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Everything posted by Shakhaar

  1. Hi Relatively new to Ebon Hawk and the game in general, so I don't really have any other servers to compare with. But from another MMO perspective I feel that the community is quite friendly and mature, bar the a few peeps, but you have those few peeps in pretty much every game. Maybe it's because I only have the WoW PvP community to compare to, but on there most Battlegrounds had at least one abusive player, while here it seems to be a 1 in 20 or something along those lines sort of thing. And that's not even talking about PvP guild hate on the forums, lots of passive aggression and rage-whispers from players that you killed, some of which were just nasty. I've befriended quite a few people in Warzones, and Project Mayhem/Atrocíty were all really friendly and tought me the ropes despite the "merciless PvP guild" reputation that they seem to have. Actually all the PvP guilds I've come across, at least on the Empire side struck me as alright people. And out of all the WZs played, I only once actually got someone throwing e-rage at me and calling me bad (he couldn't kill me lol), though that might be because I'm not good enough to draw attention. Even when we run premades we mostly get whispers were people point out that they appreciated playing against us, which would be most unlikely on WoW. So I don't think things are so grim, though I have no idea how things are on the Republic side.
  2. Operatives can do quite a bit of damage as well, though I personally only attack when there is a shortage of DPSers and too many healers or when everyone is at full. If the match is even remotely balanced though, you spend the majority of your time healing.
  3. People ought to focus Jackobie on sight. You won't kill him, but it's the only way to stop him from toping heals at the end of the match.
  4. Actually a good DPS of pretty much any AC can drop a healer or at least force them to not heal anyone other than themselves. Yes Operatives can keep Kolto Probes up, but if you as a DPS cannot outdamage KP then hot damn boy, youre doing something very wrong. Im not saying Operatives are not slightly over the top, but not because of our "survivability", which sadly just stems from bad DPS but because we can HoT up a whole team at little to no energy cost giving us an insane healing output on the whole.
  5. Glad I'm not the only one who absolutely hates that haha. Though I don't usually quit because of it, this smart move always costs your team a lot of points.
  6. Try healing PuGs and then feel free to share how many times you actually got peels or even guard out of all the matches played. I think the amount of times I've gotten guard from a PuG tank is something around 10 or perhaps less. And peels? Probably something around 10 as well if we only count instances where people dropped their target and attacked whoever engaged me instead.
  7. I dont really see a problem. 1) The game is an MMO not a single player game, so obviously socializing, forming guilds and groups and interacting in general is encouraged. Semi-permanent guild groups are more efficient for PvE as well, its just the genre of the game. If one dislikes that, perhaps one is more of a single player game person. 2) Anyone can get into a premade - as long as you perform well in Warzones, people are bound to notice. Be a good DPS/healer/guard! Do objectives! Your chances are someone will notice and whisper you if you want to group up with them. If not, then consider where the problem might be. Howcome a super WZ-allstar like that hasnt gotten any invite? Is there perhaps something you could improve in your playstyle? Not being bothered to interact with others in PvP is like not being bothered to not stand in boss aoes in PvE, yes it will suck and you should expect to lose. 3) The "premades just want easy kills, go ranked" is an extremely shallow argument and reflects very little knowledge of PvP in my opinion. Why? Well first off, ranked require these things called setups. What that means is that if you do not have such and such a class representation for your team you will most likely lose. Secondly, ranked require 8 players, and not everyone has 8 players at their disposal at all times. Thirdly, ranked require other teams to queue up as well, and you most likely have agreed times when premades queue ranked. As for "owning nubs", not really. Perhaps the people that claim this do so because they themselves would love to "own nubs", but fighting an effortless fight is not fun for anyone, not even the premade. 4) Even from a PuG point of view, I personally enjoy a challenge facing experienced and coordinated teams as opposed to effortless wins. Sure, you lose sometimes. So what? Its not like the world owes you a win and at least you can learn from your defeats. Im sorry, but to me it just seems like a "do something about people who found out that PvP is about coordination as it isnt fair towards those poor people who just randomly run around and blame their loses on every external factor they can think of (class balance sux/this wz sux/my team sux/heals too strong/dps too stronk/that class is OP/my class is UP/Premades are invincible) and just diverting attention from why you really lost.
  8. Not a fan of good Shadows/Sins. If they are not in the hands of a skilled player I can just outheal their damage without much of a hassle, but good Shadows and Sins are really a pain since they can prevent you from getting anything with a cast time off and kill you (or at least me) really quickly.
  9. No, he is correct. A good DPS player of any AC can lock down, if not kill a healer. I've played several matches where my team had more heals, yet we did not win because the DPS players, namely smashers wrecked healers standing too close to eachother. I suppose I should go "whaaa nerf smash booohooo it affects 90% of wz outcomes", but it's not really that, the healers just shouldn't have stacked so close: a player skill issue really. And those can't be solved by nerfing whatever it is that owns you, since something else will always come up and be absolutely overpowered from your perspective. Ultimately it doesn't really affect anyone if you pick the QQ path rather than the "learn-to-play-your-class" path, but you might find it more rewarding than waiting months for buffs and nerfs.
  10. I think as long as you try your best, as in at least learn your rotation, call incs the moment you see someone (no calling when the node is getting capped is not ok - a good inc call is one where your team mates have enough time to get to the node before it is capped) and just try to add your share of damage/healing then you are doing fine, regardless of what gear you are in. Telling people you are new to PvP (if you are) might also be a good idea, since people tend to be more tolerant that way. Anyhow good luck and hopefully you'll run into more friendly team mates.
  11. Shakhaar

    NEW idea for WZ

    Its a nice suggestion and pleasant change from all the "whaa everything is overpowered" and "boohoo arena will suck" threads. I get where you are coming from, but I personally wouldnt enjoy a WZ such as that, mainly because Im not a fan of pets and npcs in PvP. Makes it a tad PvEish Imo.
  12. This happened to me as well - is it a purely Operative issue? Because I asked my guildies, and they said that it is connected to Exfiltrate and knockbacks or something like that. But yea, I was unable to move, the game said I was immobilized (no debuff though), typing /stuck didnt help and I eventually got kicked from that WZ for inactivity in the spawn zone.
  13. Unbalanced teams are the result of people queueing up and then not entering or leaving the WZ - then their spot is empty until someone else feels like PvPing, so purely a player attitude issue, not a game mechanics one. Its not like BioWare go "oh lets keep these teams uneven for a bit and then add players once that team gets 3 capped".
  14. This pretty much sums up my opinion. People seem to think more about class and less about the actual person playing it. The difference between a skilled DPS attacking me and a not so skilled DPS attacking me is huge, hoewever a good DPS can force you to completely concentrate on healing yourself and perhaps kill you. Im not so much advocating Operatives, but what makes us obnoxious is the ability to HoT up the whole team and use the HoT crits as a source of instant Surgical Probes, giving for a huge healing output at the cost of little energy. But this does not have as much to do with people not knowing how to play their DPS, or with ingame healing in general, as it is a purely Operative perk. From a game development strategy point of view, centering game balance around essentially learn to play issues is not the way to go. Ultimately, the people complaining will just find out that something else is "overpowered", make no whatsoever attempt to improve and just get outplayed by whatever else they encounter.
  15. PvP gear compensates for the lack of stats by providing Expertise. This is so as to avoid PvE players getting their gear via PvP and PvPers from getting beaten by PvErs in PvP. But yeah, PvP gear is the way to go - you should also look what your main statistics are based on your spec and optimize your set.
  16. Not sure whether or not to respond since you seem to just throw ad hominems at anyone who does not agree and the whole issue seems like an "I WANT NOW!!! vs Voice of Reason". The issue with low level PvP is, that while endgame PvP is more or less well balanced, low level PvP is not balanced at all. Some classes unlock their key mechanics sooner than others, Jedi Knights and Sith Warriors for instance, are later bloomers, while Snipers unlock most of the abilities they need relatively early. What does this mean? Some classes would just be an means of gaining easy commendations and rating, and arena would be quite unpleasant. BioWare also need to keep creating endgame content, as lots of players already have completed most of the class stories and wouldnt have what to do - so this is something that gives players a reason to keep playing, and not something BioWare can ignore.
  17. If I remember correctly the spawn location gives you a message that you were killed by 0 damage, kinda like PvE one-shot mechanics.
  18. Really depends on how good the DPS are. The burst of some classes is so insane, that if they focus, use trauma, they can take out a healer despite cross-healing. If they do not focus, then they cant - it is a little unfair towards non-voice commed PUGs, as targeting is a bit harder, but thats what you have those symbols in a WZ for.
  19. Don't think it is an exploit - I was running WZs with a Sorceror friend the other day and he also become invisible while caping, but had no idea what happened. He was still targetable, but you couldn't see his avatar only the cone of light you get when capping in Novare.
  20. Not really sure what the screenshot proves apart from one team getting outskilled by the other. Your team had several ranged classes as well, so little to do with "poor meleers having to deal with freecasters", more something along the lines of "poor people who do not know how to focus vs people who do know how to focus". Not to mention that no one apparently bothered to protect your healers from being focused. I wonder if that has anything to do with that insane death count.
  21. It is less efficient, that's all. But once you drop keyboardturning, backpedaling starts to feel so unnatural you don't even tend to do it really.
  22. Oh yes, I know. Not a fan of the PvE acid damage, but should be fun.
  23. Yeah, that's what I try to do - keep the keybinds based on ability effects, so for instance Force Speed would be the same keybind like Exfiltrate since it is a mobility ability, and I keep my stuns/blinds/interrupts/insta aoe the same too. But some classes for instance have more defensive CDs than others, or abilities like Force Leap, which are unique and getting used to "that" button being your force leap instead of say Kolto Infusion is a bit trying, at least for me.
  24. That's subjective. I like Huttball, and hate Voidstar, so of course I get Huttball once in a blue moon and Voidstar's consecutively. Would love a-man deathmatch WZ - a little like Hypergate but without the orbs, pylons and insta-kill mechanics.
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