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Everything posted by SW-TORtanic

  1. True Star Wars fans would know that it's spelled "WOOKIEE", with TWO e's.
  2. Citation required, or even better... Do you work for EAware??? Didn't think so.
  3. The only whining here is those from the defenders who can't take any form of criticism whatsoever when it comes to this game. Pot meet kettle. ^This.
  4. It's the same on Pot5. Outside a 1-2 window during primetime, Ranked is dead across the board with very few Q pops.
  5. EXCEPT the problem is that the CM department gets the MOST resources and attention without a doubt, and I believe the PvP department gets the LEAST amount. /checkmate
  6. They only care about things related to the Cartel Market. It needs to be kept up to EA exec standards so ppl continue to be milked.
  7. Tbh I think the only class that qualifies for a nerf at this point are the Assault PTs. Scouperative DPS just needs to be altered, not nerfed. As for buffs, I think some minimal buffs apply for Balance Sins/Shadows and Sage/Sorc DPS.
  8. too bad it's Ranked and almost no one Qs for it...
  9. Read this thread to introduce a PvE bolster. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=721390
  10. i only have 1 thread in the pvp forums and it's still up so idk what ur trying to implicate
  11. u don't apply to the equation u weren't mentioned in the OP so its ok we like u
  12. Pretty much this also thank god Sir Copperfield and Sir Marty were removed because they aren't rp/pve bads who hide in the general section for x amt of hours a day just to troll
  13. why hasn't this thread been closed yet? it explicitly breaks the forum rules and is clearly just a troll thread
  14. This is exactly wat she does. Dont play her little game - it's her way of trolling and it's common knowledge here. I'm a CE owner and boy was I disappointed.
  15. looks like EAware doesn't care about its most loyal of customers
  16. EAware has absolutely no interest in the MMO players. They don't care about the PvP'ers who want more WZ maps and bigger scaled PvP and they don't care about the PvE players who want to progress.
  17. then if all you do is pvp then u should realize that most pvp'ers didn't ask for Arenas nor did they particularly want them
  18. How are we gonna 'wow' a pve carebear? You clearly have no intention for a mature discussion and you have no experience or knowledge in and of the pvp community.
  19. Arenas sucks, almost no one likes them
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