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  1. Thank you for adressing this I guess? But what endgame content remains for the game? Ranked pvp is gone, R4 MM is not happening, no new operation was announced or seems to be even planned. We get 30 min of story, a daily area and sometimes a flashpoint once every 6 months. Galactic and pvp seasons are nice but they add nothing new, they just make old content somewhat interesting again. Maybe the 64-bits engine and cloud servers took/are taking up a lot of resources from the team but honestly, if this trend continues, your roadmap looks sadly very empty to players enjoying challenging group content.
  2. I understand that the team was not planning to talk about operations or even answer live questions about it during the 7.3 livestream. (Maybe banning people in the chat asking about R-4 wasn't the smartest move though... @JackieCao) However, R-4 Anomaly master mode is a popular request amongst the raiding community and we haven't got any news about it since it was first announced in another livestream (originally scheduled to release in 2022). I guess this forum section is a more appropriate place to ask than the livestream chat, so here we go: Is the master mode of operation R-4 Anomaly still planned and when can we expect to hear about it?
  3. Do you feel your group was able to progress in power through the Operation? Yes, although as many people have pointed out, IPCPT (as it was tuned before the nerf) should not have been the first boss of the operation, mainly because Watchdog and Kanoth are way easier. Do you think improvements could be made to make it easier to progress as a group? If so, what do these improvements look like? Improve the difficulty curve of the operation, which has partly been done with the IPCPT nerf. However I believe it was the wrong way to adress this issue as this boss was perfectly doable in 330 gear before the nerf. A better solution would have been to make Watchdog the first boss and IPCPT the second. The following suggestions would not necessarly make the progression easier but would give more consistency to the operation difficulty wise, forcing groups stuck at IPCPT to improve their gameplay instead of looking for ways to go around the challenge. Currently the raid is in a weird place with the first and last boss being actually challenging while the second and third boss are way easier in comparison. This leads to the "cheating" technique described in many posts above consisting in getting lockouts of second and third boss to get gear and killing IPCPT afterwards. To avoid that, bosses 2 and 3 should be more difficult. Watchdog should have dps and healing checks (the boss is currently solo healable, with no dps requirements whatsoever as long as the mechanics are well executed. Kanoth is missing a dps check (before the burn phase) aswell, the fight can last more than 10 minutes without any consequences as long as people keep clearing the niroth. Did you want to upgrade your Hazardous gear? Yes, it is a good way to supplement the purple tokens and bringing to 340 the pieces that otherwise only drop from last boss. It is also nice to gear alts faster. How quickly were you able to upgrade your Hazardous gear? I decided to upgrade each piece of gear directly to 340 in one go so it would take me 1 or 2 raid days to do so, which is reasonable. However, it is much longer for tanks as 340 blue gear is BIS for them (so make the purple 340 gear BIS for tanks and problem solved!) Was Hazardous gear helpful in completing The R-4 Anomaly? It gives a sizable dps boost compared to 330 gear, especially the mainhand. As for healing, the entire operation can be clear in 330 gear without problem, so Hazardous (or even Virulent) gear wasn't that helpful. Do you like the look of these armor sets? Not really, they are not ugly but we have many, many more options that look way better. Did you attempt to clear The R-4 Anomaly to earn these armor sets? No, since I did not like the look of them. Achievements, title and mount were my incentives to clear R-4. Is there anything you’d like to see from future Operations armors? Like other players suggested, armor similar to the one earned in Dxun, with light effects and animations and armor of iconic operation bosses like the dread master outfits. But there is so much more that could be earned in operations: weapons, weapon tunings, toys, flairs... I know most of those are reserved for cartel market but it would be really nice to get more stuff from raids, especially since the pace of release for that type of content is really slow. Do you like the look of this mount? Did you attempt to clear The R-4 Anomaly to earn this mount? I think the mount looks nice, however the drop rate is way too low (I have not seen it drop once) to make it a reason to clear R-4.
  4. The very fact that we can queue as dps/heal or dps/tank in the GF but can't change our discipline (not our combat style: our discipline ), not even by exiting the instance, is a problem: either remove the ability to queue with 2 roles (please don't) or allow us to change discipline (please do), even if we have to leave the instance to do so.
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