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Everything posted by Freeze-Dry

  1. You're not helping the case here. And yes, it SHOULD be easy, else they (well, Bioware, not Broadsword) were doing it wrong. If it's a policy issue, they're policy-ing it wrong. Game gib good cartel companions. Me gib money.
  2. C'mon broadsword, it should an easy flipping of a switch. You've been trying to sell CM companions but please just give us a reason to hand you our money. Let them craft so that they're not just outright worse. And maybe make their gifts easier to come by too.
  3. This only happens after a couple hours of playing. There will be no problem opening the cartel market or collections initially, but after a while they will not appear no matter how many times I click it.
  4. I completely agree. This bug has been present for a long while now and it still has not been fixed. Loot and Group Content is a core part of the game and this needs to be addressed immediately. This bug should have been one of the top priority to fix.
  5. Yup. I imagine it can't be that hard to just make it available to everyone. After all, the customisations already exist. This is also not the first thread to ask for this. Yet after so long it still hasn't been added in.
  6. It's been almost a year since KoTFE was released and now players are able to get companions from both factions. However, players still cannot get companion customisations for companions not from their faction.
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