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Everything posted by Antonfourteen

  1. There's no point, Swtor is kind of in its last few years anyway. Besides the vanilla companions have been established as straight characters, changing them now would be lore-breaking. I don't like this whole narrative that everybody has to be bisexual which is what we've been getting recently with the new characters, it just doesn't feel organic and feels like it has been done to score brownie points with SJWs. I prefer the Dragon Age approach where everybody has their own sexuality instead of 'Everybody must be bisexual!' Swtor approach. I think a lot of people are confusing Swtor with a dating simulator now...
  2. I've recently been playing through the Bounty Hunter storyline again. Something that bugs me is that during companion conversations and cutscenes that involve your character kissing, your headgear is removed for example any scene involving Darth Lachris which I just completed on Balmorra. It bugs me because I want to keep my toon in character as he is a cyborg and is wearing the Series 505 Cybernetic armour and just looks off without the headgear on. I understand the reason the headgear is removed for cut scenes that involve kissing but I'm not even romancing anybody with this character. My toon is just a bloodthirsty cyborg mercenary who only thinks about himself. So I don't see why people who aren't romancing anybody should be punished by having their headgear removed for no reason when talking to certain people. I think a toggle option should be added to either keep your headgear on during all cutscenes or keep it on during most cutscenes but not romance scenes (the way it is now). Or you should just have your headgear on at all times during cutscenes but the part where your character kisses, it is taken off briefly and then put back on after.
  3. So I've noticed most of the Tales of the Jedi armours have been added with the likes of Naga Sadow, Tulak Horde, Ajunta Pall, Marka Ragnos, Freedon Nadd, Mandalore the Indomitable, Ulic Qel-Droma, Exar Kun etc. Though I've noticed Ludo Kressh's armour hasn't been added. This surprises me because Ludo Kressh was far from an insignificant character. He was pretty much considered Naga Sadow's equal before the beginning of the Great Hyperspace War and could have been the Dark Lord of the Sith so I thought he would have been one of the first few who's armour was put into the game. So I'd pretty much like to suggest Ludo Kressh's armour being added to the Cartel Market. He is one of my favourite Sith and his armour is pretty cool, it sort of looks Gladiatorish. Link to Ludo Kressh's armour (He's on the right of the picture): http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/File:Sadow_vs_Kressh.jpg What does anybody else think?
  4. Strawman. You can't counter any of my points just repeating "slippery slope" when it isn't, while I've swiftly rebutted all your points. Big purple text, that's... cute. Sorry... yes it is. LGBT has more rights in America than any other country. Oh I'm wrong? I'll even link the study, here: http://time.com/2987183/gay-census-bisexual-cdc/ You hear only what you WANT to hear. Facts are on my side, feelings are on yours.
  5. You didn't care to address my primary argument. I was using the vegetarian thing as an example of people who would feel un-represented. And you summed up my point for me, you say there isn't a whole lot of eating in Swtor same way romance is almost completely irrelevant to the game and there isn't a whole lot to it. I mean what is romance in Swtor? Kiss that fades to black, cheesy one-liner and the game just continues as before. No changes to companion dialogue when you click on them, no special event... I almost completely forget about romance the moment I've finished it with a companion. It would be nice if they expanded on romance like BW do in their other titles like Dragon Age and Mass Effect where you can have conversations with your companions even after finishing a romance with them but I'd rather them focus money and time on story/expansions like most other people do. And it's a perfectly reasonable point to bring up. If you give representation to one group, then another group who aren't represented will want representation. Case in point like I said, I'm sure mechaphiles would want to romance droids, they don't have the option yet I don't see dozens of threads from mechaphiles asking BW to represent them by adding droid romances with SCORPIO for example because they are such a small population, smaller than LGBT. My main point is that making every single companion in the game that have been established heterosexual characters to suddenly become bisexual would take away any diversity and just seems stupid especially just to accommodate a small percentage of the human population. The reason why all class companions are heterosexual is because the vast majority of people who play Swtor are heterosexual, as I said CDC surveys found only 1.6% of the American population identify as LGBT and America is one of the most pro-LGBT countries in the world. There's no proof to say LGBT could make up to 10% of the population and that's just dishonest saying that without any figures or evidence. If America, the most pro-LGBT country in the world where LGBT is featured everywhere only has a LGBT population of 1.6%, what makes you think most of the other countries across the world who are less pro-LGBT would have a significant LGBT population bigger than America's? I personally think romances should have their own preferences like they did in Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Some companions should be homosexual, some should be bisexual, some should be heterosexual, some should only romance specific races (like Solas from DAI only romancing Elves). That would be a true diverse romance choice instead of just making everyone suddenly bisexual. I guarantee if it was vice-versa of heterosexuals asking for a lesbian character to become bisexual, there would be an uproar about homophobia but because people want heterosexual characters to become bisexual, it's instead about diversity...
  6. Making all companions bisexual takes away the diversity of the companions and their own preferences/interests. You'd think from some comments that LGBT people make up 50% of the population yet according to CDC surveys, in America alone, only 1.6% of adults identify as LGBT yet everything needs to change and pander to this small minority. The vast majority of people who play Swtor are straight therefore most romances are heterosexual-orientated. Now obviously this will change in time as BW adds more LGBT romances in future expansions but asking them to change established straight companions to be bisexual for such a small minroity is ludicrous to me. I'm sure vegans/vegetarians (I am vegetarian myself) feel un-represented in Swtor due to most characters eating meat/hunting yet I don't see dozens of threads from vegans asking BW to add vegans into the story, why? Because we just accept the fact we are the minority. Or what about mechaphiles? (People who are attracted to cars) I don't see the small minority of them asking BW to implement lots of droid romances. I for one am extremely quiet too and while it would be nice if BW could impliment a [silence] option for conversations to fit my Sith Warrior's personality, I realise that would be waste of money and time because I'd assume most people who play Swtor are a lot more talkative and I'm in the minority.
  7. Personally I think it would be a waste of time. Romances are barely relevant to the story anyway, they just feature a kiss that fades to black, cheesy one-liner and then story continues like nothing happened. Romances are a complete second thought for me and I completely forget about it after completing a romance with a companion. Plus I think having most of the original companions to turn LGBT would be a bit stupid, they are already established as straight characters in vanilla story (except maybe Kaliyo who hints at bisexual). In fact in the vanilla story, I don't think any same-gender romance is mentioned at all. It would be weird in the space of five years of you being frozen in carbonite for original companions to return and suddenly take a liking to the same gender when there's no hint they have such feelings in vanilla story. It would just feel forced and everybody being bisexual would just seem bizarre. I get you want to be more represented but there's so many other people who aren't represented as well. Like I'm sure people who take a liking to mechanical things in real life like cars I'm sure would maybe want a droid romance option (kind of like the woman from Dantooine on Kotor who loses her droid husband). I've also seen some people want non-near human romance from companions like Khem Val, Qyzen Fess, Bowdaar, Skadge etc. I think BW will add more LGBT romance in future in expansions but for now I think LGBT should be happy with Theron Shan, Lana, Koth because LGBT is somewhat represented. Personally, I'd rather BW focus on more story content.
  8. I can't be the only person hoping there will be new romance options for different races. Like for example, my Sith Warrior is a Sith Pureblood male and would be awesome if I could have him romance a new Sith Pureblood female NPC/Companion (gotta keep the Sith Pureblood race going ). Vice versa, I'm sure some people would want their Sith Pureblood female to romance a Sith Pureblood male like Lord Scourge or something. Or maybe give them same-gender romance optional if people want Male/Male and Female/Female romance for them. What I'm getting at is their should be male/female romance options for every race including: Chiss, Cathar, Mirialan, Sith Purebloods, Twi'leks, Togruta, Zabrak, Rattataki. New companions were implemented into KOTFE such as the Rokuss (Gormak), Hemdil Tre (Arcona), Veeroa Denz (Nautolan), Choza Raabat (Ithorian), Leyta (Selonian), K'krohl (Whiphid) via Star Fortresses. So new romance companions could also be implemented into future expansions or gameplay kind of like Treek via Cartel Market, she was accessible through Cartel Market and had full dialogue scenes. Something like that could be done maybe with a quest to introduce the companion to recruit them and then speaking to them to gain their backstory and then optional to romance.
  9. Favourite Xalek Khem Val Malavai Quinn Lord Scourge Like Jaesa Willsaam Qyzen Fess Torian Cadera T7-01 Kira Carsen Elara Dorne Talos Drellik Doc M1-4X Risha Aric Jorgan Lieutenant Pierce Gault Raina Temple Bowdaar Akaavi Dislike Zenith Tharan Cedrax Felix Iresso Nadia Grell Rusk Yuun Tanno Vik Andronikos Revel Broonmark Blizz Vector Hyllis Doctor Lokin SCORPIO Guss Tuno Corso Riggs Mako Hate Skadge Vette Kaliyo Ashara
  10. Is anybody else having difficulty finding PVP games on Progenitor server? I queue solo for an unranked warzone for over half an hour recently and I can never find a warzone. It's sad because I used to be able to find warzones quite regularly but now it's extremely rare for me to find one. Is this happening for anybody else?
  11. So I'm planning on making a male Jedi Sentinel Cathar very soon but I can't decide what the best body type would be for him. I'm leaning to pick type 3 just because male Cathars in lore have always been quite large but I think type 3 is a little too big for a Jedi. But type 2 makes him look far too small for a male Cathar. Which would you recommend me pick? As I'm also aware in PVP certain body types have their advantages and disadvantages too with type 3 making you stand out more.
  12. So basically, I bring my laptop to college (I'm connected to the college network) and in between breaks I want to play Swtor. But I can't connect to the servers for some reason. I boot the game up and when I get past the loading screen to where you usually see your characters, I'm on the server selection screen. When I click my server, it says 'A connection error has occurred'. I can connect to Runescape servers but not the Swtor servers. So I'm not sure what the problem is... Any tips? Thanks.
  13. I too am having the same problem, I hope it gets patched soon my as Cathar toons look terrible.
  14. Can anybody tell out of Baras and Thanaton, who died first? Because in the Sith Warrior story, when you go to confront Baras there is no sign of Thanaton showing he is most likely been killed by Kallig already. But when you confront Thanaton as Kallig, Darth Baras is not their showing he too has been killed by the Wrath. So who was killed first in the canon?
  15. Gotta be Darth Thanaton. His voice is awesome.
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