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Posts posted by ForfiniteStories

  1. less popular game modes in SWTOR


    On Star Forge, it has been one of the most popular modes for at least the past five years. I know this, because I am equally interested in everything SWTOR has to offer, but I find myself doing almost nothing but GSF due to the ease of acquisition.


    You do not need a group for GSF.

    You do not need a subscription for GSF.

    Gear is irrelevant in GSF.


    These reasons are probably why it's second only to Conquest, Story, and perhaps Unranked PvP.


    Out of all the content this game offers in which I am meant to interact with other players in any compacity, GSF is the only one in which I have acquired one-hundred percent achievements for.


    Operations and Flashpoints on the other hand... are still sub-fifty percent. I wish they would just make everything solo-able. Why enforce or encourage a subscription for content you can't even do because it requires a group of like-minded players that don't exist?

  2. I wouldn't mind skins for the various starfighters, regardless of era. Obviously, some will have more available to them than others, such as the

    , but it's better than not adding skins at all. I'm mostly interested in the Galactic Civil War. That era alone would provide at least one new skin for each GSF ship. Maybe people will complain how ugly their ancestors were a lot less if they don't have to fly their older counterparts.


    I would also like to see new maps. Heck, even add those at least inspired by battles in the different eras, if not outright take place during them. "Skins" for each of them too, if feasible.


    A mere few examples:

    Harrower-class Dreadnought = Star Destroyer (Victory-class, perhaps?)

    Valor-class Cruiser = MC-75 Star Cruiser

    Thranta-class Corvette = EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate

    Star Forge = Death Star

    Satellite B in Kuat Mesas Domination = Shield Gate of Scarif


    Moving capital ships perhaps? Maybe those that shoot back? Maybe new modes, like Fleet Battles from Squadrons?


    More, better music? The music created for GSF doesn't do it for me, it's too "boring" for space combat and is already used during other parts of the game. I always turn it off before queueing. Perhaps some new music not-so-loosely inspired by the older X-wing/TIE Fighter games and even movies? You know, something rather exciting (in my opinion)?


    Sure, some of this might sound silly, but there is a lot they can do, and many ways for GSF to grow. Just throwing stuff out there.


    Someone recently suggested that we get an actual hangar. Perhaps with only the ships we have on our bar docked there, rather than the basic menu/screen we have currently.

  3. The "non-Casual" scene is shrinking if not remaining stale. Elitism and sheer hostility has prevented it from growing. Not to mention the over-complexity of the gearing system, class design, and extreme difficulty of associated content being a roadblock for some as well, though not for me. It's only a matter of time before it goes extinct. Then again, I'm surprised it's still around even, so maybe not.


    Perhaps you should be grateful that they are developing both a new Operation and yet another Flashpoint just for you. At least "casuals" are getting something in regard to "pruning", even if it doesn't end up being the best idea.

  4. Hey Bioware, is the story in SWTOR ever gonna get interesting again? Or is it gonna be an endless, uninspired, creatively-bankrupt "Imp vs Rep + Sith villain" rehash over and over and over and over and over again untill the game dies?


    Don't forget about the Mandalorian mumbo jumbo, of which only one of my characters gives a hoot about. Take a good guess what class they are.


    Lana be like, "What are we going to do with them Mandalorians?"

    7 out of 8 classes be like, "...I don't know...?"

  5. We definitely need more Flashfire mounts. A half a dozen or so just ain't enough.


    If they ever decide to add more achievements, here are some ideas:


    Destroy 100/1,000 enemies while flying a Flashfire. Title Unlock: Flashfire Enthusiast

    Destroy 1,000/10,000 enemies while flying a Flashfire. Title Unlock: Flashfire Fanatic

    Destroy 100/1,000/10,000 Strike Fighters. Title Unlock: Strike Fighter Destroyer

    Destroy 100/1,000/10,000 Gunships. Title Unlock: Gunship Destroyer

    Destroy a Flashfire while flying a Gunship or a Strike Fighter. Title Unlock: Hacker

  6. I believe in the democratization of fear. I believe in 7.0.


    Most of those i talk to are really interested in it. I for one am really excited for it.


    It's like the PVP (and lesser extent OP) crowd have Stockholm Syndrome or something. They've gotten so used to a bloated and clunky system we've had for so long, they've grown attached to it.


    I share the same sentiment.

  7. I agree. This would be great. I always struggled with finding the right guild for me, and just when I thought I had seen them all, a guild recruitment message pops up from a guild I never even heard of before.


    Another thing I would like to see, and this was suggested by SWTOR Central years ago, is a Premade Group Finder like in World of Warcraft. Here, you can essentially create a group for anything you want. This will let others know that there are other players interested in doing the same content as them, regardless of where they are in the world, and players can apply or join at will. This beats spamming chat in Fleet and Fleet alone ..."Anyone want to do MM Flashpoints w/ Bonus Boss? ...Anyone? :/" It'll make it easier to get groups together and thus make the game feel more alive. You will also be able to see their item rating beforehand, and perhaps other information such as achievements, if you ought to be picky as to who you want in your group.


    Yet another quality of life improvement I would like to see is cross-faction queues and groups. This would effectively double the perceived population on each server, make it easier to find potential interest in forming up for certain activities, and prevent guilds from having to create two guilds just to accommodate both factions.

  8. I'm so grateful that y'all are here celebrating TEN YEARS (holy cow) of SWTOR with us


    ...And here I thought that the five+ years I've been playing seemed like a lifetime.


    I believe there is magic when your own unique character is the star of a movie. Seeing your character, who is a part of yourself, portrayed as the hero can change your life, because those are the moments that you can see those qualities in yourself.


    I couldn't have said it any better myself. The impressions this game left on me ...made it feel like a second life.


    While my interest in SWTOR wavers from time to time, it'll always be number one.

  9. I sincerely hope that they finally add refreshers to SWTOR with this update. If I have to spend more time on Manaan than I have ever done previously, I'm probably going to need to pee. Especially if it rains.


    I won't be able to to play any class properly, changes notwithstanding, if I have to hold it in.

  10. Thank you, Bioware, for spending your resources on dead PvE content. But I digress, aren't raiders one of the few people who actually have to pay for a sub? I suppose it makes sense then. That "1%" is small, albeit probably crucial to the game in some shape or form.


    GSF on the other hand, does not require a subscription, so regardless of its popularity, it seems to once again get the short end of the stick. At least PvP was mentioned.

  11. The elimination of level scaling, or an option to choose to descale the content. There is content in the game older than I've been playing that I still haven't done.


    One of the things I like about World of Warcraft is the ability to go back and do just that; solo old content. For some people, that is among one of the reasons why they even play. If I could do this in SWTOR, I'd be quite happy. No more kicking and screaming about how dead PvE is because I wouldn't need a blasted group anymore.


    An alternative would be to rebrand SWTOR as a single-player game with optional co-op. Make all group content solo-able or nerf them greatly.

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