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Everything posted by NemuriKyoshiro

  1. Yes, I know SM should drop 6 helix - and yet it dropped 8 in that particular fight. Everybody in my ops group was puzzled. And... I believe I said "nevermind the tokens" )) To clarify this: I don't think it should drop token gear, and I never said otherwise. What I do care about, is (no surprise here ^^) the Red Sphere. So if Xeno loot is bugged, then the sphere may not drop at all. So I'd really like to know if it's bugged or not.
  2. Nevermind the tokens, how about the fact that Xeno 16 HM drops exactly the same stuff as Xeno 16 SM? Implant, boots, 8 helixes and a rep item. Both SM and HM, 8. Also, only two gear items at 16 man mode? I wonder if it's even possible for the Red Sphere to drop now. Surely this isn't "working as intended"? Did both HM and SM in a row yesterday, and this happened. Did anyone else encounter it?
  3. As I said, I log in twice a week for guild raids. If not for my guildmates, I wouldn't be playing. Also - I think that many people here (those who are dissatisfied with the turn the game has taken) do not just unsub and leave mainly for two reasons: 1) friends who are still playing and 2) hoping BW will fix the situation somehow. That absolutely does not mean the game is "good enough" at the moment.
  4. I mostly agree with the OP here - the comms nerf killed the fun. Yes, of course, there are TOS and Ravagers - but running just two glitchy ops a week is incredibly boring. I'm tanking for my guild's progression team and we do both new ops every week. Each week, two ops. That's not even remotely as fun as it was when we could run TFB/S&V/DP/DF + EV/EC/KP, sometimes all in one night, next day switch to alts and do it again... Also I could join fleet SM pugs with my lower geared alts and spend some nice time there... Now it's all gone, old ops NIMs bugged to hell, and I only log in twice a week for guild raids. Is this really the way it should be?
  5. It almost seems that BW are trying to bury the game on purpose. With every new update they give people more and more reasons to quit playing.
  6. Just farm Yavin a bit to get your reputation maxed, and you'll get a very similar walker. For 100k. That's way cheaper than what you'll have to spend playing the slot to get it.
  7. Would be nice if someone posted a screenshot of the mount.
  8. Really, if they are too lazy to make a krayt dragon model I can make one myself and give it to them for free. Too bad SWTOR does not support modding.
  9. Agreed. When I first started playing I kept hoping to see a Krayt Dragon on Tatooine, like we could in KOTOR... When I saw that massive skeleton just sitting there and the cave nearby... When I did Qyuzen Fess' companion quest... When I first joined a group for WB... And each time - nothing. Why, really?
  10. Yes, gold spammers are a problem as well as the exploiters - but there is something even worse that has been ignored so far: Speed Hackers in WZ. Warzones are next to unplayable now with those teleporting all over the place... And BW doesn't even seem to notice.
  11. Ok, let's see what we have in terms of game updates now: 1) No new class/story missions worthy of mention, but instead 2 new areas where the only thing you can do is... guess what? - GRIND. 2) Two new Operations that are bugged to hell and practically unplayable. 3) Old Operations made obsolete with the removal of Ultimate commendation rewards. In addition, those very commendations (and, consequently, the gear you can get with them) are now really hard to obtain because of #2). 4) An even further unbalanced PVP system with a multitude of bugs as well. So... are we really that far from a grind-oriented game?
  12. Can someone please answer one question for me... Why is that every time something actually useful appears in this game, it gets a ton of hateposts and removal/nerf petitions in the matter of hours? Does everything really have to be an endless grind? Is this supposed to be a Korean-type MMO where people have to farm 24/7? Or are you people just mad you can't sell Midlithe Crystals and such for 150k per unit anymore?
  13. Still broken, and I also had it in Lethality spec. Changed to Medicine and the bug disappeared. (with Revitalizers both times)
  14. Same. With the boss already dead, there were still two lifters stuck in one spot, targeting each other.
  15. What I've come across (those i can remember) - I'Like Sweatyhuttballs Chewbacca Is'Hairy Pomorde Heranuka (something like "punch your face" in russian) Y'U'Do-Dis Screwdinger Diarrea Hax Pinkiehorror Hook (with the "Captain" title) Erp'babe Retardre Garfield (a ginger body type 4 cathar)
  16. Agree 100%. If BW think the old content is not challenging enough, they should make it challenging. Just upgrade those ops to 60 and put the ultimate comm rewards back. Because running 2 glitchy ops once a week is definitely not enough to keep anyone interested.
  17. While I, personally, don't give a rat's a** about the Ultimate comms - as the gear you can get with them is useless anyway - I still think removing them from lvl55 ops was a terrible idea. Not because it makes gearing harder - but because it leaves most players with little to none incentive to do the old content. I like doing ops, you see. Whether it's a HM/NiM with my guild or a random SM pug at the fleet - its always fun. I was glad to see people forming more 16m 55 content pugs now that you can no longer use GF for it at 60. Just like old times, huh? Didn't last long though. The people running pugs are doing it for two reasons: the comms (majority) or the fun. Or both. Now when the first reason has been effectively eliminated, the second one will follow - since it'll be next to impossible to form a 55 ops pug now. The same happened to EV/KP/EC back in the day... So tell me, ladies and gentlemen - how often do you see a group forming for those now? Once in two weeks? Less, perhaps? At least, when we all were level 55, we had 4 more ops to run instead - S&V, TFB, DF and DP. Now we have only 2, which are still buggy - since there are way more glitches then those mentioned in the patch notes. I have a feeling that from now on the game will be incredibly boring for me, as well as for a good deal of others who run pugs just for the fun of it.
  18. Because the crowd is bored and wants a show. A good juicy public hanging. And Popcorn. Nothing new, ever since the Colosseum was still working.
  19. I know it's not a very good thing to bump one's own posts, but still - the bug is still there. Strangely, the wild exoboars on Makeb (who have the same geometry but different size) have no rig problems. Could it be a scaling issue? I wonder if it will ever be fixed.
  20. Yes, I'm well aware that it's a champion mob. But there's a good deal of higher level champion mobs that are weaker than this one. It seems the game devs have cast another of their "Force Group" spells on us solo players
  21. You misunderstand. What I meant - isn't a boss two levels below the player supposed to be beatable when you have a viable spec and good gear? Another thing if it was a heroic mission or a flashpoint - but this quest is neither. If nothing is wrong here, then I simply can't understand why the lvl55 final boss on Makeb is easier to beat than a lvl53 critter on Tatooine. Unless Bioware turned this demon into another World Boss while no one was looking.
  22. The question is, is this boss even meant to be soloed? Game logic says it is, but... I've got a lvl55 dps Sith Assassin with decently upgraded gear (armorings and such of value 66, plus the same tier augments on everything) , specced into Deception. He did not have any problems soloing the game until now. Killed the Makeb's Archon in one try, soloed some heroic missions (like the one at Black Hole) quite successfully and so on... And he just can't do that *****ng Sand Demon. It literally eats his HP before he can do any real damage. I tried many times, with different companions - but even fully geared Drellik can't heal fast enough. And that critter is lvl53, which is two level down from my char. I've tried all buffs I could find - stims, relics, heroic moment + force storm... Tried using a shield instead of focus... Still nothing. Can't help thinking something is wrong here. Any suggestions? Edit: I didn't try to kill the demon before yesterday's patch. Could someone who did tell me if there were any problems with it back then, please?
  23. The problem looks like a bad rig case (part of the skin is bound to a wrong joint). When the exoboar raises it's head, an upper left part of its skull sinks down into it, and when it bows its head that part spikes up, visibly stretching the texture. Screenshots - http://i.imgur.com/YRQNSlV.jpg http://i.imgur.com/v5IS3Bu.jpg P.S.: A bit offtop, but I've seen another small glitch - the ends of the reins on varactyl stick out through it's eyes.
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