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Everything posted by fire-breath

  1. 6 people for a commander is overkill allready. Only thing you need to be safe is 1 tank, 1 healer and 1 dps to speed it up a bit. 1 tank and 1 healer could also do the trick btw. What you also can do is save up the darkmatters and sell them for the guild. Running 1 HM ops will yield around 5 darkmatters which are each worth 300-400k (last time I checked the prices that is). Earn 2mil per HM run isn't to bad. I assume you guys are running at least 1 HM ops per week so it would take you 25 weeks to get enough cash. Granted this is still half a year but most likely this won't be the only way you are generating cash. In my own case my guild is running about 2 HM opses per week (sometimes a bit more depending what the prio ops is). If you do some commanders on the side you should have your guildship within 1,5-2 months, even as a small guild like yours
  2. It is an error on Biowares part most likely. Its 100% sure that its not intended even if it would be released like that. Same happened with 4.0 where armstech was using some other mats, I believe underworld trading. No worries, will get fixed.
  3. Ehm not entirely true. The reason why they did so made sense. Also long before the guide was written KBN was allready rethinking his ways as the most important question is.... what is killing tanks? Is it spike damage or continuous intake of constant damage? Correct answer is in most cases spike damage. Hence why it makes sense to gear for endurance. the fact that there was a guide from some worlds first people only gave the idea more visibility, still it was already there.
  4. Hmm I wonder. I always attempt the interrupt rotation so we can use AoE and dotspread. You can interrupt the cast which spawns the godmoded shield. Never had issues with oneshots, even when there wasnt a blue circle due to interrupts.
  5. Gehe good times That was really popcorn time. Is Death & Taxes still around btw?
  6. Really nice idea. However a shame you couldnt pull it off with only snipers. Unless that tank and healer in the killshot were just disguised snipers
  7. Never choose a class based on current perfomance mate. That really shouldn't be a big factor as classes get buffed and nerfed the whole time. Currently marauder has a higher potential indeed. You also forgot to mention assassins. They are melee too with a double lightsaber. Between marauder, jugg and assassins the assassin has the easiest rotation (infiltration spec). Rotation can be summerised by clicking the abilities that light up (little bit overstating but generally speaking its how its works).
  8. Keep in character eric! The plague has been eradicated last time. Anyone who thinks this terrible plague will have an other disastrous outbreak is a bit chicken little.
  9. Nah, this is a guildy who isn't like that. I know people like that but she isn't one of them.
  10. Eric, can you clarify this one please? What if people bought **** tons of companion gifts from the GTN and this was the only thing they did. Meaning, they didn't use the exploit themselves but took advantage off low prices at the GTN. Is this being considered an offense that would receive a punishment of removal of all equipped gear and a full credit account wipe no matter how much the person had? I'm asking this because a guildy who always is very active at finding bargains at the GTN got stripped of all gear and over 200 million credits. If this is being considered an offense than how far can we go when we see low prices, what are the bounderies we need to adhere? In my personal case for example I always buy up items that are priced much to low. I kinda don't want to run the risk of accidentally getting involved into something that turned out to be an exploit.
  11. We vs them. PvE'ers vs PvP'ers. When are people learning that it doesnt matter whether you PvP or PvE? Both has bad people, both has good people. Both can be jerks both can be helpfull. Plus there are only very few people who are only doing PvP. Other way around a little less but still the same idea. I myself like to dabble around in PvP too while I primarely do PvE. Anyways. regarding te negative reactions. Jerks will be jerks. I nearly got kicked out of an opsgroup on my fully 190 geared 44k scoundrel healer. Even though I would get buffed to ~216 rating by bolster. I have people seen being kicked out without even 1 word because of low HP. I have seen people who were in 168 Underworld gear who were NOT allowed to participate at the EV council when it was lv50 content. Apparently 168 gear was not enough for an ops that required you to have 120 (or whatever rating Tionese gear had). Owh and the extra 5 levels didnt matter either ofc In short. As long as people know what to do you can do content in pretty low gear. Even hard modes are possible (did KP HM easely on my lv53 scoundrel). Than again. You can't really trust people that they know their **** as the majority really needs good gear in order to compete.
  12. Why do you keep saying that people who can do HM and NiMs are all elitist. Not sure why you got such a resentment against progression players. The sole reason why bioware nerfed the companions was because they considered both sides while taking into account their metrics. Their conclusion was that you almost couldn't die if you had a healing companion enabled which wasn't something THEY wanted. Regarding that option you keep mentioning. People want the option to: - toggle the warzone they want - toggle 12x XP - toggle companion godmode - toggle ...... Guess what? If all these request were toggable bioware would have to create several different games. Its just not feasonable. Regarding not having access to all content. I never have had the experience of fighting Revan or Corratani on HM. I never have killed brontes NiM. Most likely I will never kill them in the foreseable future. I don't demand nerfs for it just so I can do them, sure I would like to and maybe it will happen but sometimes there is just a wall. For some people this happens already in their classquest. I have helped out many newbish players around belsavis where they couldn't kill the boss. They were just not using the correct skills / stuns / interrupts. Same with the Starfortresses. They are meant to be a real challenge and I think they were. I tried one with my 192/198 geared gunslinger who was fresh out of the story and had quite a challenge (with a lana lv5 and no buff). Still I managed to get it down. Now before you say the 'I can do it so you should be able to do it too' line. With some gear, higher ranked companions I believe a lot more people can do it than you may believe.
  13. plus it actually shows you when to press buttons. Most of time the button to press has been highlighted for you
  14. Got reminded by someone that you can actually remove the barrels and hilts from the offhands and place them inside your mainhand. This however only goes for 208 gear.
  15. Okie. 1 important thing you should know. In SM and HM Flashpoints you are being bolstered up to higher tiers of gear. The same goes for SM operations (both manually or via groupfinder). SM flashpoints will bolster you up to lv65 regardless the level of your toon. HM flashpoints are for lv50 to lv65 toons and will bolster you up to lv65 SM operations are also for lv50 to lv65 and will also bolster you up. In the case of the bolster in SM operations it will bolster you to around the 216 gearlevel if i'm correct. This means that gearing up is less important than you might think. You will have a slight edge if you gear up correctly but the difference is minimal. The best thing to do for you is to read up on the mechanics of the flashpoints and operations. Also, this goes without saying, the rotation of your class. Having said this. A focus on gearing is always good to do but the former is more important. No matter what people might think sometimes. My lv62 scoundrel healer almost got kicked out of a Rav SM run because my HP was around 44k pre bolster (all green 190 commed gear). Opsleader said I would get a chance to show that I could do it but the insinuation was clear to me. What i'm trying to say is that some people tend to overthink/overestimate required gear. Regarding operations you must know that EV and KP are by far the easiest to do so I would recommend starting with those.
  16. Yes sab seems to be very good in 4.0. Hence why I included that I have been playing it from patch 1.2 tace. You know that the spec has seen dark days. We were considered close to worst spec to play for a very long time. Also it shows my point that while pyro might be in bad place atm that there have been and there will be better times again. You should never cease to play a class because its on the lower end.
  17. If you like the spec than just play it .....? Yes, there might be better classes to play but as long as you have the correct gear every class is viable for operations. For example I like saboteur and have played it since patch 1.2 when I created my slinger. My class has been on the low end of the bracket for quite some time. On the other hand it has seen nicer days too. Regarless the performance I like the style and won't ever stop playing it.
  18. I think there was a post on Torcommunity about standard health. Haven't been able to find it back.
  19. Yes you still need to get 110% accuracy. They only changed the accuracy base for your basic attack. Your other attacks always had the current 100% base.
  20. Got a question here Eric/rob. I have levelled 3 toons to lv60 via flashpoints only which are at narshadda story wise. Killing mobs on planets will give me level appropiate XP but what about the story missions. Are they also giving appropiate XP? My question is if I could level them by doing the old story missions. Other points I have: How does level sync treat: bonus areas lv60 (or 65???) base defenses Just to clarify it for myself. Lets say you got 30% critical chance and 60% critical damage. Any autocrit ability will turn this into 100% critical chance and 90% critical damage? Or am I misunderstanding the post?
  21. I guess you didn't know that all your abilities have a base of 100% accuracy. The 90% from your charsheet is ONLY the basic attack. Each boss has a defense chance of 10% (ranged/melee) and a resist chance (force/tech) of 10% which means you need 110% accuracy to get a guarenteed hit. Lastly, just check your combatlogs and you will see that the only misses you see are either offhandhits or basic attack hits. Provided you got 100% accuracy. So don't worry. You will get a few extra dps of with this change but you will still need 10% extra accuracy to counter the 10% defense / resist chance
  22. I agree with those saying to not look blindly at numbers but when you do look at them you shouldn't forget to add the APS to the HPS when its a sage/sorc healer. Force armor is a vital part of healing but doesnt count as a heal in parses but as absorb. A lot of APS you are seeing in a raidgroup comes from the healer.
  23. I would only suggest giving more utility points if they add many more utilities. As for now this is really a non issue since everything below max level doesnt really count balance wise. At least less than max level. I think that as a saboteur gunslinger I'm qualified to answer these questions as this is almost a pure copy of hightail + scatterbombs 1 - indeed you will. You have to learn to use the ability well. I always quickly lookup the range of the boss to spot my distance before hightailing 2a - I guess its not supposed to be used rotational (just like hightail+scattering) 2b - Most likely you will be in GOD mode when dashing so you won't take . There is a chance that the 100% defense might also work against force/tech attacks. Tooltips for these kind of abilities are rarely completely accurate 2c - Dashing to far is not an issue. Its very easy to control (speaking from someone who has played saboteur in melee range for a very long time) 3 - Good question but I think the target needs to be slightly in front of you 4 - Easy .... just do a wallbang Or turn around 180 degree so its a backward jump. After the dash immediatly leap back again so that the movement is limited
  24. All hail the shortsightedness of the SWTOR community ........ 4.0 is ADDING operational content for us to do. EVEN with the removal of EV and KP NiM we get much more in return. So using the argument that bioware is going crazy with removing content is so unbelievably false. Get over it allready lol. Also, why are most of you missing the vital part of that EV and KP NiM would have been to easy? This means gearing up would be even easier than it allready might/will be. So I for one are glad they are getting rid of it. I do sincerely hope they will get added back in time with some added mechanics to make them on par with the other operations. But choosing between getting an easy way of getting NiM tiered gear or no EV/KP I will choose the no EV/KP option.
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