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Everything posted by kirinke

  1. Not really so much as redoing class stories, but creating entire new stories based around the player defecting. At least on the empire force-user side, there are a number of chances for the character to defect, like with that guy in the temple you let go for whatever reason.
  2. What they could do is open up entire new story lines based around the defector. Now that'd be cool.
  3. Hurr. Another decision I don't regret, killing that idiot jedi who thought training raqghouls in the force was a great idea. Guys like that shouldn't breed.
  4. The female character's love interests share one thing in common. No talent.
  5. I'm playing a mostly lightsided sith sorceress, she only has like 100 darkside points to her name. The first darkside point was when I insulted Harkun after the business with Ffon. The second was when I forced a joiner girl to go back to her dad. Each time, no real regrets. I bribe Khem a lot with sparklies as a result.
  6. Only problem is with a program this big, it takes a lot of time to program in major features like filters and stuff....
  7. Still this is a good idea. Crystals and artifacts should be available for drops, same as the other gathering stuff, it'd sure as heck beat the grey drops we get.
  8. Datacron Decorations: What do they do? Are they just for show or what? I'm confused.
  9. I've noticed a distinct lack of custom vibroknives that should be available at level 1 around here. What's up with that?! Maybe ya'll can rectify that? Please?!
  10. Like I said, good or evil and after all he's been through, Revan is nuts, koo-koo, crazier than a squirrel on Red Bull and in desperate need of some alone time in a padded room.
  11. Also, you gotta remember, after 300 years playing mental patty-cake with the Emperor, who by all accounts is the star wars equivalent of an eldritch horror, his mind probably isn't in the best shape (not to mention whatever the Emperor was doing to him when he was feeling bored, ick). Plus with everything the Republic did to him (and didn't do for him), I'd say his hostility towards everyone at this point isn't too unnatural or unreasonable. In that perspective, his actions is understandable. More or less he's crazier than a womp rat that's been stuck inside a broken Hutt 'fresher too long.
  12. Lol. I suck at PVP and I'm even worse at duels. Some people just have to realize where their skills lie.... But I do question the wisdom of dropping your 20 lvl toon in a 50 lvl instance (if you can even do that). Somebody just brushing against you will gank you in that situation.
  13. I can see the point of it now, but instead of 36 hours how about 24 or something. 36 is kinda ridiculous.
  14. Can you please take off the cool down thing on the stuff you buy from the Cartel market? Why is it there anyway?
  15. Crystal packs and the grand aquisition pack make em permanent! Those were among the greatest ideas you guys ever had as far as the Cartel market is concerned..... Also, instead of just cycling out the rare dyes, make those permanently available for purchase.
  16. I know. I think I snagged one of them at one point. I'd just like for them to make them a permanent fixture in the cosmetic section. Heck, just put the dye mods in the cosmetic section or have their own section. Some of the dyes would be more than the gamble bags (like the black on black and white on white), so people would probably still take a chance on them, rather than pay the price for what they want. As for the holostatues, having them available for direct purchase, wouldn't hurt.
  17. It'd be nice if you make the holostatues (Satele Shan, Darth Malgus etc) available for direct purchase off of the cartel market. Also it'd be nice if you could make the black and black dye module and the white and white dye module available for direct purchase off of the cartel market.
  18. Huh. I tried, and no go. Guess somebody grabbed it before me.
  19. When the player deletes the character, can't you open that name up again? That'd be nice.
  20. Like the thread title says, does anyone know or have a link? I'd appreciate it.
  21. Well, if they defect, the 'goody-goody' jedi would be anything but. and the "killer sith" would likewise be anything but. And really, you wouldn't have to redo anything for the armors, just add the option of 'defector' to the class specific ones. Really, the only thing changing would be the storylines, although they could add new achievements and such. It'd breathe new life into the game. Sure, it'd be a lot of work, but it'd be worth it I think.
  22. That'd be cool as well, but I'm saying as part of the beginning, from say level one.
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