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Everything posted by Jahl

  1. It's pretty obvious that the way they've placed and spaced the mobs is supposed to be a part of the challenge on quests.....having said that, I agree, it really does nothing for the game world as a feature. For as well done, graphically, as the gameworld is, it's very clinical and cold and the static mobs really dont help. Of course you have 'walkers' on most planets but they're the exception thrown in to add to the difficulty. If you have ever played Lord of the Rings Online, the difference is startling. The environments there are very much alive......here it's all about..well clinical is the best word I can think of.
  2. I really cannot believe there are people in this thread arguing that SwtOR is not linear lol, come on, there are single player games less linear than this, let alone other mmo's.....this thing is Call of Duty linear! Under no circumstances did they have to build the world the way they did to encompass the class stories. LotRO has an 'epic' questline that your char' follows all the way through the game....and that place is huge. I really was not expecting a huge open world from SwtOR, but I really didn't expect what they delivered either. For everything that the storyline and quests give you in terms of immersion, the gameworld takes away times ten. Sure it's well done graphics wise but you never feel like you are 'there'. On less populated planets like Tatooine and Hoth you do get some wide expanses of barren terrain......everywhere else you can barely take a breath without something wants to fight you. At no point have I been tempted to go and explore, even looking for Holocrons is a nighmare...seriously, jumping in an mmo????
  3. I'll agree with five and six, to be honest I don't care about space enough to comment on it.
  4. Ummm they dont....didnt you see Return of the Jedi lol, the sith LOOSE.
  5. I have had EVERY bug there is with this game, but not actually IN the game itself. Three patches have utterly failed for me (it's taken me upwards of 16 hours to get back in afterwards) When I quit the game it always means re-starting the PC, I've had it where none of my chars' show up, where there is no server list etc etc. IN the game itself.....plays like a dream, no fps issues at all, graphics work fine.
  6. Yeah......until you discover that they plumbed for sticking a gold elite/champion at the end of everything, JUST like every other mmo.
  7. None of what they say alters the fact that PvP gear makes you look like you are from Dune and not Star Wars.
  8. Utter drivel. How you LOOK has no bearing on how your gear performs, and you blathering on about 'sustainable items' is great....well researched, except that all falls apart at level 50. On my Jedi Knight I got lucky and found a robe that looks okay and so far I've been able to mod it to keep up with my level, however...the same cannot be said of my Sith Assasin, Sith Marauder or my Gunslinger.
  9. The whiners will not stop until they can play this game with their brains switched off. Fixed.
  10. Tomorrow is the big day for me. Last patch it took me sixteen hours to get a viable working copy of this game.... if it happens tuesday, I'm gone.
  11. There was not one single evolutionary leap in WoW, apart from the fact that it made the mmo playable by people with just two braincells or less. Ultima Online preceeded Everquest by two years, and WAS the first really succesful mmo. Everquest took upwards of a year to overtake the number of subscribers that UO had.
  12. NO. Reason: Because only total morons want to turn playing a game into a job.
  13. Having played through two planets now (Coruscant & Balmora) with other people I can honestly say that, while it is possible to solo SWtOR to 50, the game really comes to life when you play through it with someone else....class quests included.
  14. Are you REALLY this stupid? I mean honestly? We can level a lot of complaints against the state that this game is in, but one thing you really cannot complain about is that you were NOT warned about hitting level fifty. So before you post anything else what part of....... The Old Republic is all about the story ....did you NOT understand? It was their main advertising strategy almost from day one, and I don't know about you, but where I come from stories do not begin on the last page. The dam game has not been out a month yet!!
  15. Unless, of course, they warned you, over and over and over again that the journey to level fifty was what this game is ALL about.......which Bioware did. People like yourself, who came here expecting WoW in space, REALLY should have first read about the game you were buying.
  16. /agree. Taris will make you want to shoot yourself.
  17. Lmao...go to the Customer Service forums sunshine and read the posts from hundreds and hundreds of players who cannot even log in due to the faulty patching system.
  18. Definately Crime/Cartel. I've always thought that the Bounty Hunter and Smuggler did not belong with Empire/Republic, these two classes should always have been neutral/crime. It would be a mistake I think to allow Jedi/Sith into a third faction.
  19. Too funny, mmo's had been around for at least seven years when WoW launched. What you SHOULD have said was that WoW gave us the cryfest generation, until that game an mmo player did not need to be led around by the nose, he/she could make their own way and work things out for themselves, they did not need to raid theirty times a week to get gear, they could make their own. The fact that people think the mmo began with WoW is half the problem, and why 99% of mmo's now are linear crap.
  20. Star Wars Galaxies proved you wrong, now THAT is a fact. They gave in to the forum whiners and people left that game in droves because a tiny minority wanted the NGE, because a tiny minority wanted Jedi to be a playable class for everyone etc etc. EVERY change that SOE made to that game was asked for by people like you. 'competitive gaming folk'...... lmao, you ruined the mmo genre'! You turned a hobby into a job for gods sake. Take twenty minutes to log into WoW and look at all the little workers in that 'game', they're so brainwashed about 'gear' & 'end game' that they forgot they're supposed to be having FUN. Newsflash: This is an mmo, you cannot fail, do a raid enough times and eventually you will do it, pvp enough and you will get enough points, win OR loose. Bioware tried to make a difference, they tried to make getting to level cap more fun than actually being there, they tried to tell you that the journey was meant to be more fun than the ending, they TOLD you that raid content would be minimal, they TOLD you there would be no add-ons and they TOLD you there would be no macros..... and yet here you are, the vocal minority, again.
  21. Indeed he is: WoW proved EVERYTHING he said in his post is wrong.
  22. Yeah.....thats why they play every other mmo BUT this one with no problems at all.
  23. All my problems with SWtOR so far are connection issues. Asset 27 is the third patch that would not download/install for me, and I get the error 9000 at least 3 times per play session. Having said that, I am a veteran mmo player, and have never encountered anything like this before (and other games I play as of now I STILL have no problems with) and it is a game breaker for me, and I am not alone. I came over to SWtOR with a roleplay association of over five hundred players, and since early access more than half have said they have cancelled or will not be paying for another month. My fps in game is fine, but the 9000 error and the patching issues are going to make me hit the cancel, I wont pay for this in the vain hope that at some point in the next six months they will get around to fixing it.
  24. Use your brain......out of the million plus that are playing this game how many do you see ************ about it on the forums? This really IS the vocal minority.
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