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Everything posted by MayhemofChaonus

  1. Probably each other Great addition Don, sorry I'm a little late on this, been so busy with real life and my own fanfic I haven't had the time to binge on many other people's works. I hope you continue the improvement I've seen in your work over the past few months, goodbye!
  2. I can sympathize, believe me. But I think you are overshooting the timeline here. The Makeb incident has yet to occur, the Battle of Ilum happened only a few weeks ago at this point. The hunt is confined to a single chapter: Chapter 3: Killer. Which will be a very long chapter, but believe me when I say that I have some surprises in store that did not happen in the HK-51 storyline, surprises that I hope will interest my readers. Basically yes, I am going to put my own sort of spin on it . There are of course, other characters whose stories I follow in this chapter, combined with Nox's hunt for the HK parts, they make this chapter very long. But like I said, surprises! Just hang in there for 1 or 2 more parts and you'll begin to see what I'm talking about To answer your question about the Revanites, Nox's original vision was not intended to be a connection to the original storyline, but instead to be a breakaway from it. In that vision I basically said: "forget all of this garbage, let's take the path less traveled." As such, I will attempt to continue to break from the original story and forge my own unique path through it. Also, the Revanites are growing in power at this point as that is canon, however, they are still working in deep secrecy and with the timeline changing and warping as it splits more and more from the original timeline, its hard to say whether they will have the same effect or accomplish the same goals that they did in the OT... This chapter is primarily about Nox's development as a character and, on a more minor note, the development of a few other supporting characters, which is why it is necessary. This part in particular might have seemed rather inconsequential, but it contained some themes and birthed some plots which will become prominent later, trust me . The Revanites may well begin to have an effect on the story, but that will take time, and likely won't begin to occur until we get closer to the events of the Dread War, when the Revanite conspiracy reared its ugly head.
  3. Hi guys! So sad, its my last time I'll be able to post directly on this forum for a while... I know the parts have seemed a little slow lately, both in release schedule and in pacing, but this is deliberate. I hope to make the crescendo a suitable payoff and am attempting to carefully and meticulously construct the backstory for it before I introduce it, in order to make it that much more impactful. I'm basically gambling that I'll be able to write something as tense, exciting, and engaging as the build-up I'm making implies, so lets hope I succeed! That aside, I am going to miss you guys. I know I can sorta use Demunoki as a mouthpiece and I can still read the forums (at least as far as I am aware) as a preferred/F2P player, but communicating with you guys will be somewhat difficult and arduous, at least on this website. As such I likely won't reply much to your posts (or maybe I'm kidding myself and I'll be flooding Demunoki's inbox with replies on a daily basis lol), but don't let that discourage you from posting observations, opinions, hypotheses, or questions. I will undoubtedly read them all and make my best efforts to factor your input and criticisms into my considerations regarding plot, character development, or writing quality. Even though you may not receive a reply, please know that your post has been seen and is being taken seriously! Ladies and Gentlemen, please enjoy the show!
  4. Aww geez, now you made me feel ashamed lol. Sorry for the bragging, it happens when you're arrogant. Although I now feel a sudden urge to compulsively check every single chapter you've written to see if we (your readers) missed any mistakes lol In any case I'm glad to hear that it was a simple brain fart (or whatever you want to call it) that caused that little mistake. I apologize (which isn't something I do often, so enjoy it XD) for being a little harsh while tooting my own horn. Shoulda known better than to assume the worst of a published writer lol. How do you think I feel? 3000 views in 2 months (oh there I go tooting my own horn again, will I ever stop? Shameless I say! Shameless! ) and I have only 4 or 5 vocal readers/critics! Sometimes I wonder just who is reading, I don't think my title is clickbait...is it?
  5. Agreed, as a hardcore SI fanboy I was a little miffed at this misstep, but I can forgive Luna for it since I'm sure she simply isn't as researched as I am on the Dark Council.
  6. uh oh, lol looks like me and Demunoki have some work to do :$
  7. Hi guys! This is one of my longest parts yet! I hope you enjoy it! Outfits Jay-Li: Outfit 1
  8. So i'm a level 65 Jedi Knight who has completed all questlines except Makeb, and still KotFE doesn't show up in my mission console on my ship. Multiple relogs and everything, still nothing. Anyone out there got a fix? A workaround? Even just an explanation would be awesome right now...
  9. Hmm, I'm wondering if you'll include a postmortem "epilogue" through someone else's eyes if you end up killing everyone off in the dark ritual...I know this is your story not mine, but I can't help coming up with my own hypothesis of sorts for the ending.
  10. Huh, good thought. I should charge for this lip service! But in all seriousness I'm not joking. I have literally had Bioware delete my threads and replies and even mute me for days at a time (my last "incident" was a 7-day mute) because of how scathingly and harshly I criticized BW for decisions they've made over the past few years. Like I said I only have 2 things that have been released over the past few years in SWTOR that I actually like, and the only reason KOTET is on there is because I haven't played the story content and don't think that I fully grasp the new GC and LvD war mechanics. As I learn more and experience more I might decide that KOTET isn't so awesome, but as of now I honestly believe that it has some merits to it, more than KOTFE ever did that's for certain...
  11. I know, I've been on Bastion for a week straight, its like an RPG, literally. You NEVER see anyone.
  12. I know I know, I can feel the haters descending on me already . I haven't played the actual story content yet (leveling a new Jedi Knight toon to get the full, narrative experience) so I'm reserving judgement on that part until I actually know what the hell I'm talking about. As such this post (at least for now) will be focusing only on the new QOL and mechanical updates Bioware has made. Anyone who has seen my other posts and replies knows I am one of Bioware's most brutal and merciless critics (at least at certain times lol). I like very few things that they've added to the game since launch, and those things are: 1. The Dread War/Oricon finale 2. Level Sync 3. (and now) KOTET I know, pretty short list considering all the content they've released. Anyway, can I just get this off my chest? Light vs. Dark is pretty awesome. I actually adds a new sense of involvement, conflict, and action to the game. Doing dailies used to always feel like a habit, or worse, a chore. Now it feels like I'm actually affecting a galactic-scale supernatural conflict with every quest I complete, enemy I kill, or flashpoint I do. Is the old content fun again? No, not really, but that's what audiobooks are for...and the rewards? Now I know probably most of you think the new Dark/Light gear sucks because its just a reskin, but for someone like me who loved that gear and never got it? These reskins are the bomb, and the only reason I'm not using stronger expletives to express exactly how excited I am is because the censors would go haywire and I'd get muted. So IMHO, the Dark vs Light war is a totally awesome and legit way to recycle old content. I don't say this often, but well done Bioware! You've impressed me! What about Galactic command? Well I haven't done much in it yet, but thus far everything I've learned and discovered about it, excluding the RNG gearing system which I agree sucks horribly and is a terrible concept for end-game gearing (or just gearing in general), has been amazing. Everytime I discover something new about how it works and what it does it surprises me. Combined with the Light vs Dark war it makes it totally worth it to redo old content. I know the hardcores will hate me for this, but: being able to get end-game gear from just doing heroics and flashpoints is helpful for someone who isn't interested in doing ops or pvp and just wants to have the best gear in the game in order to be overpowered and really prepared for any challenge that may arise. Sure it'll take me longer than doing ops or HM FP's but I'm in no rush. I'll probably add a brief review of the story content after I do it, but for now, I'm surprisingly impressed with this patch. And that is a mind-blow to someone like me who hates what Bioware has become under big daddy EA. Is it enough to save my sub? No, but like level sync, its a step in the right direction. If they keep this up, I might just consider resubbing on a yearly basis again! But probably not for 2017, sadly.
  13. Ooo! Ooo! Somebody with a great sense of humor write a Darth Vowrawn fanfic of HIS origin story! That'd be baller!
  14. Awesome! I loved the imagery too. I will also keep in mind what you said about chapter length, although most of my ragging on Noki was just teasing. I'll usually write whatever length I feel the segment needs to be. That's me channeling Nox. Usually getting lost in thought while doing something dangerous is careless and foolhardy, but it makes sense that any Sith who likes to plot and scheme would have developed a way to lose themselves in thought without lowering their guard or fear of being taken by surprise. As for Nox's lesson on the differences between the Jedi and Sith...that simile was a tough to come up with, but I feel it fits quite well.
  15. How could one suffer in the void? If you were to enter a void you would cease to exist, while your last moments may be spent in horror or pain, you wouldn't remember them or continue to feel them... Also, is this your view on real life or just in the Star Wars universe/this Star Wars universe? I loved that Ravage "became" the Ravager...never made that connection myself. A very interesting take and its given me an absolutely insidious idea for a future chapter of my novel, thanks!
  16. Hi guys. Sorry this one is so short, but Demunoki has been telling me that 4000+ words per segment is too long, so blame him for that . FYI, this segment is exactly 3000 words long. No I'm not joking, 3000 exactly, which is the average length I set for myself on most of the previous segments. Take that Noki!
  17. Jenny, look at me (metaphorically speaking, I really want you to pay attention to what I'm about to say is all) You are not cold, you know what's cold? Having a loving and supportive father who hasn't always been "your hero" or "the best dad in the world" but who tries his hardest and constantly makes personal sacrifice after personal sacrifice to give you more than he ever had...and you couldn't care less. Having amazing parents who raised a "perfectly normal family" and who constantly sacrificed their own dreams, ambitions, desires, and feelings to give their kids a great life...and you couldn't feel less indebted to them. To have your dad knowingly condemn himself to what amounted to, in the end, paid slavery for 2 decades, just so that his kids could have a bright, hopeful future with options and prospects and opportunities...but you don't even care. All you're interested in is how to get as much pleasure and comfort out of life as possible. If the old man died you'd be inconvenienced, not distraught or traumatized. That's cold, and you aren't that Jenny, because you're normal.
  18. Hehe, I tend to be pretty "critical" sometimes, to the point where when you mentioned this I literally had to do a mental background check as to whether that might have been me. Luckily it wasn't because I don't remember ever PM'ing you, but that sounds like something I might do in certain situations.
  19. I like this, although I'm not sure how some of you might feel about me or my stories after this, but hey, here we go! Where do you get your inspiration from?: I suppose "everywhere" is too broad...hmmm...I guess I'd have to say other stories. I'm a bit weird in that I don't pull inspiration from real life, rather, stories and tales give me inspiration for my real-life values and principles. That, I'm sure, sounds whacked to most of you but it's worked so far, and until it proves detrimental enough that I have to reevaluate my life decisions, I'll stick with what is working. I devour other stories almost constantly, mostly through audiobooks (Thank you Audible!). In the past few months I've been listening and re-listening to the Bane trilogy, the Revan novel, and the Plagueis novel for inspiration. Everytime I listen to each of these novels I pull at least one new thing from the book that inspires me and gives form and shape to a thought that was once nebulous and undefined. I do pull inspiration from SWTOR and every game I play and have ever played really. I also draw inspiration from my past. I wasn't always a gamer, I was once an avid Lego builder and bookworm, and many of the concepts and ideas that form the foundation of my beliefs stem from that time of budding creativity and awe-struck belief in the magic of imagination. It all factors in to my perspective and voice as an author. What does the writing process look like for you?: Like Jenny, I don't have a set pattern or structure. I don't even 'plan' the entire story when I start (I know this is so weird that Jenny and I write the same way! I'm freaking out!). I simply begin with a general idea of where I want to go and what I want to achieve and let the story work itself out. To me writing, ideas, concepts, and plot lines are like the Force. You have to open yourself up and let it flow through you. I like to say that I don't write the stories I write. The stories write themselves through me. I am merely their chosen vessel that they use to express themselves, to create themselves, to make themselves known. I will often go off an tangents in my writing that are solely from my heart. During these times my story will flow through me and we become one and the same...in that the story has now become a completely honest expression and image (snapshot) of my inner condition and my emotional identity, whether temporary or underlying. How do you handle burnouts/lost inspiration?: Listen to an audio book. Listen some more. Listen to another book. When I'm really stumped for inspiration I soundscape. I'm not sure how many of you know what this is, but its a technique that involves finding instrumental music (very important), turning it on(closing your eyes is optional, if it helps you do it), and listening. But don't just listen, imagine. Hear what the music(this is why you need instrumental, words just get in the way and taint the raw creative power of the music's interaction with your imagination), is saying to you. What world is the music creating with its notes, its melody, its rhythm, its emotional connection? What events is the music showing you? What characters are subject to or perpetrators of these events? What are these character's histories? Their moods? What emotions are they feeling right now? What is their essence? Where did they come from and where are they going? How do they perceive the world around them right now? What are they/will they do? What world does the music reveal to you? Soundscaping is how I came up with the idea for the novel (or maybe it will be a whole series, who knows?) I plan to write one day. The world, the characters, the plot, it all came from soundscaping. Of course, true to form, I don't have everything planned to the T and only have a general idea of how the story arc is going to go, and I won't have those details until I'm face to face with the blank page on which those specific ideas will be written. In a way, its very exciting. Like Schrodinger's cat, the uncertainty makes the possibilities endless. Have you ever wanted to scrap and redo an old or current story?: Not once. Although I'm sure I will eventually. I've never once wanted to scrap a story and start over. I've always felt there are things I can improve (hindsight is always 20x20) but never can I recall ever being so disenchanted or dissatisfied with my work that I wanted to erase it all and start over. I've always thought it has something to do with how I write, and the fact that everything I write is a literal (or literary, if you prefer) piece of me. Every work I create (that isn't, ya know, schoolwork or something monotonous and divorced-from-my-emotions like that) is like my offspring to me. Do they have failures? faults? issues? unsightly or unpleasant sides? Yes. But I cherish every one as a portion of myself. I have certain ones I like better than others but I love them all equally, because they are my creation, my children. Where do you turn to when you get stuck?: I play games, usually whichever one(s) I'm most heavily drawing inspiration from. I also watch or listen to content that I'm drawing inspiration from. But most important of all, I meditate. Not in the Bhuddist "ohms and ringing gongs" type way, or the "sitting cross-legged on the floor" type way. I mean the biblical way. I "meditate day and night" on my work. I think about it, turn it over in my head again and again; in the car, at work, at home, while out shopping or, simply but most importantly, when I have a moment of time to rest and just wait (for something or other). My work occupies my mind like an obsession, like a child might occupy a parent's mind or a lover might occupy their partner's mind on a daily basis. Even if my meditation is only to review concepts and ideas I already have "set in stone" it helps to get my mind into the correct frame of thinking to create new content. What do you struggle with most?: Keeping up with my characters. Many times there are levels of intelligence, cunning, perception, and awareness that I want my characters to display...but I find myself at a roadblock simply because I'm not smart enough to even imagine what being that intelligent would be like, and I hate to "cheapen" a character by using my "god powers" to try and make them seem more intelligent than even I am...It's a constant struggle to create deep, smart, perceptive characters while working within the bounds of my intellect and not a truly omniscient one. Any words of wisdom to share, advice to give to others?: Let your work flow through you. I'm not making a reference here, just because this is a Star Wars forum, I'm being serious. Let your imagination free, let your emotions guide you. If you attempt to restrain and control your imagination it will weaken, whither, and die. For creativity's sake, practice the tenants of the Sith with regards to your writing and self-expression, your art. Do not let the bonds of logic, reason, or focus stifle your creative power. Let your emotions flow through your work and it will become a truly artistic expression of you, of your essence, your soul. Once you have learned the proper techniques to express yourself (i.e. writing techniques, painting techniques, music composition techniques) use those as foundations upon which to unleash your passions, your ideas, your thoughts, your essence. And do not be afraid to sometimes even bend or defy those "traditional", "tried and true" techniques in order to express yourself even more fully, even more intensely. There are entirely new genres of music, visual art, and even writing that would never have come about if someone hadn't looked at the "tried and true" the "path everyone travels" and decided they were going to forge their own path through new territory. Let your passions guide you. I don't know how much of that made sense, but if it helped even just one person then it has done what I sent it to do.
  20. ^ Thanks Wan, you and Luna are my rock. That's actually a very good thought...I think once again I was relying/drawing too much from the game. In the game combat is constant because otherwise we wouldn't be so entertained between bossfights. But in a story you have the privilege of simply moving away from that aspect. I think you are right, too much combat dulls the edge, I will remember this...
  21. If you keep missing segments Luna, keep track of the chapters in the table of contents. They'll link you directly to the new parts upon release, as long as you remember how many parts there were in a chapter the last time you checked, you'll be able to keep on top of them! Popped out in a good way or bad way? I was honestly worried about the whole Khem vs Skadge height/weight/strength comparison simply because in-game Khem looks bigger and more intimidating, however, you never see them side-by-side which is the key, because Skadge's height in the canon is said to be around 9 feet, while Khem's height is something I was not able to procure despite all my research. Because of this, I opted to make Skadge the "bigger man" but have Khem be the "strongman" due to him being an assassin and Skadge a somewhat common thug/gangster. Andy (sorry that's my female Nox's nickname for him in my headcanon) being otherwise occupied was a sudden inspiration, and one I'm quite content with and proud of. I felt it suited his character to be a man with wandering eyes when he doesn't have a female Darth who'd torture him if he so much as looked at another woman! Well I'm not sure if I've said this before...but whenever I form dialogue and discourse in my head, I literally hear the characters voices speaking the words I'm pondering. Ok I don't literally hear voices... *turns to self* way to go genius now they know your crazy! *turns to other self* O comon they already knew that when you started spouting Sith doctrine! *turns to self* Not my fault, we both agree the Sith are less deluded than the Jedi. *new personality emerges* Hi guys! Can I join in? *both others* NO!!! Uhh sorry about that...a little slip of the mind there :$ All kidding aside, I always imagine what the characters would sound like saying my lines and work from there. If it produces lines that actually make people hear the character's voice in their head, great! I've accomplished my purpose! *other self emerges* He means making more crazy nutjobs like him Hey you! Back in the box! I blame you for this Luna, you got these guys started and now they won't shut up! In conclusion, I feel there are a few things I should express. Firstly, I just finished catching up on a few chapters of Wan's False Empire story and am struggling with my old friend: inferiority complex. In light of that I need to apologize. So I'm sorry that my story isn't as action-packed, intense, and plot-twisty as that absolute masterpiece over there! I apologize for writing a large-scale plot that will and thus requires a long, slow buildup. For those who have noticed, we are only on Chapter 3, with each chapter so far being about as long as you might expect an actual book chapter to be (at least I hope they are). I have up to chapter 5 planned out almost to the T and am working on giving the remaining chapters a more definitive form. As it is, I can see there being a minimum of 15 chapters in Book 1, then there's Book 2 and 3 which will likely sport the same length as 1. So I hope you guys can be patient with me and buckle in for the long haul and that I can keep your interest for at least a while (preferably all the way through eh?). I also hope for the sake of my fanbase (viewership on the other sites is pretty dismal right now, although I guess that's to be expected since I only posted them within the last few days...) that the SWTOR forums are around long enough for my full story to be finished and be united here as one, complete fanfiction trilogy, wouldn't that be glorious! If only I had the vision to start this 4 years ago, I might be done already! Also, I highly value the attention and feedback you guys give me. While I have made up my mind to get this story, this trilogy, outta me even if only 1 other person reads it, your support, your time, and your thought (demonstrated by your feedback and responses) is very encouraging to me. Every time I think about giving up or even just taking a week off I think to myself: "But what about your readers? How disappointed might they be?" and it gives the drive to sit down and get this story out of me and out where it can be seen. That said, I am saddened that I will possibly not be able to respond so thoroughly or often to you guys here on the forums. Of course if you do follow the story to the other places I am posting it (links now in the OP ) I will be able easily make short replies there (which will kill me because I'm sure by now you guys know I loooooooove being long-winded and saying more than needs to be said, just a side effect of how passionate I am about this story), but here on the forums I will basically be relying on Demunoki to be my contact with you guys, and his email service is not the best...Of course if you guys are sick of my long-winded replies to every single post you make (even if its only 1 or 2 lines long and basically amounts to: "nice job"), which I wouldn't blame you for (lol), then this will be a godsend. Either way, I hope you will continue to enjoy the story as we take the road not traveled. OMG, did I write all of that as a response to someone saying 3 lines? I'm definitely a nutjob.
  22. I was like... Looks like she's finally beginning to see the light, or rather, the darkness. Come to the Dark Side Lethe, give in to your hate and fear, join us! Complete your journey to the Dark Side! OH S***!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Hmm... fascinating, very fascinating. I'm both pleased and concerned that you seem to be in possession of a similar view of the nature of the Star Wars universe/multiverse as I am...although when my epic (I use the word to mean very long, I'm not arrogant I promise!) saga reaches its conclusion I'm sure people will agree that our views on that subject are still incredibly different... May I also say that through this story you seem to have added a very unique and much-needed perspective to the Star Wars universe. You have brought a very personal, emotional, and realistic perspective to a franchise that, even in its works of fanfiction, has largely been one of philosophy, universal-scale conflicts, and mysticism/religion. I feel an emotional connection to the characters on a personal level, even though the story hasn't always held my rapt attention, it has grown on me. You've done very well.
  24. Hiya guys! Here's the next part, I hope you like it! We're starting to drift back into familiar territory again, at least where Nox's story is concerned. However, I have some surprises in store that may just shock and (hopefully) please you! So it's worth reading every segment to be sure you don't miss out on anything particularly delicious. Unlike the first time around with the Battle of Ilum and False Emperor confrontations, I'm going to be making bigger and bigger strides towards distinguishing my canon from SWTOR canon, while still paying homage to the games greatest moments. The righteous death of Malavai Quinn was only the beginning, who else will fall victim to the inescapable reach of the powers warping and twisting the universe?
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