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Posts posted by ForfiniteStories

  1. I wasn't a huge fan of walker segments either, though I never hated them. Any negative disposition on my end would be due to the fact that they were a little glitchy and laggy. Also, I think it would have been cooler to use the force to send walkers flying rather than piloting one myself, especially as a Consular who is supposed to be the master of wind and rock.


    That being said, I seem to favor them now more than ever because today was my first leg day in a long while; I could certainly use a walker right now. I lifted enough rocks for today.

  2. Your class role and spec?

    Healer, Seer Sage

    Your toggled role?


    Current item rating?


    Where did you receive the item?

    The Nikto Tech Frag gear vendor in Supplies section on Fleet

    Exactly what item did you receive?

    Accuracy enhancements. Dropped more than Alacrity. A lot more. I do not need Accuracy as a healer. Waste of tech frags.

  3. The first set bonus of the new sets are worthless and should stack, but would still be worthless.


    Though if you are at 15k that 2% is 300 points 4% 600 6% 900


    Not sure if 900 points in endurance is worth losing the somewhat not worthless 4piece 6piece bonus.


    What is truly worthless is the power crit alacrity +2% an amazing 21 points around 1214


    The six-piece bonus on the set that I have is actually more worthless than the +2% Crit on the other, I kid you not.

  4. I found out the hard way that Mastery bonuses don't stack either. That's 3,000 Fragments and 1 million credits gone. Of course, it may be possible that they are not meant to stack. If that is true, then the +2% Mastery or Endurance bonus on the second set or any other should already be highlighted to signify that it is already unlocked. With it greyed out, it gave me the impression that it would stack.
  5. I'm curious if there are any active and engaging PvE guilds on Satele Shan. I play on Star Forge, and I am unhappy with the state PvE is in on that server. Most guilds just focus on Conquest; I am interested in PvE content such as MM Flashpoints, Uprisings, HM+ Operations, and various other pieces of content that yield achievements and require a group. If I can find such a guild, I'll renew my sub and transfer to Satele Shan, though I'll likely test the waters with just one toon before making that kind of move. Either Empire or Republic is fine, though I already have a few Republic toons geared up.


    I'm aware that some guilds have already made some threads promoting their guild, but I would like to have a greater pool of options to choose from, hence this thread. However, if you already posted a guild thread, feel free to post here too; I like initiative.


    Thank You and Kind Regards!

  6. I have my computer built into my Flashfire, and since I am always on my computer, I am always in the cockpit. Downloads and installs in like one nanosecond, whenever I stop being mad at the game and decide to re-install it. Is your internet or computer hooked up to a bomber by any chance? That could explain the slow speed. Of course, you should be right next to a satellite, so perhaps not. Are you even in space? :cool:
  7. Addons are basically cheatcodes. Cheatcodes should not be in an multiplayer game, period. I already despise StarParse, because it makes people complacent in the face of SWTOR's bad combat system and raid design rather than getting people to protest it so we don't need to know exact numbers to do the content. If I have to use an external program to effectively do content, then something is wrong with the game design.


    In many ways I find WOW gameplay compromised by the addition of so many add-ons... That game basically has become a competition between add-ons not actual player skill or player versus environment. (I know "skill" might not be the right word but just go with it ok?)


    I got kidnapped by WoW (Classic) for a month and addons killed much of the experience for me. A lot of players used them to automate their questing experience, hence knowing where every quest was and which ones were needed to level up as efficiently as possible. Then there are addons that gave a list of all the Heals, DPS, and Tanks online in the world with the opportunity to whisper them, though I think this might have been a part of the actual game. Who knows what else I may have forgotten.


    Because of addons, there was a notable reduction in player character interaction and role-playing, and I ended up feeling like I was playing an even [censored] version of Retail.

  8. It would be great if SWTOR had a similar combat system as ESO, at the very least. There would be just enough buttons on a controller to port it to consoles too, thus bringing in more people and money. SWTOR would have done better as an action-RPG than a piano-RPG, but they decided to go full WoW clone in that regard. Funny, because SWTOR's combat system was supposedly outdated even by WoW's standards at the time of its release, even moreso now.
  9. and the story isn't horrible.


    The story isn't horrible, but it does have its issues. For one thing, ever since Iokath, the main plot has branched, where as before, all classes and both factions had their stories revolve around each other. Now each character of mine (with an exception of a few) feel like they are in a different continuity than my other characters rather than in the same one.


    Also, whatever faction you choose simply steamrolls the enemy faction without any notable repercussions. If I am supposed to lose in the lore, then let me lose. I do not want the universe to revolve around me. I want to react to it; not the other way round.


    I know a lot of people want stronger class identity in the story telling, but I'm not sure how they would go about it with how much players can change the galaxy with their own individual characters. I suspect that any class story integration will be light rather than weighty.


    Do not fret yet, however, as players have always been able to change things up in their own personal stories. Onslaught just took it to a whole new level, and I hope Bioware doesn't keep going down this route. I suspect it'll be even more costly to implement as well. And one thing I like about MMOs is that other players are all a part of the same universe experiencing the same events, but here I find we might find ourselves segregated and lost in our own little worlds.


    I suppose this new method of storytelling does have its perks. Freedom of choice is definitely a good thing, but I also love me some unforeseen consequences, or circumstances rather, that are quite visible on the opposite side. I do not want my choices being the only method of advancing the plot. I want to feel like I am or that my characters are a part of Star Wars; that the events that transpire are supposed to happen.

  10. It's nice that something different happens when you have Shae Vizla as a companion when speaking to Indigo, but nothing changes when talking to Veek with Gault as a companion. Not sure if this is a bug or an oversight.


    Veek mentions Gault, asking why I couldn't bring him or Hylo Visz along, or something along those lines. I decided to bring Gault to see if anything would change, but there were no changes. He says the exact same thing as he would have if you had any other companion, despite Gault standing right there and being seen in the scene, pun intended.

  11. An invisible Darth Vowrawn appeared at the Council after the Merdian Complex flashpoint [story]. He had no body, but the scene did cut to his seat and he did speak. I had killed him back on Mek-Sha.


    It was nice to finally kill him though, assuming he's actually dead and his ghost isn't out to haunt me.


    UPDATE: He also sent me a post-Corellia mail. He's supposed to be dead!

  12. I love the reverence to the vanilla story


    Agreed. I remember replying to a tweet on Twitter that was posted on one of Boyd's tweets, saying how I would like NPCs to return one day instead of simply being forgotten as some "one-time, side quest guy who said they will remember me or want to work with me again but never see them again."


    We have Savik, Narlock, and if you select a certain dialogue option at the beginning of the Corellia flashpoint (I believe), Revald and the Null Cannon tech. Always wondered when something seemingly so important would resurface again!

  13. Having the plot revolve around the the navies of both the Republic and the Empire while playing my Class Characters made me feel like I was playing both headcanons of mine at once, just like in Ossus. In one headcanon, my Consular and Knight are the Barsen'thor and Champion, respectively. In the other, they are pilots for Blue and Red Squadron, respectively. Ossus and Onslaught felt like these two headcanons were one and the same, making it not only feel like a Class story of sorts, but also a rather personal one as well.


    Suffice to say, I am quite satisfied.


    My only complaint is that the opening scene, at least for the Republic, was kind of lame. Imps were pathetic and the Republic/Alliance ships were OP, to put it simply.


    The daily and weekly rewards for GSF beat the [censored] out of PvP. That's not a complaint, by the way. I much prefer GSF over ...whatever the heck PvP is supposed to be. I guess I should be glad to favor such a "niche" part of the game.


    One thing I am curious about, weren't we supposed to be given another opportunity to "switch" sides? At what point in the expansion is that supposed to happen? Asking because I would like to know before taking my Warrior through the story; she does not like the Imperial leadership.

  14. You forgot to add the following:



    • Due to popularity, the Flashfire will now have the highest armor, hull, and shields of any ship in the game with a reduced cost to engine boost and an increase in weapon power. Their range will also rival that of a gunship, and their accuracy and damage will be adjusted to accommodate this new range. They can now use Protorps as well as drop Hyperspace Beacons and various other mines and drones, and can use a second co-pilot.



    • Colliding with an object after activating an engine ability will destroy the object and not the ship. It is now possible to delete the entire map. This function is only accessible with a Flashfire.



    • However, almost none of you have cherished this ship as much as the person who posted this, therefore if your ship stats are beneath theirs in terms of skill and playtime, the ship will be removed from your Hangar across all characters on your Legacy who meet that criteria. You will be unable to re-acquire it for these toons thereafter. Any character who does not meet this criteria will be exempt from this purge.



    • Upon miraculously defeating a Flashfire, you will unlock the title 'Le Hacke', and all of your credits and cartel coins will be withdrawn from your account and given to the victim of your obvious hax within 24hrs as a form of compensation. Why would you ever do such a thing? That poor, defenseless Flashfire...



    • If you find yourself in a match with a Flashfire on the other team, fret not. We have also disabled the exit battle option for your convenience.


    These changes do not effect the Sith Empire's variant of this craft. Sorry, Sting!

  15. I am completing as many story missions as possible on all six of my level seventy characters who I have taken through the story thus far. I made sure that at least my main got everything done.


    What I had and still have left are the Titans of Industry flashpoints, Rise of the Rakghouls flashpoints, Kuat Drive Yards flashpoint, and the Macrobinocular and Dreadseed Heroic 4s.


    Again, got all these done on my main. I also got the Heroic 4s done on my second Republic toon; so now that's three characters down for these, with the other two, including main, having done them months and years before.


    I am in the process of getting these characters through the aforementioned flashpoint story missions. Five down, one more to go. Just my Imperial Agent needs them all. The other five toons already have them completed, with the exception of the Rakghouls ones, as those aren't in group finder.


    All this within the past few days. I had gotten frustrated with the game, so I thought I'd take up the mantle and lead other players through the content and form groups myself instead of spending forever waiting for other people to do the same. I am a lot more experienced than I remember, even breezing through the Heroics (jumping part on Nar Shaddaa can go [censored] itself, however) so we didn't have any problems.


    I organize what characters of mine have done what, as you can see here.

  16. Basically what ReverendAnderson said.


    Are you kidding? I stopped playing for a couple of months and i was impressed with how many players there were in Ossus, Odessen and the fleet. Especially for a non reset day.


    At least on Darth Malgus. Dunno where you people are. But i have had a totally different impression.


    Darth Malgus is awesome! Unfortunately, my ping isn't great there, nor should I have to switch servers just so I can play with other people; at that point, the game might as well not even be worth playing. Star Forge isn't as populated, but my ping is good and at least I still have my Outfit tabs. And the guild that I am in is good enough.

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