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Everything posted by Freeze-Dry

  1. UI和字幕都是英语,聊天里也不能输入华文,这可能会有点困难。
  2. Or is this the digital equivalent of having a paper shredder as your suggestion box?
  3. But that doesn't save me any clicks? You're not getting the point. The point is that I want LESS CLICKS, not specifically that the grade doesn't change. EDIT: Just tried your method and it's worse. I have the same number of clicks, but now I have to scroll and search for the correct companion. It's almost twice as slow.
  4. For example right now my max grade mission is 11. I want to send Bowdaar, Akaavi and Corso on grade 8 missions. Every time I click on each comp, the mission grade resets to 11 and I have to re-select grade 8 for EVERY SINGLE COMPANION PLEASE FIX THIS IT'S DRIVING ME INSANE.
  5. I practically don't mix and match at all. The OCD in me just likes it when every piece is the same name, so not having bracers are a deal breaker. I don't mind even if the bracers are invisible, as long as there is something in that armor slot.
  6. Something about it just makes me feel that it is incomplete, and I've avoided armor sets solely for this reason. I'm still okay with no helmets, but no braces are a instance no buy for me.
  7. For example I can't shift click craftable items in my crafting menu. If I shift click on an item in my Sell menu it doesn't auto go to the Buy menu and fill up the search bar.
  8. I just did this mission and I know this is 4th wall breaking but please bear with me. I chose... Jokes aside, I just wanted to say that this mission had probably one of the best writing.
  9. Yea but I loathe PvP. And whether I try or not, it tends to not make a difference. I'm simply not geared for PvP, I don't bother learning "rotations" etc. And even if I lose the match counter goes up by one. So the choice is easy really. And doing 20 matches for EVERY toon is simply too much. It takes like 3 hours per toon. I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying the devs need to fix their game. Give PvE-ers an alternative, and let PvP-ers kick. Anyways I'm not really here to disagree with you guys. I totally think that vote-kicks and what not should be a thing. I'm all for it. I'm just here to complain that I think PvE-ers shouldn't have to do 20 PvP PER TOON matches to get Pierce and M1-4X, 5 matches is a lot better, and provide an example of how the game incentivises players to AFK.
  10. The alert for the companion is there, people are going to want it, and they'll take the easiest path to achieve it. And anyways what we think doesn't matter because we're all just shouting into the void here. BS isn't going to change anything unfortunately. (Again, BS please prove me wrong.) Simply put, it isn't entitlement, but that the game incentivises people to AFK.
  11. I've tried. But of course, BS or even Bioware for that matter has never bothered reading any of these posts. I'm 99% certain we're all just shouting into the void here and this whole forum is just a facade. Maybe I'm just cynical. I would actually be very happy to be proven wrong.
  12. I mean yea, I totally understand your frustration, but that doesn't stop players from still wanting them, or taking the easiest path to achieve it. So people are still going to AFK as long as this problem exists. What we think a player "should" do is very different from what any player "will" do when given the choice. Play 20 matches of grueling PvP, hating every second of it, or just AFK and watch a movie on the side? It's an inherent flaw with the way the game deals with this situation, and that's the root issue that needs to be addressed.
  13. Players should be allowed to AFK unless they lower the requirement for M1-4X and Pierce to 5 matches, or give a alternative PvE method to get them.
  14. As someone who doesn't RP and regularly accesses the VIP area for the GTN, I would be absolutely furious if I was forced to dismount. Furthermore, I paid real money for the VIP access. And overall it'd just be frustratingly inconvenient to not be able to use my mount in the centre section. Just force the devs to make an RP chat/instance. If I read one of the replies in this thread correctly, that's what they promised in 2016 anyways. And they never got around to it.
  15. Since many people in real life have their surnames appear before their given name, it'd be cool if we could do the same for our characters.
  16. If your character is named Ooga Booga, it'll appear in chat as Ooga booga. Can we fix this please? Also, it'd be super cool for us to choose to have our legacy name appear before our character's name. So like instead if Obi-Wan Kenobi, we could be Kenobi Obi-Wan.
  17. Really? Black Friday and all we're getting is the colour black for 7 bucks (750CC)?
  18. It has been complete radio silence for Black Friday this year. Is there anything going on? I'd really like collections unlock discount.
  19. Did you really just go "I suffered so others must too?". It wouldn't affect the people who did it the OG way, as I have for a few toons, it'd make it easier for any new toons they create.
  20. The devs 7 years ago probably wanted to get more people to PvP. To that end, 5 matches should be enough. 20 is too much, especially on 8 toons (1 for each class). Many of us including me are simply not cut out for PvP. Having to do this 20 times makes me miserable, it makes my teammates miserable, it makes the enemy miserable when they end up on my team the next round. It'd be really cool if the devs lowered the number from 20 to 5.
  21. Some of us happen to be developers in real life too. Hey, if Broadsword wants to hire me... Okay for reals, I'm getting kinda annoyed. All these people acting like simple features or bug fixes are impossible for professional developers, do you guys have software development yourself? You know we're not asking for rocket science right? You guys know that adding a title to a quest reward *shouldn't* be rocket science right? If you guys DO have software development experience, please explain to me why what I'm asking is unreasonable. Here's an idea for "Hero of the Gorinth Canyon". In the game there exists titles you can purchase from vendors etc. That means that we can represent the title unlock as an item. Make that item a mission reward. Once you finish the heroic, you get that item, and can unlock the title. Also, I'm just suggesting reasonable improvements to the game I've been playing for a decade and love. What's wrong? You don't want the game to improve? Here's a fun fact. Having a good game attracts new players and keeps the game healthy.
  22. @Shayddow While there is a limit for the number of companions that can craft, the point is that I am not going to level 50 influence with every single companion, only the 8 that I want to use the most. If the CM companions can't craft, there's no reason for them to be in my top 8. Which means I will end up neither using them for crafting nor combat, essentially rendering them useless. And yes, I want Hero of the Gorinth Canyon too. All of these shouldn't be too hard to fix.
  23. You're not helping the case here. And yes, it SHOULD be easy, else they (well, Bioware, not Broadsword) were doing it wrong. If it's a policy issue, they're policy-ing it wrong. Game gib good cartel companions. Me gib money.
  24. C'mon broadsword, it should an easy flipping of a switch. You've been trying to sell CM companions but please just give us a reason to hand you our money. Let them craft so that they're not just outright worse. And maybe make their gifts easier to come by too.
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