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Everything posted by Jboath

  1. eh, think they missed the oppurtunity to do this with 3.0 get the oppurtunity to become a revanite and take over after the death of revan
  2. Get rid of the ops lockout, let people queue for all the ops. Be able to queue for SM or HM ops. Elite comms for SM ops, Ultimate comms for HM ops. Bring back ultimate comms to hm fps how they were pre 3.0. Absolutely ZERO reason to doing hard mode flashpoints as it stands.
  3. they also get marked on your minimap to know which ones are available to you, why do you need color coding when they're -completely different icons-
  4. Did you try to kill the healer keeping the tank alive? =)
  5. Someone pointed out on the reddit thread I posted about companion lockboxes are sub only.. Anyone on Yavin paid for this game, perhaps maybe these lockboxes should be allowed for preferred.
  6. i just think they should bring back ult coms for hm fp, the way they did at 55 theres absoluely no reason to do hm fps for me
  7. If you buy a dollar store item, and you open the packaging and it has two of what you bought, do you go back and give them back one? If you buy a candy bar from a vending machine, and two drop, do you send it back to the company the same way you'd have to call them and get you to refund you a dollar if none dropped? I didn't use the exploit, but if people had offered on my server I would've. Because Bioware decided not to do an update for 5-6 weeks after the expansion dropped. Release your **** right, or fix it as soon as you know there's a problem.
  8. hm's used to drop 162 pieces and 156 was the standard for 55 i still dont understand the thinking behind making hm 184 gear and 186 basic com gear at 60 ive done 1 hm fp since 3.0 and thought, uhm, totally not worth it. its completely feasible to do sm ops in 186 and collect 192 gear
  9. check out the crafted midlithe dual saber its ridiculous
  10. as i said earlier in the thread, the only thing sent/maras really need is heavy armor without the soresu bonus but since thats most likely not going to happen a longer precision slash(id suggest 15 seconds with a 30-60s cooldown) would be a huge bonus to say combat discipline, as a medium dps class with no heals we should be doing significantly more dps than other classes, guarded by the force/cloak of pain with no health penalty would be huge anyone who plays either of these knows we are far and away the most useless class when it comes to pvp, tho the argument could be made to play the crit burn heal tree if youre a sent/mara pvper.. but if weve got a great healer backing up us combat sents 600k+ wz dmg is easy(id probly cap 1mil if i had a better than 5-10 framerate) if youre in a decent raid group then you can do what youre designed to do
  11. i can deal with report/ignoring them the ability to filter out anyone who says lag, bro, stf-u or mad would be great though
  12. asharas offhand on same quest is a mainhand so yeah, theres a lot of bugs
  13. you mean dropped flashpoint gear?
  14. all you're saying is you're too lazy to walk around rishi or yavin for 20 minutes
  15. all for a 148 earpiece... hang it up folks, this mission's pointless
  16. http://www.swtor.com/holonet/galactic-history watch the exar kun war, something with this needs to happen when they get around to continuing on after the shadow of revan
  17. ajunta palls leggings are pretty much yoga pants
  18. No way, they make earpieces, grenades, speeders, same deal as artificers enhancements anyway. And the only crafter that can make droid parts. Cyber is probably the most profitable right now for each piece crafted. Unless you want to consider everyone still gearing augments with armstech/synth.
  19. thats how kotor worked, you could pick from all the skills,but only so many, and they cost more or less depending on your alignment revans a masaguardianaut
  20. screw all the skill buffs, just give us heavy armor without the soresu bonus
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