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Everything posted by lordbadtamaru

  1. The Market saved the game BIG time. The only thing since I have ever had to complain about is class balance. They release timely content for all crowds in a reasonable difficulty and rate. The illusion that the game is on the cusp of death is kinda exaggerated. The game has a healthy population.
  2. Its a GAME. **** with the lorehead. You can enforce your RP guild. don't deign to enforce the rest of us. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings, even if they wear stripper outfits. So **** and take a pill. People like you are the reasons why wars start in real life, cause they have pretentious and control freakish attitudes about matters that don't involve them.
  3. This is ********. Survivability means near JACK SQUAT in pve. in PVP, it has minor applications, and Guardians themselves don't have high survivability in PVP. Saying classes with heavy armor and tanking abilities shouldn't have great dps is like saying classes with off heals should do worse dps. Its illogical. Unless the heal to full argument is now valid? 0_o
  4. the PVE content in this game has been steadily increasing. We've been getting steady updates besides GSF and nightmare is coming soon. We just need more classes capable of running the content at the highest level without being *********** carried or compensated for.
  5. I would be cool with a focus neutral approach. But we DO need some kind of resource management fix overall, the burns don't quite line up due to resource constraints. I think force rush could be changed slightly to help with resource management, possibly making BS free. Dispatch being focus nuetral could be nice though yes.
  6. I find it hilarious that people call Guardian Focus OP. Its very much a glass cannon with a one trick pony easily countered by a competent tank. There are far more dangerous specs out there. Its just that more melee need aoe reduction, melee are the main ones subject to smash anyway.
  7. Very funny joke rapid, VERRY funny. Now to see the kneejerk reactions.
  8. I don't mind that they didn't mention buffs. The fact that they haven't properly acknowledged we have serious problems at all is ANNOYING. I would appreciate a "soon" or we are working on it more than "uhmmm we don't care."
  9. The problem is that SOME specs are getting buffs that are "Fine" or close to it, while others are rock bottom and when nightmare drops are stuck in the filthy pooper in PVE and have no chance of rising up without some help.
  10. Although the teams working on GSF and PVe content I assume are separate, hopefully, otherwise they kinda screwed us over PVE wise.
  11. REALLY dejected at the lack of mention of ANY class changes to the lowest parsing DPS classes ingame. Shadows and Guardians need some love, and lots of it in PVE. The DPS spread is NOWHERE near the expected 5 percent, and its showing. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=685275 Eric, are there ANY OTHER class changes planned AT ALL? We at the Guardian community have been asking for buffs for the last bajillion months since 2.0 dropped, and I know the Shadow/sin DPsers are frustrated enough. Even a whisper of a date, a "Soon" would be better than hearing nothing at all and knowing that no matter what we do, we have to roll into a FOTM class to be slightly competitive when the Nightmare Dread Operations drop. There are only 4 dps spots, having a class shunned due to perceived flaws is annoying and unfair to loyal players and subscribers. Although the Scoundrel and pushback changes are nice. Hopefully those scoundrel changes are for scrapper, as dirty fighting is doing incredibly well and ATM they are imho quite satisfied with their PVE dps status compared to the bottom of the barrel they once were.
  12. I have an idea. Make blade storm free as well as dispatch. dump sweep being free. I notice that there are times where you have 5 focus in vig and have to choose between overhead or blade storm, and if you get lucky you can do both.
  13. True. Depends on your rig too. Pulling it off in an OP is quite a feat if your FPS is crap.
  14. Focused Retribution and Serendipitous assault in the Obroan/Dread forged Tier, Boundless Ages and Serendipitous Assault for all others.
  15. Plus remember most of those guardian parses are EXTREMELY lucky. With the rng people get, the gap is even wider. Some classes only deal with rng in the form of crits. we get a **** ton of it everywhere and still don't look that great.
  16. Meh at least make dispatch free for execute reasons.
  17. Meh if I wanted aoe output I'd go focus. But we need sweep as a filler unless we have something to replace it, and slash hits just as hard so making it free plus dispatch free would solve the filler problem AND make said filler spammable.
  18. In PVE mitigation is always better than health or damage unless its a HUGELY uneven trade, ie 2 shield for 40 some end. For PVP its a lot more murky, someone else can provide a clearer picture, but as a Tank in PVP, you may need more endurance simply because several mitigation stats are bypassed by players (shield absorb by crits).
  19. Yeah as a single target tree, having sweep as part of our single target rotation is stupid. The effluence talent should be changed to making SLASH AND DISPATCH free versus sweep. Slash hits for about the same as sweep, and sub 30 percent we get a REAL execute
  20. The entitlement of some people is hilarious. Its an OPERATION. There are 15 (or7) other *********** joes who MIGHT need said gear. You aren't the only person in TOR. Stop acting like it. Its childish, really.
  21. I will side with Undying for once. Damage matters in both PVP and PVE. I can see why he wants more damage in PVP for jugg tanks because the primary role of a tank in PVP is to defend and shut down! IF there is no damage then WTH are you doing as a tank? All you pretty much are doing is being regulated to guard swapping and taunt mit! On my shadow at least, you have the handy trustworthy abilities to use against that one pesky annoying arena healer to punt, stab, pummel, and overall make life a living hell on. Guardian/Juggy Tanks imho need some form of annoyance damage. And as for PVE, damage would help the currently paltry threat generation. Then again Saber throw granting 8.5k threat would solve just about every guardian's opener. Nothing like having a few slingers line up flyby and aimed shot at the exact same time.... and the poor guardian screaming for threat.
  22. Not a problem! Nice to see more juggs and guards improving dps!
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