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Everything posted by Jrr_hypernova

  1. speaking of which my smuggler needs to invest in a proton pack and one of those traps before good old vitiate pops back up:)
  2. are you acquainted with the acronym SOL?
  3. a guy who got knocked into the sarlac by a blind man well he had a jet pack is idea of competent? because if so i think anyone jarjar and up on intelligence pass's your standard.
  4. the power of the force is insiginifegent next to that level of ******atude:p
  5. its a stupid lore brakeing idea but that said id buy one with no hesitation for the force is insignificant to the power of metal!!! also brutal legends is awesome and more games need to let you kill stuff with music and guitar solos
  6. i love it when people make baseless claims that have been disproved by offical info. bioware has said that well you get locked out of some quests you can go back to the old planets.
  7. in a conversation with ashara you can say sith arnt good at following rules even their own. which is how i viwe my light side inquisitor after being enslaved kicked and haveing a tradition obsessed idiot try and murder them he doesnt give a flying **** if he's following the sith, jedi or nar shadda taxi drivers code. if he wants to do it he's doing it and if someone has an issue they can shove seeing as apart from mar who tolerates a lightside inqusitor because there usefull and vitiate who will try and kill you anyway no ones really on there level.
  8. agent has to finish before counsular because the report you get on republic troop mentions both the trooper and counsulars forces comeing to correlia well your almost finished it
  9. i just want to say even light 5 SI is still a sarcastic ********
  10. or they think your idea is stupid and causes more harm than good due to the well explained and laid out points in multiple responses. i mean thats an option isnt it? sometimes a stupid or unneeded idea is stupid or unneeded. also ive been playing this for 2ish years and ive never seen a single bot so i think the bot plauge is being exagerated by you. after all you did say you went to the most well known farming areas in the game maybe your not the only one farming the by your own admission well know and populer farming areas? again just my thoughts
  11. for instance the collections menu really needs an overhaul or at the very least a filter option
  12. well the one time im aware of that he died was when the destroyed the o2 is Tokyo harbor so he needs to breath so blowing up earth should work
  13. commander is an unoffical rank given to any republic soilder whos shown good leadership skills. and yes troopers or speciflcly my female trooper in black and red armour needs the tittle commander. i use the word shepherd in the name for a reason dam it and that title is the only thing missing.
  14. the star fighter deco's take a large hook not centerpice or starship hooks so try useing those op.
  15. nadia seemed to like the good old master thrust:cool:
  16. Qyzen hunts wookies for sport and after kill the one in his class quest offered me his pelt as a gift thats pretty ****ed up it would be like the bounty hunter makeing a leather wallet from a human he killed and giveing it to his friend.
  17. http://io9.com/archie-vs-sharknado-is-an-actual-comic-that-is-actuall-1698502392 archie vs sharknado anyone else see any cross over that made you think ***?
  18. because lord helmet is awesome and i wants one.
  19. godzillas insides is a liveing nuclear reactor even if vader jumps in and avoids fire breath he'd die or radiation posioning. also his atomic breath burns up a miniblack hole so id say being able to burn something that dense beats a force barrier. did i mention his wolverine style healing factor? and his abillty to control magnetic fields which alows his to disable electronics? he is also knowledgable in martial arts and can throw monster larger than himself over the horizon and is flight cabable by useing his atmoic ray as a bosster rocket. he also has an iq near humman level so he isnt a stupid animal. vader isnt winning this. and why are people seriously arguing about this?
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