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Everything posted by Nasja

  1. Back on topic, shout out to every pub pilot in this game. That was excellent team work!
  2. Oops, Forgot to make available. Should be good now. Thanks max
  3. Going for a 5th place: Bomber Deathmatch: Traesha - Warcarrier - SecForce Squadron - Jedi Covenant - 125115 damage
  4. Don't worry about that Zuck, we know what it's like. I just found a score in which, you had the most kills, damage & (ohoh) deaths of your team. So going for the record was your uhm.. payback. Traesha
  5. I completely understand you didn't queue again. I can however recommend, if few / no imp aces are online (do put them in your friendslist) you are off course welcome to change to a pub toon. We don't care how much experience you have (I don't think the imps do either, just mentioning though), if you are doing your best (which as we can see you do) we will do our best to give you a good experience. Yeah, their "best" equaled our "worst" in that match. I am curious though, if you thought I was someone's alt, who's alt did you think I was
  6. Winning a match while some people in your team didn't participate - Hero achievement + 25 requisition The opposite - winning a match without participating - Lazy penalty - 25 requisition
  7. Keep trolling, servers are reported to be up again. Bye bye.
  8. You really didn't pay much attention, pretty sure. Everyone can see that. But your probably just try to troll as long as possible.
  9. I have an idea for craftable crystals as well as weapons. Crystals, artifice: + 41 endurance or power or critical rating Color: White Materials: All 3 color crystals + Hiridiu crystals + Zoosha Solution Weapons, lightsabers for artifice and armstech for everything else: As usual but upon craft, has an extra slot: Dye module The white crystal you can craft can be slotted in the crafted weapons and be modified by the dye module. With all the different colors: Primary color is outside, secondary color is the core. What do you think?
  10. My experience is that most of the time, after you give a perfect answer to his / her question they ask you 10 more questions usually starting with "it says" as a starter. So in stead of them trying to figure out what they should do next by for example checking things online they think since you helped them get started they think you are some kind of helpdesk they can always rely on. And since some people found an answer to that, check things online, That I believe is perfectly acceptable as well. Also, in a single player game, you don't have other players to rely on for questions so your only source is to check things online. What is the big deal?
  11. You like highlighting the part you like don't you... lol. Who's the real troll
  12. First of all flashpoints have been edited to remove some groups of mobs within the flashpoints, lowering the amount you have to fight. Second the scoundrel can knockout mobs (CC) without causing aggro. Come on they gave us the ability and tools to do so. CC isn't an ability to use to skip npc's, it is there for example to aggro 1 npc in stead of 2. Normal CC such as the force lift is what you describe. The smuggler's CC can be used before combat without any aggro. If they wanted us to have to fight every mob they wouldn't have given us the ability to CC trash mobs without aggro. Smuggler & Imperial Agent are 1 out of 4 classes, it's not a given that one will be included in Group Finder, some see it as a bonus, others as a requirement because they can skippie.... You know my opinion, make a point Bioware.. either remove them completely or make them unable to be skipped. I've been here since closed beta - I would of quit shortly after if I couldn't use the spacebar. I enjoy the clips, though not enough to watch them a 100 times. I'm all fine with rewatching them if somebody hasn't been through; though people shouldn't be forced to watch them. That would be a horrible design. No because with the exception of Esseles / Black Talon there are just a few cutscenes inside FP's. They hardly matter. You clearly don't have alts (or many at least) if you think that. Also this goes beyond flashpoints. This includes doing normal quests, which talking to the npc takes longer than the quest itself. Lol, always talking about game experience right. Maybe I have a life besides this game and you don't But yeah, I do have plenty of alts. Actually 8 toons on 1 server, most of the time I quit playing an alt after I reach 50 though. Anyways, no one has a problem with being able to skip text in normal quests, you solo them anyways but that isn't the case in fp's where youll find different people doing the same content. Freedom to play how you would enjoy is a bad game design? I see..... No, no I don't. As we can see, in group content there are different people with different opinions. You get both verbal pvp in game and forum pvp here just because there are different ways to play the same flashpoint. One prefers this, the others prefer that and when you play the fp in a group finder queue you get the people who smacktalk other people just because of their preference. That is a bad game design. If the devs removed all trash mobs from for example hard modes then there wouldn't be any need to skip because they simply aren't there.. see what I mean. There are four of you, take a vote. Person that doesn't get their way can either go along or leave. It's a group finder, if you want to dictate other players' action form a group without the group finder. Using the group finder is a cooperative tool. Work together or get kicked - for most parts. Harsh but it's better than LFG. I personally never kick people, but that's the mentality of the system. For the most part it works fine; I rarely ever find pugs with drama in them. Somehow... there are plenty of these threads and there will be many more in the future about this subject. I say Bioware should simply dictate the playstyle in flashpoints, then people would all do the same because there is very little choice. Simplest solution. I sometimes found drama in fp's especially when someone has little time and wants to do quickly quickly mode and found a few people who scavenge every droid, pick up every bit of loot and never skip any npc, and also watch every line in a convo. There are people who watch the same movie every day. Is there anything wrong with that?
  13. First of all flashpoints have been edited to remove some groups of mobs within the flashpoints, lowering the amount you have to fight. Second the scoundrel can knockout mobs (CC) without causing aggro. Come on they gave us the ability and tools to do so. CC isn't an ability to use to skip npc's, it is there for example to aggro 1 npc in stead of 2. I've been here since closed beta - I would of quit shortly after if I couldn't use the spacebar. I enjoy the clips, though not enough to watch them a 100 times. I'm all fine with rewatching them if somebody hasn't been through; though people shouldn't be forced to watch them. That would be a horrible design. No because with the exception of Esseles / Black Talon there are just a few cutscenes inside FP's. They hardly matter. Freedom to play how you would enjoy is a bad game design? I see..... No, no I don't. As we can see, in group content there are different people with different opinions. You get both verbal pvp in game and forum pvp here just because there are different ways to play the same flashpoint. One prefers this, the others prefer that and when you play the fp in a group finder queue you get the people who smacktalk other people just because of their preference. That is a bad game design. If the devs removed all trash mobs from for example hard modes then there wouldn't be any need to skip because they simply aren't there.. see what I mean.
  14. You know, this game is terrible. Why? 1) Npc skipping inside instances -- exploit. Npc's are there for a reason whatever that may be. The devs didn't put them in for decoration, they interact to your presence and open fire. The fact that they have a very smallish detection range is bad game design. In SWG (that previous Star Wars MMO) you couldn't "skip" npc's in instances, if you wanted to complete, you had to kill all of them, simple. Everyone knew how much time the instances were going to take and prepared for that. If it would be the same thing here, everyone would simply know how much time they were going to take. Skipping = exploiting game mechanics 2) Not viewing lines and cutscenes -- the usual omg spacebar. Spacebar = another bad game design made by bioware. You'll know how long the instance is going to take if it doesn't do anything. If you don't have the time to play an fp you wanted to do... then don't, simple. The bad thing in this game isn't as some of you want to believe that people are allowed by game mechanics to aggro npc's or to not spam the spacebar but it is the fact that it is possible to skip.
  15. I never understood why they hired german and french voice actors in the first place. Sure, it's a convenience to people living in germany and france but... they do get english at school in these countries as well. I imagine if bioware didn't offer german and french voice actors, the people from these countries would still play and it would spare Bioware the millions indeed. Subtitles though... that would be an option.
  16. True, there are some differences between this Sith Empire and others. Think for example rules in the sith academy, Acolytes are not allowed to kill eachother and "rubbish" like that. However it is still customary to Sith to do whatever they want and the Sith code encourages that. You are right though, the fact that the Sith Warrior doesn't know where the emperor is. And trying to find out may be very dangerous. Still, what if the Sith Warrior will attempt (and succeed) to kill the Emperor while he is weak. What would happen in the empire and sith ranks?
  17. Short but simple suggestion: Scourge, when he fought with Revan and the Exile had a vision of our Jedi Knight standing over the Emperors body. Would you believe the vision pictured the voice of the emperor which as some of you suggest looked very different from the true emperor? And would scourge believe that this was in fact the emperor that the jedi knight was standing over? Now something else. From a sith warrior p.o.v.. Suppose the hand does write you that e-mail, voice of emperor is dead, emperor is recovering etc. etc. what would, if you had so much freedom in this game, which you haven't.. a sith warrior do when reading this news? Kill the emperor and take his place I think! So how much validaty has that e-mail from the Emperors hand? To me, not much. The hand would suspect you to go after the emperor, but if you don't.. then you have proven to be loyal (which a sith should only be to gain power) and would give them time to find some solution and replace the emperor. So yes, I believe the emperor was killed by the jedi knight.
  18. I have seen most of the flashpoints. I prefer not to skip mobs or text however I will skip when others are politely asking to skip. However, if I spot someone being rude who thinks he / she can boss me around telling me to spacebar / mount up / skip npc's etc. I purposely never spacebar, engage every mob just to make them angry and have a lot of enjoyment doing that for obvious reasons. Hatetells are one of the best forms of entertainment after all. But to find a solution to this problem... Would people get behind the idea that if say... on Rp servers the spacebar wouldn't work in the flashpoints and the detection range of npc's is higher on those servers? So you can't skip anything and are forced to interact with the playing environment including text?
  19. I miss swg.. where you could kill 1000th's of nightsisters to finally get the Sith 4/5 holocron after trying for a month or more and where you could kill 1000th's of ancient krayt dragons to get ancient flawless pearls And this was in the NGE. I have been told that in Pre-cu much more grinding was involved. And here we are, people wanting to be really quick.
  20. It's about rushing. They all want to rush and break the world record to do flashpoint x and they come in with the attitude -- how do I beat this quickest. Not, how do I get the most out of this. Symptoms are: Not healing between fights Spacebar smashing through text and yelling at others to smash that same spacebar -- if you don't, theyll quit Not picking up common loot Skipping npc's Clicking on the group finder icon and queue -- not selecting their role. So you end up with for example tank specced shadows who are selected as dps or dps commando's who are specced as healer etc. Thats about the things I can think of, there are probably more.
  21. We didn't read / know anything about the false voice -- Darth Baras to make a powerful impact on the emperor We know the emperor still controls most of the children of the emperor after the "being" the jedi knight kills on Dromund Kaas There was only a very short time (I predict a week at most) in between the death of Darth Baras and the "being" killed by the Jedi Knight. With these facts, if it was the emperor who was killed by the jedi knight.. he would be controlling the children of the emperor even after death as a force ghost. It may be possible but we don't know for sure. Still, if Vodal Kressh could control sith while being death, then why wouldn't Vitiate be able to do that? And if it wasn't the emperor being killed but it was in fact the voice of the emperor, the true voice perhaps.. then why did it leave such an impact? I wouldn't think it would hurt him so much if it was a fresh new voice, and it would make for poor storywriting. It may be someone who was around a little longer but wasn't on the dark council. Would someone believe it would be Darth Jadus perhaps? Or would it be a character we haven't seen in any other storyline yet?
  22. Very well written! One thing I am curious about though. Who was this new voice of the emperor the jedi knight killed at the end?
  23. Strange, the very same thing occured in Star Wars Galaxies where, in order to get a lightsaber schematic you had to go to Restuss (a pvp zone) and wait for the emperors hand to spawn and loot the schematic which was available to all when the hand was killed and you contributed in the kill. Strange because swtor stayed away from swg as far as possible but somehow they found something they probably liked in that game. Can we get all the elements they had in that game in this game as well please?! Yeah you probably wouldn't like that would you Bioware. Anyway, most of the time devs do this kind of thing because they want to make it a challenge to get something you are after. If you just get HK after doing a simple quest then thats too easy and everyone would allready have the companion. Now people put effort in it. However, is this getting into outlaws den, buying some parts and then getting out a challenge or really an annoyance or can it be mentioned that its downright impossible for the next few weeks on most servers? Opinions may differ on that subject but in any case, 80+ pages tells us there is a cause for concern. Down to the point, this part of content is content for who exactly? Is putting vendors in Outlaws Den good content for pvp-ers because people will go in there and there would be a lot of pvp in there the coming weeks? Or is it good content for the gankers which bioware made the decision they would be subscribers = money to them? Or is it good content to pve-ers who may or may not want to get the HK unit and Bioware would believe they would group up with pvp-ers to get the items they want and may be encouraged to do more pvp? To me Bioware need to ask themselves if putting vendors in Outlaws Den was business wise a good or a bad idea. The coming weeks will tell the results. If subscriber numbers will go down, then they have made a mistake, if they go up... well, then like it or not, they have done the right thing. Last thing you need to realize is that bioware never cares about you, they only thing they care about is their own business, their own money. More money, good business, less money... they have done something wrong.
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