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Everything posted by ebbehhm

  1. Mind just me editing your sentence. *Cry me a river and slowly drown in it.
  2. I dont like the rage burst for the fact that all you're ever hitting is bubbles, tanks or operatives, all of which have a dodge/shield/absorb/etc going 50% of the time. And when you use those 2 bursts you've got about nothing in your arsenal of you're suddenly targeted by some sneaky decep sin. Vengeance is good, but i can never seem to get more than 11k crits from it and the DoTs are so very low, but it has a higher survival rate for sure, which can lead to a great damage output when under focus. I just play whatever suits me at the time. If i feel like im fighting lots of sins and mercs that night i play rage, if i feel like theres lots of ops and maras i play vengeance, if i feel like theres lots of snipers and sorcs i play immortal.
  3. Still you, remember we're talking about EA here. Triggered. Anyways i couldnt care less about raids, i just dont like seeing people talking about what they dont know. PvPers are the ones who should be complaining.
  4. "people cant help get triggered by my arguments" People like you are why these forums are toxic.
  5. Uh-huh and thats why we've only got like 2 in the last 4 years. Idiot, maybe you do some basic research.
  6. Yes you're all fine, best game to test new rigs on would be say Skyrim, just so you can play with your settings and see what the comp handles. Also if you have a Nvidia GeForce card, open the GeForce menu and optimize your games via that.
  7. I could get in trouble for saying this, but they cant moderate their own forums properly. I link screenshots of someone im trying to reports because of continuous harassment, but 6 months of tickets its just automated responses and nothing happening, and i got a warning for posting offensive pictures... Not to mention they only respond to 1 in a 1000 threads and just hand out warnings but never ban on the forums, why the **** would they care about reddit if they're barely managing their own.
  8. Doesn't some contract end and disney virtually bought SWTOR, gets handed over in december, well thats what i was told. Never the less, they are just trying to profit as much as possible now, with spending the least they can to satisfy, which means the devs are just horrible or the games is slowly coming to an end.
  9. Immortal in crit gear, skank tank wins.
  10. Im happy if people are justifying why they are planning to leave and trying to make a point, but just blatantly stating that they un subbed shows that they're lying and just trying to be dramatic.
  11. Ive never spent money on CC, and only ever bought packs with my monthly CC. To pay for something and get a random chance of getting lesser and rarer rewards is virtually the definition of gambling. Definition or gambling: play games of chance for money; bet. OR take risky action in the hope of a desired result. So it is a gambling pack unless you can prove otherwise. I just feel sorry for all those people who spent lots of money on the packs not realizing that the RNG for the desired object was so low, or rather chance cube spam. But then i am also slightly spiteful of those who kept buying the packs, one after another hoping to get say the sabers and got nothing, and then complained about crap RNG, no thats your fault, if you bought it all at once not realizing how bad they were you deserve pity, but buying one after another and then complaining is your fault.
  12. People commonly post on the forums saying "I unsubbed"once i read that i just disregard as an attention seeking idiot.
  13. ^^ Out heal everything, 1v1 everything, face tank everything, what else can you ask for...
  14. SNIPERS USING LIGHTSABERS. LIGHTSABER SNIPING CONFIRMED. #LIGHTSABERSNIPING2016. Oh and mara's dual wielding pistols ftw, annihi DoT spread through ranged attacks.
  15. Bowdaar all the way. Khem and Ashara too. I dont want jorgen in next, i dont like jorgen, not enough personality.
  16. Couldnt of said it any better. I just want Bowdaar and Khem in KotFE already. Ashara would be good too.
  17. Did you think before posting, the low as **** drop rate is what people are complaining about. And its the CM isnt the casino, all other "super rare" items in other packs were 10 times more likely per crate/pack to drop. THATS THE PROBLEM. They reduced the drop rate of the good stuff. And if it is like a casino, then ****, they better make hypercrates $1 each worth of CC, because thats what the drop rates are like atm. I could go buy *********** CS:GO with the amount a hypercrate costs, A WHOLE *********** GAME, and the hypercrates dont give me a whole game worth of content to me do they? Nobody is forcing me to buy it, and i didnt. But for all the god damn people who bought hundreds of dollars worth of hypercates and got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING worth hundreds of dollars, or anything new at all, is absolute ********.
  18. Trash mob spam isnt a good way to make new content. gg BW. It was good while it lasted.
  19. ebbehhm


    YOU FORGOT SKANK TANK PREMADES. Anyways, BW cant balance.
  20. ebbehhm

    Class re-balance

    Balance is virtually impossible in any MMO, theres always a FotM, but the problem is that SWTOR''s imbalance is *********** ****, theres always that one class that is extremely over played, all MMO's have a class that is slightly more played than the rest, but one class that is mained in PvP for about half of the PvP population because its FotM is stupid,
  21. No im pretty sure its the people who arent brainwashed who call it gambling packs, because gambling is bad yeah? :rolleyes:
  22. ebbehhm

    Class re-balance

    Half the devs barely play enough to qualify as casual, they dont PvP as far as i know. And half of them play sorcs. Anyways, who needs to invest in balance when they can just take all our money with fixed RNG on the CM. Never will change, they do not care. How long have sorcs been imbalanced for? 3+ months. How many threads has there been on FotM imbalance? hundreds. What have the devs done? Nothing. ^^ Quality developing right there. On the serious note, we either need to: 1. Buff up both merc and op heals to sorc equivalent, buff all DPS. 2. Nerf sorc healing, reduce immortal jugg damage output, reduce AP PT burst capability, nerf madness sorc dps output. 3. Return things to pre 4.0, minus AP PT. 4. Completely re-do classes and turn out like GW2. Either way people wont be happy. And there will always bet FotM, just sorc is too much FotM or rather FotY. Also, fix the *********** PvP matchmaking, make it cross server if you have to, but for the love of god EAWare, every other MMO did it, why cant you?
  23. @ your first paragraph. I often call people who talk crap to newbies or because they're just bads themselves: "Sniveling little *****es that would be punished by a 12 year old if they said something wrong to one, thats why they hide behind fake faces, fake names, fake persona, because its the complete opposite of them IRL."
  24. They make you do trash mob content so KoTFE chapters feel like 1 hour, rather than 10 minutes. Cheapest strategy in the book.
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