of. She forgot or neglected to include the infamous Velios Rintaro in her report, a Dar'manda whose biggest benefactor is the Empire.


    We thought of offering him a bigger payout, but decided that he wasn't worth the expenditure. While he is a good pilot, he's still nothing our own pilots can't handle. He's also as untrustworthy and tempestuous as they come; he'll likely be more of a detriment than anything. Inviting him over would be like leaving the door open for the enemy. --JB


    Name: Velios Rintaro

    Homeworld: Mandalore


    Seen flying a VX-9 Mailoc | Ye-4 Gunship, exclusively.


    Starfighter renders by Ansel Hsiao and unusualsuspex

  11. Just a small FYI, a lot of the colors you are using don't look good on a dark background


    Yikes, I thought that may be an issue. I won't change the colors, at least not yet, due to their artistic purpose, but I have boldfaced the text. I hope it will help at least somewhat.


    As a suggestion, if anyone truly cares to read all this, you can highlight the text with the right mouse button or copy and paste into word pad. Either should help as well.

  12. Agreed. My Consular still has the lightsaber she bought on Coruscant when I first started playing the game in Spring of 2015. It's called the Righteous Harbinger's hilt. You can craft it, but the crafted version isn't modifiable.


    To add onto the OP's thread, I would also like to see PvP sets return. I had a set from the 4.0+ PvP vendor that was lost because I lost the stamp when I switched servers.


    SWTOR has some of the best customization of any game ever, and I would like to see it continue that way.

  13. That's the spirit!


    GSF is tough on new players. It's a different kind of mindset you have to get yourself into. The average GSF player sucks. Competent players (those that know what they're doing) are a huge step above. Players who are actually good are leagues above that. You have to love the grind of getting from terrible to amazing. It will involve a lot of persistence, determination, and innate love for flying around in a ship shooting things.


    Once you get good & you look back on your journey to improvement, you will absolutely appreciate it. The Devs have done a lot to make all the ships accessible short of just giving you all the ships & components outright. The only thing left for you to do is to put in the time.


    I was once trash too. It took me weeks before I landed my first shot & months before I got my first kill. Now when I don't get 20+ kills playing solo I dishonour my name.


    It's fine if you decide the grind is not for you. However the grind is not a flaw. It's a feature.


    It took my only a week or so to get good. But then over the years, I still found ways to get myself gooder, despite having thought I already reached the limit of goodness. I recon the first real wake up call was after the server merges, when Ebon Hawk become Star Forge, and I encountered SRW for the first time (I think.) No longer was my guild (Shadow of the Republic) at the top of the food chain. At first, I asked myself "What is this hackery?" And I kept asking myself that until I found out it wasn't hackery at all, but just me not being good enough. Of course, even to this day, when I get deleted by a railgun or a protorp, I will flip an effin' table. Those things don't discriminate.


    What Cheesecake said.. If you ever find a way to have fun in GSF, all the rest takes care of itself in time.


    Honestly, if it wasn't for the Flashfire, I would have never been here.


    Even though I no longer play the game much or subscribe to it or run a YouTube channel anymore, I will still queue for GSF every now and then. There's nothing else quite like it. Even Squadrons is looking to fall short in a few areas, and that's a stand-alone Star Wars starfighter game with a price tag.

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