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Everything posted by ebbehhm

  1. Wow, why'd you have to point this out, i was having fun with a bunch of nubs calling me a hacker not knowing what i was actually doing...
  2. Ok i need to change the title to: "Still didnt nerf sorc... oh and skank tank juggs." A full team of 6 immortal juggs in crit gear and 2 healer sorcs... what can you do.
  3. Im fine with them trying to make money, but when they use that money on just making more money on the CM, thats a no no. At least invest in decent content, not just trash mob spam and new rip off CM packs.
  4. Nothing at the moment, wait until they release the gold packs again, just dont buy the current packs. You could also attempt to sell operation passes, legacy slots and race unlocks, they all sell for good prices, also depends which server you are on.
  5. Yes yes, we know you spent $100+ on hypercrates, and yes we know you DIDNT get the new sabers and mount. But for the love of god, since 4.1 thats all the threads are "The RNG is so bad, i want a refund" or "These packs are crap, i didnt get the sabers" thats all its been. We know you feel like you wasted IRL money on nothing but we cant do anything about it. First off, its a gamble, always has been and will only get worse with fixed RNG. Second off, i always wait and see the first few reviews before buying a pack, thirdly if you want the sabers you better save, And finally, requesting refunds can get you banned. SO STOP BUYING THE NEW PACKS, AND THEY'LL STOP GIVING US CRAP RNG AND RUBBISH CONTENT. Thanks.
  6. Yeah Ruhun, the pubs on BC are terrible, even the premades like DE. Not even worth rolling a pub for PvP.
  7. I feel like its a mix of inexperience developers making some of our content up there, they're relating to much to previous EA failures. Over charge for not enough reward, rip.
  8. What does that have to do with CAL...
  9. "Working as intended" #EA2014_2015_2016 I feel like im being trolled, ever since 4.0 happened... didnt realize it was aprils fools day already EAWare.
  10. Gambling is RNG based. Its not gambling if its fixed, if the drop rate is capped beyond reason, but also the fact that they could lower it after they made a fortune from straight up buys, from people not knowing it is fixed beyond reason. Its what i'd call fraud, but its legal, thats the problem,
  11. This, you dont do damage while hitting bubbles, 6 sorcs almost always bubbled brings your damage from 1.5k to say 700-800
  12. Imo they should promote voluntary community and forum managers, they get supplied information by higher ups and attempt to answer all the questions they can. They'll get picked apart just as much if they dont respond. If anything horrible forum support gives a very bad reputation.
  13. Just because you train a lot dosnt mean you deserve anything more than the next person. That just means your a try hard, if anything the one who does 1 pushup a month is who deserves it because they have much more potential.
  14. This is true, but then the player base might treat them decent if they actually responded to the bigger threads.
  15. They need open/closed betas a week before release, as many other MMO's do.
  16. Other than dev made threads, i mean them actually posting to players threads or showing acknowledgement that they read our posts. I will admit that last dev post on the tracker was a bit salty, insta ban for those who want refunds for appalling drop rates.
  17. Meh a chapter or 2 of storyline, i was a WvWer until HoT. RIP.
  18. GW2 comes out with monthly content, and thats B2P, no sub required. AA released monthly content after revamp. Neverwinter, Tera and Aion release free content every 2-3 months. Rift releases content every 4-5 months. WoW every new content more than 12 months? when did you last play WoW...
  19. ^^ I cant remember the last time they posted they in someones thread....
  20. Good Thread, now post the link to this thread on twitter and reddit, hopefully someone of importance will acknowledge.
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