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Everything posted by ALaggyGrunt

  1. "Cheater" doesn't necessarily mean "Bad forever." They're still human, which means they're capable of learning if they care to.
  2. On the other hand... https://i.imgur.com/8jxv4LE.png ... The HTTPS version of the site went down for maintenance, and the HTTP one didn't.
  3. No, this is the opposite of "incentive to have fun." "Incentive to try something new" is sometimes kinda important because it's a natural human behavior to establish a routine. This is "Go queue for warzones so you can get the stuff you need to do something else." The people who have fun with this kind of setup are the people in who PvP so they can pwn randoms and bads and pat themselves on the back and tell themselves how good they are.
  4. No, that's not how this works. The devs make PvP the easiest way to get something so randoms have the incentive to queue into warzones so the PvP forum regulars can have fun feeling like they're good players. If you need an "incentive" to try something, you are a human who carves out a comfort zone and doesn't usually like stepping out of it, which is just about everyone. If you need an "incentive" besides "have fun" to do something more than a few times, maybe it's not all that fun after all.
  5. ... which I've also seen as "not playing at top-10 ranked level in a warzone." "Call out" is... vague. I've seen "Call incoming" I've seen "Call incoming or we lose" I've seen "Kill yourself." You're obviously feeling safe enough to say something. If you're being intentionally nasty, you're feeling too safe. And... a complete failure to understand why they're not bothering. The simplest explanations for why people AFK in these supposedly competitive places are: They want the mission rewards, but have learned that actually trying to play in this competitive place isn't fun. Trash-talking these just makes it less fun. They're bots. They're trolls, and are laughing at you because you took the lowest of low-effort bait. There are two groups of people in this thread: those who understand that it's become a lazy slur at the expense of people with actual autism, and those who haven't yet figured it out. Protip: you look smarter as part of the first group. There are multiple "gaming cultures." The loudest are the do-u-even-lift-bro crowd and stereotypical neckbearded nerds. If they actually were the Gaming Culture, PvP would be a lot more active and BW wouldn't have to bribe people with mats to get them to even touch ranked, or the game would be totally dead. The stench of their BO is strong enough you can smell it over an Internet connection after a while. Awww, look at the cute little egotistical leet PvPer, thinking I'm supposed to care what he thinks about how I play <3 In the words of the typical premade apologist, it's not my job to make sure you're having fun. It's my job to make sure I'm having fun. Your plan for causing a person who doesn't care about a match to care about a match is... public shaming? It's a good thing you've been doing this the whole time, because you've single-handedly saved PvP! Owait...
  6. I'm sorry, but people randomly telling someone they're bad after a match the team just got stomped in does not inspire anyone to play more or get better. It represents the community as a bunch of abusive basement dwellers, and earns you a place on ignore lists. Anyone who plays games because they like to be abused in chat is self-harming, trolling, or both. It isn't yours, either. If having to treat other players in a civilized manner triggers you, stop playing multiplayer games.
  7. Some of the people spewing racist/sexist/LGBTQ+phobic bile on chat all day are probably literal Nazis. You can have those represent the game if you want, but it kinda shrinks the target audience.
  8. You can say "Solo ranked is not a place to get matts/gear" all you want. As long as the mechanics say otherwise (which they do), you're shouting at a brick wall.
  9. It's rare to see a match end because enough players decided they didn't want to face a Huttball kill-farming premade where they just pass the ball around and farm kills while the clock counts down, and that is about the most un-fun match I've ever seen. You might get "everyone good quits" from one side of the ops frame, which they might notice after a while.
  10. The people spewing racist bile all over chat probably include literal Nazis. Their objectives include making everyone think they're everywhere, making Hitler seem like not such a bad guy, and getting people to actually join militias. And they're really good at controlling chat.
  11. That... might be interesting to anyone who wanted to pay to play in a ghost town.
  12. The only thing that can really kill SWTOR is SWTOR, or at least insane work weeks and burnout.
  13. Overwatch has an *insane* grind. For stupid shiny things. That's part of why it did so well. You weren't mechanically disadvantaged because you hadn't ground out 999999 hours of gameplay.
  14. There was a fanbase initiative to do that, but Disney was Disney.
  15. Credits are stored in a 32-bit unsigned integer. The maximum value that data type can store is about 4.3B. Storing something bigger requires a bigger data type, which requires either making the server and client software 64-bit, or a custom data type/structure that makes credit calculations a bit more cumbersome.
  16. One step at a time... ... and watch them not take the rest of the steps.
  17. Overwatch has a horrendous grind that tries to burn you out and make you buy things, but it's exclusively for chances at shiny things that don't give you any game-mechanics advantages, just social ones. Maybe the PvP part of this game should work like that?
  18. People would buy an MMO account because it's a shiny thing with shiny things in it like achievements and stuff that's not available today on them. People would sell MMO accounts because they've got bills to pay and some people find them valuable. "No longer available" only applies to people who consider money to be a scarce resource.
  19. This chapter is exclusive to two kinds of people people: Those who were subbed the whole time, and Those who can and will buy an account which was subbed the whole time. But. Muh. Exclusives!
  20. If I had to guess, it's because rapids just couldn't get through shields fast enough for the armor piercing talent to even be worth it, and that there wasn't enough charged plating around to justify them anyway. Quads don't have enough shield piercing to be worth it, and the tracking penalty makes them weak in most fights where the target is actually evasive. Lights do higher damage and have lower tracking penalty, so they'd behave better in most of the combat scenarios you're actually going to encounter.
  21. There's a huge selection bias. Of course there aren't going to be many people here who find this to be pay-to-win. Most of those already left. There are two kinds of one percenters who will not mind how the new system changes top-end gameplay (particularly PvP and NiM raiding): the 1% who can throw $$$$ at the CM willy-nilly, and those who are swimming in credits and can buy at least a set for their main. Then there are people like me, who have credits to throw at the cosmetic items which are going to be dumped on GTN in order to buy the new BiS stuff by those one percenters, and who haven't set foot in a warzone in a long time.
  22. There's also GTN. The grade 7 mats don't take anything special any more, so the stuff you make from those schematics are actually pretty cheap. The schematics themselves and the parts you have to buy with fleet comms are another matter.
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