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Everything posted by MayhemofChaonus

  1. Here's the next part guys! Hopefully I'll be releasing the next part on Monday or Tuesday...but knowing my track record it might come Wednesday or Thursday... Anyway, hope you enjoy!
  2. Squeeeeeeal! Luna made a new story! Luna made a new story XD XD XD XD!!!!
  3. This part is really short, so the next part should be coming in this weekend, hopefully followed on Monday by the usual update. Enjoy!
  4. Hi guys! Today is my very last day on the forums again, so I decided to use it to say goodbye, I will miss you all! Demunoki will continue to be post the parts in my stead and update his own TOC to include all the chapters so you can do as little scrolling as possible! Edit: Surprise! Yeah BW messed up my sub so I ended up getting another 3 months until I figure out how to make sure my sub doesn't renew itself...I'm pretty darn sure I only bought the non-renewable package...
  5. "Good way" in this case depends entirely on your definition of "good" with regards to erotica...IYKWIM It was a "good" piece of writing but it was oh so very, very "bad" XD
  6. Hey guys! Demu finished the beta reading only an hour after I sent this to him, and I happened to still be online at the time so here it is! You're getting the new part 2 days early, enjoy it! Outfits Jay-Li: Outfit 2
  7. You can summon companions in Warzones now? How long did I sleep last night? 300 years?
  8. This, 100% this. Please Keith for the love of Star Wars look into the feasibility of doing this! I've posted on similar topics about this before: Here are those posts so you know what I personally suggest/hope for: Basically Keith, I know BW has been in something of a bind regarding the game in that they have a fanbase that's split between those who want group content and those who want single-player content. Well this idea not only solves both problems (extremely hard difficulty modes for the story may encourage/allow for enjoyable grouping experiences) but also solves another of Bioware's problems: the lack of ability to create good content quickly. With this change, players will have full access to content they already have said they love as INFINITELY REPLAYABLE ENDGAME content (ENDGAME is the key. We don't want to make new toons we want to use our max level toons in the old class stories). Considering the level of quality writing and complexity in the numerous class stories, their replayability is much, much longer lasting than any of the recent expansions. Honestly I don't even understand HOW you guys haven't noticed what an amazing one-size-fits-all solution this is. It will (to the best of my knowledge) solve 70% of your problems...You literally have content that I believe makes up a good 60% of the game just sitting there useless and inaccessible by endgame characters while your divided fanbase begs and pleads with you to make 2 different types of content that's as high-quality and done as quickly as if you had 10x the number of staff and resources...Not to mention that this content would give the single-player side the ability to increase their command ranks while playing story content THEY ACTUALLY ENJOY AND LIKE REPLAYING instead of replaying story content they find boring, uninteresting, or in some cases offensive to the Star Wars brand. (Sorry to all the writers but some of us just cannot accept the KOT expansions as SWTOR cannon, its just too heretical.) Seriously my mind is boggled over this. But as of rn I'm still chalking it up to your predecessor and not blaming you for it. So please Keith, please! We've been waiting so long...having our pleas ignored and trampled on, please grant us this!
  9. I agree with this. I'm actually pleased (thus far) by the changes you have announced Keith. You seem to be off to a good start so far, kudos. "We will be watching your career with great interest." - Sheev Palpatine
  10. Holy cow you guys make long posts! lol XD
  11. I know I shouldn't be saying this kind of thing, but your first 5 chapters remind me of this erot.ica I once read... Still, very good stuff. Very good writing. It's always a pleasure to discover a new writer on the forums, and even better when they're talented! Part 5 reaction: Muahahahahahahahahaha! Yessss....embrace the darkness young one! Absolutely loved this part because I'm a sick and twisted mo.fo. Well done!
  12. Hmm, that's actually a good point. The fact that he can possess multiple bodies at the same time is rather interesting. That means that one part of him could very well have been trapped by Sel-Makor on Voss while another part of him was ruling Zakuul. Perhaps the Valkorian version of the Emperor actually hasn't left Zakuul for 300 years while the Vitiate part of him was "leading" the Sith Empire. That might actually somewhat explain how their personalities (and voices) seem so different. Fundamentally they're the same malevolent being but they've been spending the past 300 years doing different things and behaving in different ways ruling different societies. Of course this raises the question of which version of Tenebrae was the SOR and Ziost one. I would assume that was the Vitiate half due to Valkorian still being way out there on Zakuul. But as to what happened to the Vitiate half after Ziost I'm not entirely sure. Did Vitiate return to and merge with Valkorian before we got there with Marr? Did he simply vanish into the cosmos? Or is there something else going on there?
  13. Your advice was much appreciated Luna. I never would have even thought to go with a sapphire theme for her outfit, so your willing contributions were much appreciated. I see what you did there lol. Yes I suppose I did begin and end with an entrance. I actually wasn't entirely intending it that way...funny that it worked out like that.
  14. Blah blah blah, complain complain complain. No, BW has said over and over and over that they will not remove the level scaling, that it is here to stay and you'd better get used to it. I enjoy it, other intelligent, perceptive players who understood how necessary it is/was enjoy it, and your whining only serves to demonstrate your lack of ability. You have every right to whine of course, I support free speech after all, but I have every right to mock you for it. So hahahaha.
  15. Who wants that when you could explore the Ancient's society in its prime?
  16. What are these "newer players" of which you speak? You might be a troll if...your first words in gen chat are: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I will be your troll this evening." You might be a troll if...You exaggerate someone else's statement to a ridiculous extreme with heavy sarcasm just to make them look foolish. You might be a troll if...you're always the one that starts "The Jawa Game". You might be a troll if...You literally have nothing better to do in game than hang out on fleet injecting cancer into gen chat on a regular basis Note: I do all of these things. I'm a proud kekistani troll!
  17. Uh...dunno. I just flirted with her all the time and stuff. I honestly don't remember what exactly she said to me then, its been so long
  18. Yeah, I played DCUOnline and you could give your hero the power of flight in character creation, allowing them to take off pretty much anytime anywhere and fly. I think BW should look into trying something similar with regards to speeder vehicles
  19. So stop judging me and the OP for liking what we like: Vette, Kira, Dorne, Watcher 2 ect. We like what we like and you can like whatever you like. And the deal is neither of us judges the other else they wish to surrender their immunity to judging. Kapeesh? Amen to that dear brother, amen to that! There is just something about a hot, feisty, redhead who hates me and wants to kill me and will "never" let me seduce her that just gets my engine going! XD I do so love a worthwhile challenge! Luna my friend, While I too hate Vaylin and even if she was hot would probably never touch her (I like crazy but she's TOO crazy) I would advise you to remember that the OP is really just expressing his opinion. He (or she? so hard to tell these days) is not saying all the female characters in every MMO only matter for their looks, simply that he wishes certain characters were hotter because some people enjoy looking at attractive people, or at least pixels arranged in the pattern of an attractive person. It's not wrong or a thought-crime to wish female characters were more attractive, and the same goes for male characters too. You'll notice that a few of the people in this thread have expressed their desire that Theron be more attractive. I can sympathize with them just as well as with the OP. We all like what we like and its no-one else's right to judge that or judge us for that. Thank you, and those types are preferred because they are a collection of (harmless) idealizations of the biological qualities that make the most attractive human mate for each respective gender. I'd say the body-type representation in this galaxy far far away is pretty darn accurate unless we're comparing it to America, Canada, or Britain in which case the majority of people should all have male body type 4 with females being given a similar one lol I guess you're right. I'm not a huge fan of Lana, but she's a nice girl with a fairly decent body, so I romanced her just because Ashara was taking so damn long to come back to me... I guess if you don't have the 7's to compare the 10's to you'll never really notice how awesome the 10's are...as long I get to keep my 10's and am not forced to love a 7 unless I want to :$ Really? You wanted that sub-par, unstar-warsy writing to keep going? Are you MAD? You just won this thread. Way to nail em to the wall! Just because I'm not attractive doesn't mean the video game characters in every video game I play MUST BE AS UGLY AS ME! Attitudes like that were part of the reason Andromeda was such a terrible disaster.
  20. Coming along nicely! I have to say, you have a natural, possibly unconscious talent for sitcom writing. Most of the time your work keeps me in stitches! The banter is pretty funny and while your lore accuracy and grammar is a little hit 'n miss it adds to the comedic element in unexpected ways. Keep it up!
  21. I think Teridax and Authenta would get along quite well, until Teridax betrays her or she finds out he used her like he does to pretty much everyone lol. I've been watching your story for some time, and now that I've resubbed for a bit I decided to speak up and let you know you have another fan. You had a bit of a rocky start IMO, but you've transitioned into an engaging and smoothly-flowing narrative quite well. As a wise man once said: "We will be watching your career with great interest."
  22. Now I want to know how Quinn could possibly become the Outlander...He'd have to kill Vitiate/Valky to do that, and somehow I can't picture Quinn; The picture perfect Imperial, assassinating his own emperor, former or not. :$
  23. "Keep em coming!"...well don't everybody post at once *sarcasm* Here's my agent's letter to Kaliyo. I can only imagine what kind of Outlander Kaliyo would be lol... To: Kaliyo From: Unknown ATTENTION! UNKNOWN SENDER, DO NOT REPLY! Kali, I'm not sure where exactly you are or if you'll ever get this, but I decided to write it anyway. When Marr's ship exploded I wasn't sure how to feel. I'd expected you to just up and leave me one day like all your other partners, but I honestly didn't think you would do it by killing yourself. Imagine my surprise when I found out that not only had you survived the explosion, but been captured by the same enemy that attacked us and proceeded to assassinate their leader all in the same day. Of course I suppose I should rant at you for starting a war with an enemy that is currently skinning both the Republic and Empire alive...but considering I still don't know whether Arcann has killed you or simply imprisoned you I guess that can wait until the next time I see you. Of course I'm well aware that you may not want to see me and might move on to a new partner like you always have, and honestly that's ok. I think you've stuck around for long enough that I'm starting to understand you, and I'm willing to let you go, despite the fact that you've now left me with an itch that I just can't scratch. I'm currently working on finding out what exactly Arcann did with you after the assassination of Zakuul's former Emperor, that way if you're alive and imprisoned I can arrange for your breakout. If you don't want to come back with me after that I won't stop you. But if you ever feel the urge, drop in for a visit and I'll make you remember why you stuck around for so long in the first place. END OF TRANSMISSION Aside: My agent also planned to keep secret tabs on Kaliyo if she ever left, not approach her and try to convince her to come back to him like all her other partners did, just watch over her and make sure she stayed out of too much trouble. Protecting her from the shadows when needed, and intervening directly only when necessary. He's cold hearted usually but Kaliyo ironically makes him a better person in that he actually cares about her, he's just too used to concealing his emotions to ever demonstrate it openly.
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