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Everything posted by CmdrShpd

  1. They frequently do behind-the-scenes stuff during maintenance that we never even know about. I think it's vastly more probable that the 12 hour maintenance is for more back-end stuff, not for a *SURPRISE!!!* server merge.
  2. Wow. I am very happy with my Server (Harbinger) but this sounds like great news for those PoT5 folks who were hoping to get out. This seems like a fantastic idea.
  3. I guess we'll have to wait and see (but that would take all the fun out of speculating!), but that is definitely not the impression I got after reading the leaked info.
  4. So in the leaked info, there was mention of 8 class stories. In addition, there was a list of 11 named chapters, with 5 more unnamed. I'm really confused by this. How do the chapters connect to the class stories? Does each chapter contain unique story content for each of the 8 classes? I want to hope that this is the case, but it seems like such a monumental undertaking, that I find myself skeptical of the possibility. Does anybody have any insight or logical speculation to share?
  5. Sorry, I've already super-glued the hype goggles to my face. They cannot come off.
  6. Not gonna lie, when I first saw that image (the real one), one of my first thoughts was, "Those sith and jedi sure look a lot like Musco!" I'm glad I wasn't the only one.
  7. What exactly does this mean? I play exclusively on Harbinger and I've never encountered anything that sounds like this.
  8. If an entire team is dumb enough to try and cap a single node, wouldn't it just be better to leave a token force to defend it and then go cap their nodes? A zerg rush isn't going to be a terribly useful strategy when both teams are perfectly capable of doing it.
  9. This happens to me every patch. It's the BitRaider issue that people have mentioned. I really just need to bite the bullet and ditch BitRaider for good.
  10. I'm still holding out hope for additional story content or a daily area on Manaan.
  11. Interesting addendum to this discussion: I was just playing Dragon Age: Inquisition on my PC at 1080p. Most settings were on Ultra (MSAA was turned off), and I was getting WAAAAAAY better performance in combat situations than I was recently getting in SWOTOR during 16-man Ops.
  12. I'm talking about the in-game FPS meter that you get when you hit ctrl-shift-f while playing the game. According to Bioware posts in the forums, this meter is supposed to be red when GPU bottlenecked and green when CPU bottlenecked.
  13. Thanks, everyone for your suggestions. I agree that the problem is likely my CPU. However, if that is the case, why is my FPS meter red? It is my understanding that red = GPU bottleneck and green = CPU bottleneck. Is this not the case?
  14. I also assumed that my CPU would be the limiting factor, but my FPS meter is usually red. Doesn't this indicate that the GPU is the source of the bottleneck?
  15. Yep, I am running the latest beta drivers. And yes, I uninstalled all my previous Nvidia drivers before installing the AMD ones. Thanks for your suggestions, though. It's good to know that I should be getting better performance. I'll have to dig into this further.
  16. Thanks, I'll take a look at my shadows setting. My fleet FPS fluctuates very heavily. Anywhere between 25-60 FPS, depending on where I'm at, and how fast I'm moving.
  17. Hi All, I recently updated my GPU from a Geforce GT 640 to a Radeon R9 280. Because of this, I decided to upgrade my very, very old monitor to a new one that can display 1080p graphics. Here are my current system specs AMD FX-6300 3.5 Ghz MSI Radeon R9 280 3GB DDR5 16 GB DDR3 RAM Samsung S23C350 23 inch Monitor My problem is that now that I am playing with a 1920x1080 resolution, the FPS that I'm getting is lower than I'd like. I've turned down essentially all graphics settings (except resolution and grass/tree quality) down to essentially the bare minimum, but I'm still seeing 10-15 FPS in 16 man Ops. It's not unplayable, but it's not ideal either. What's most surprising to me, though, is that the FPS meter is showing that I'm GPU bottle-necked. I would have assumed (perhaps naively), that my CPU would have been bottle-necked before my new GPU. Then again, I'm no expert. In addition, I've looked at what optimal settings the AMD Gaming Evolved application thinks I should use with my current setup, but they're telling me to turn pretty much all the graphics settings up way higher than they currently are. Anyway, I guess I'm just looking for suggestions on how I can improve SWTOR's performance with this setup. Do I just need to turn down the resolution on my monitor, and play at less than 1080p? Or are there other options? Thanks! Edit: I should add that I literally just upgraded the monitor this week, so I don't know if any of my performance issues could also be related, in part, to any of the ongoing issues associated with the 3.0 changes.
  18. Considering I made more than 2 million credits selling crafting mats in the first 36 hours after early access started (and more after that!), I certainly don't feel like I got screwed by pre-ordering!
  19. I'm all for free subscription time, but I don't see how it at all makes sense to give it away as a compensation for loss of in-game credits. This just sounds like you want free game time and are looking for any possible excuse for them to give it to us.
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