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Everything posted by ForfiniteStories

  1. Thank you for the information. I wasn't aware of any such alternatives, and even if the boots you mentioned may not be identical on a 1:1 ratio, they're good enough. Ah, yes, the super secret strategy of creating more problems just to bury the previous ones so that they don't have to be addressed.
  2. Bumping this thread for this big still persists. It is active on said boots, which is associated with one of my outfits, so I would indeed like to see a fix for this.
  3. Yes, they did. In 5.0, my GCD was one-point-three seconds. In 6.0, it was one-point-four seconds.
  4. That's a dumb change? SWTOR has the best customization of any game I know of, and this strengthens it even further. The only other games I can think of would be car games; perhaps Grand Turismo 7, as an example. Every other MMO has some sort of tedious process involving customization, but in SWTOR, you can fully customize your characters right out of the box. Physical appearance, attire, dyes, mounts, and even their starfighters. They're even voiced, and the dialogue system is almost as dynamic as Deus Ex. And now, with Combat Styles, you can have the graphical effects of a mirror class. The only downside I can think of is the removal of various cosmetics, however few, from vendors and such. I would very much like to reclaim my 4.0 PvP set that I had stamped, and thus lost when I transferred servers, as I didn't keep the actual armor pieces in my possession. Not disagreeing with your post, OP, just this one thing. @Raansu @bncsmom You two raised some good points, and illustrate exactly how I feel in most of what you brought up! One of which, at least for me, was increasing our GCD in 6.0. I was weaker and slower. Combat was more boring and tedious. Yes, one second does make a notable difference. I want to feel like I am in Star Wars, not a Chess game. I have no idea why they did that. I also wasn't too thrilled about the changes to exploration quests, heroics, and bonus series quests and whatnot. Turning them into dailies, weeklies, etc. I don't even bother doing those missions anymore when taking my characters through the story, since they don't matter anymore, or at least feel that they do.
  5. Onslaught of the Sith's content has already been spread out over the years since its first update, Jedi Under Siege. This ain't exactly news.
  6. *barrel rolls Smolfire into the bridge of a Super Star Destroyer* Problem?
  7. I would love to renew my subscription, but 7.0 hasn't give me any reason to. Would it kill them to remove or make level scaling optional? I would like to go back and solo or have an easier time in a group for old content. There are flashpoints, uprisings, and operations that have been in the game longer than I've been playing that I still haven't completed. I've been at endgame for way too long with nothing to do. These achievements aren't going to complete themselves either.
  8. I'm pretty sure they didn't bring back PvP gear, and that we're still getting PvE gear through PvP.
  9. I'll still be reminiscing about 4.0/pre-4.0. Expertise gear was great.
  10. Hello. Is this Hacker's Pizza Delivery? I would like to order an extra large protorperoni with 12 slices.
  11. I don't recall since I haven't been there in a while, but I do know that instances in which you cannot mount can be quite leggy.
  12. My female Sith Warrior would join him. At first, she didn't mind Acina, but then after years, I finally found a group for the Dreadseed Heroic mission. After having completely forgotten what it was about, I randomly made the Dark Side decision toward the end, for which Acina wasn't happy about (and neither was I, for my character was an Emperor-loyalist at the time the mission was supposed to take place.) Like, at all. Seeing Acina for what she really is, and my character having her feelings hurt as a result, my female Sith Warrior now has some sort of retroactive gripe against Acina. lol Perhaps, if there is a way to get back at Acina, it'll be through Malgus. Who knows. Maybe she'll get to kill Malgus too. There is also an ounce of regret for forgiving Malavai Quinn on Iokath. My character tries to be evil, but deep down to the pit of her core, she is not.
  13. Sometimes I take I long hard look at my Flashfire collection situated upon my dresser ...and get inspired to troll the for- to play more GSF!
  14. They're similar in a few ways, but also different. Unlike Squadrons, the developers of GSF were given enough time and resources to finish it. While GSF has scarcely received updates over the years, any such notion is still on the table and the game mode is very well in the hearts and minds of the developers. It's only a matter of when GSF will be getting another update rather than if, but I don't know what the future holds, really. Squadrons, on the other hand, was quickly abandoned by EA, and it'll probably never receive another update, let alone another bug fix or balance patch. On the plus side, since it is not a part of an MMO, the prospect of a bigger, better sequel is very much in the air, but it likely won't happen anytime soon. Squadrons is okay, but GSF is better in almost all regards. There is more customization to be had, personalization, more ships, bigger maps and more players per team, and various other aspects. What GSF does not have, however, is a first-person cockpit view, PvE, and a story ...and perhaps a few other things, maybe. I consider GSF an arcade with flight simulator elements, and Squadrons as a flight simulator with arcade elements. Squadrons and GSF both have their problems, but in my personal opinion, I'd much rather put up with getting sliced and protorped in GSF than deal with these pingpong players in Squadrons who bounce around in their starfighters at incredible speeds and awkward angles, and can somehow instantly melt you with pin point accuracy. I'm currently in the midst of uploading a video to YouTube where you can see what I am talking about, at least to a degree. Still, I enjoy Squadrons for what it is. It's not much, and it doesn't have the lasting power that GSF has, but I like to try it out every now and then. I am currently playing it a lot more than I used to, but I don't expect I'll stick to it as much as I do to GSF. Buy Squadrons when it is on special rather than for full price; I don't think it's worth the default price tag, but perhaps that's just me. It's been a while since I upgraded anything in GSF, but if I were to estimate, it should take just as long to upgrade a ship in Squadrons as it does in GSF. If any longer or shorter, probably not by much? [EDIT: You can change the controls to mirror that of GSF to ease yourself. I did that and was able to play quite naturally rather quickly despite it being a different game. Not everything will be 1:1, but close enough. Some of the ships have functions or lack functions you'd expect them to, like the B-wing having two choices for beam cannons despite being a bomber and not a gunship, or battlescouts dropping seeker mines. Positively, protorps and beam cannons are regulated to anti-Capital Ship affairs, unlike in GSF. My A-wing is happy, lol.
  15. At last, my dark side Sentinel will possess an aura of crimson and my light side Juggernaut will exhibit blue energies, for the Marauder and the Guardian are now available to them.
  16. I would like for a SWTOR story to have like three things going on at the same time like toward the end of The Phantom Menace and Return of the Jedi. Or even just two things, like Rogue One. Epic and grand climatic lightsaber duel, space battle*, and ground battle all in one! More cutscenes of things happening rather than people just standing and talking. *How about the ships you see in GSF actually being used outside of GSF for once?
  17. I created a notable portion of my "cyberpunk" characters already, but more hairstyles wouldn't hurt.
  18. What a shame. My only complaint with Knights of the Eternal Empire was the lack of class identity. They knew they weren't going to please everyone, so they should have went full steam ahead with their vision. Instead, they ended up pleasing less.
  19. I read posts made by those with the hutt avatar with Dr. Oggurobb's voice in mind. That'd be cool!
  20. Anything that has been removed. Unique weapons and armor from Coruscant/Dromund Kaas vendors. PvP gear from 4.0 and perhaps other major patches.
  21. Ah, another Flashfire enthusiast in the making, me hopes. Keep it up and you'll start getting results akin to 20+ kills and zero deaths, and twice as much damage as anyone else on the team, sometimes exceeding even 100,000 damage. Probably even better than that because I suck. And then, when some Strike Fighter or Gunship tries to show you up, you will put them back in their place, and we shall have ...peace.
  22. Bioware, if you donut fix this bug, I will show up at your base of operations and throw a paper airplane at your head.
  23. I'm at the tail end of ARR, those 70ish quests you speak of ...I hope. I've gotten this far, I think I am almost there, but these last few are the worst. Apparently, I'm expected to defeat some raid bosses on higher difficulties, one of which is akin pugging a boss from Gods from the Machine on Hard Mode+ I'm going to see if I can complete the associated quests without having to be synchronized so I can actually clear the damn thing. Thankfully, I went into this game having already heard about the woes of early game, so I haven't been put off by it completely. At least not yet.
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