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Everything posted by themachinemann

  1. You seem to misuse the word "we" here. Most of the people that commented were looking forward to such a cosmetic change, and are thankful to Keith for the work he puts in. You should take a lesson from these people. Seriously, lighten up. Chill out. Enjoy the game for what it is rather than endlessly complaining about (gear, class, lack of attention). Your gear arguments are poorly thought out and irrelevant, your class arguments are valid but overstated, and you're ruining what is a potentially fruitful roadmap thread by trying to make the roadmap all about you and assuming that all players have the same concerns that you do. Great job Keith, keep it up.
  2. you can use if the opponent is between 4 and 10m away and force melt / dispatch / saber throw are unavailable, since most of your rotation is 4m. other than that it doesn't really fit in
  3. - there's a vendor with many wonderful command boosts at very cheap rates. you should look into that - no build is made viable or broken because of gear. top level gear vs bolster is such a tiny difference! if you can't play your class with bolster, you still won't be able to play your class with 248's (or stop me if you were the 1 person that was a god in 208's but got massacred once 5.0 came out). keybind, aug everything, learn a little bit about your class and you'll find your performance improving immeasurably. - unless you want to cause an uproar by increasing the cost of playtime, the cartel market is here to stay. Isn't it great that the devs can keep the game going AND afford food and housing? Hardly what I'd call a p2w model, given the past few years. The fact is before 5.0, PvE players were frustrated they couldn't get the top level gear unless they did NiM. In an endless cycle, they justified that they couldn't do NiM because they didn't have top level gear. PvP players were frustrated because most people couldn't figure out for themselves that expertise = better PvP performance, and they didn't listen to others or look at forums, so they ran in with PvE gear they gained with flashpoint and heroic commendations. The current system solves both those problems. It doesn't solve the problem of people incessantly complaining. Irony, love it. This is the discussion you should be having. Forget the hyperbole, just try have an objective look at progression in PvP. Just remember you need to cater for the ultra-casuals, who require the ability to blame their performance on a gear gap, as well as the few remaining top tier PvP'ers, who require suitable reward to maintain interest.
  4. sorc dps isn't the end of the world for ranked, there are far worse specs and despite having less damage can provide solid utility and offheals. and honestly i've seen mercs, snipers, sorc healers get globaled in ranked so just laugh at them if they start complaining about dps sorc. however.... ranked players are often very toxic to people that meet the valor criteria but don't meet a bare minimum playing standard. "why should they care? I'm just doing it for components" you say. well, they queue for different reasons, and overall team performance impacts their rating and enjoyment of the game. they need thicker skin, sure. there needs to be a shake-up of the system so that people of all skill levels flood ranked, so the all-stars don't get matched with new players, sure. but until that happens, do what you can to prove them wrong. practise in regs and aim for the top. go back to ranked by putting on your best (augmented) gear, have your defensives keybound, think about your positioning and show them you're not free rating for the opponents.
  5. i experienced a bit of a rollback... as in I opened like 10 crates before i got booted from the server, then i logged back in and had all these crates in my inventory. is there any indication of how far back it went? cheers eric edit: not sure about command rank, credits etc. to be honest i wouldn't have noticed it if i didn't have all these command crates in my inventory
  6. was talking about arenas since the guy i quoted specified ranked
  7. and good opponents click their name and hunt them before they drop combat so they can't h2f. so yeah, they can h2f but it relies on the opponents being... ... ... from 99% of the pvp community
  8. the difference between mercs/snipers and other classes is their dcd's, rather than exceptional damage output. equally skilled jugg vs merc should be able to put out similar damage if they're both allowed to freecast, and don't forget pt is high burst and still viable for g-r. on the other hand, equally skilled merc can last 3 times longer than a dps jugg. if you tunnel a dps jugg or pt first, they take 200-250k damage and die, timing of cd's can't save them. then you have 4v3 and the rest should be easy. as for tank, 2 reasons. (1) they're still pretty squishy, (2) tunneling a target through guard means effectively you have to kill 2 players at once, and it'll take longer to get that 4v3 situation. if you tunnel a merc first, you have to do 500k+ damage to kill them unless they're really bad. in the meantime their team can kill... say, 2 of yours, plus the remaining 2 may have taken aoe and reflect damage remember previous seasons? merc could still put out good damage, but had no dcd's, so you go them first. sorc, on the other hand, had all god mode dcd's, so you avoid them. obviously these are all just general rules, there's some mercs that don't have the right utility setup same as there are snipers that get globaled because they don't entrench or by diversion+net. but generally yeah, on class balance you go for the one easiest to kill another reason, melee and lack of escapes
  9. just looking at your screenshot, it looks like kappa ross isn't in your team anymore and hasn't been removed from the frame. looks like you have 4s and 4m. debuffs are showing for all players except kappa. it's super annoying if someone doesn't get removed so a replacement doesn't join the ops frame (especially for healers) but unfortunately it happens. as for OP, if someone leaves or disconnects, their name is included on the final scoresheet. In mids or lowbies you can end up with more than 8 players due to a level up bug (unless they fixed it? haven't played mids or lows in ages) but for 70's, you're gonna need a lot more than a screenshot of the final scorecard to demonstrate a team having more than 8. hell, i've seen games with 16+ players on the final scorecard for one team cause they quit. ironically you also complained about class imbalance, though your screenshot includes a merc and sniper that did jack all dps (sniper looks like he's guarding an offnode, merc not so). nerf sorcs? LOL edit: i see you're at command rank 272, i'll assume it's not your first match. maybe it is. have you seriously never noticed someone that leaves still gets their name on the scorecard?????????
  10. ok doing some maths as per your original post... 6 goals / 3 mins = 30 seconds/goal. fair enough given it looks like no one on your team tried to go for the ball. 1546 damage/3mins = 8.59 dps but seriously tho it's really not fair to your team if you sit in the corner letting them lose 7v8, then cry on the forums about cheating.
  11. someone posted above to not burn all your cd's at once. good advice. anticipate damage, kite and los, obvious but good. there's a pt on harbinger that just sits in his zone until the last possible second, knowing the other team will want to focus him. so if the other team doesn't adapt they lose so much health before they can even hit the pt. that might work for you. don't expect to last too long, but if you can anticipate that focus and adapt to team dynamics you can still get results without rerolling or forever tanking.
  12. as much as I normally ignore incoherent forum rants... here goes. yes, they are aware. but making things all caps is definitely increasing their awareness, people generally have difficulty reading lower case. keep it up. being serious tho, all updates have had class imbalance, and they take it in turns. your precious guardian had the whole of 4.0 to experience being completely op in pvp and i don't see a single thread post from you about that. on the contrary, I see a number of strong performers in jugg/guardian atm, you should ask them for tips. almost all, correct. 3 other classes being almost all (and to be fair, pt tank already had one). they should be junike!!! junike!!!! hear us, junike!!!!!!!!!!!!!! honestly the dps for guardian and vanguard is fine. survivability is sub par rn but let's be honest you never had a "chanse" anyway. yes, all classes have reflect, it's a conspiracy!!!!!! all of them. except 6 of them. but all of them. except 6. and you clearly understand utility trees too, given your overwhelming knowledge of guardian's utility speed boosts. we have nothing JUNIKE! SADNES! JUNIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have a headache from reading that.
  13. you hit the nail on the head, then jumped off a cliff. expertise created the gap in pvp and pve gear and allowed pvpers to gear quickly without impacting progression pve. then you claim nim raiders complained about pvp gear. lol. expertise needed to be eliminated because bads only looked at gear rating and didn't understand expertise nor looked at forum threads. removing said expertise removed any confusion while also removing questions around bis. some thought that'd solve problems but lets face it: said people would still be thrashed even if you gave them perfect gear. and it's the same now - gear is an excuse, even though they'd be thrashed if you gave them equal gear. and if it's not gear it's class or hacks or anything really. and on the contrary i could give so many examples of people achieving amazing numbers, survivability, etc in mediocre gear. though i don't see any tangible evidence for an ever increasing gear gap, i'll put this out there. adding more defensives and utilities hasn't helped average joe survive longer because he doesn't use them. as proof, mercs that don't take trauma regulators, maras that facetank repeatedly and don't use dcd's or snipers that get globaled because they never use entrench. an experienced pvper, even nim raider, understands his/her defensives, utilities, positioning, keybinds etc and thus dominates. not the point of this thread, but perhaps the gap seems greater due to that. so what's your proposed solution in all this? go back to expertise? the other option is to bolster everyone to exactly the same stats and take away choice (wrt gear and stats distribution) or take away one of the extrinsic rewards for regular pvp.
  14. multiple each wz... you make it sound like an epidemic. quick someone call the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaambulance seriously though, no need to cry hacks with no evidence, just because you can't handle it. give it a rest
  15. subjugation is good for regs. debatable for yolos unless you can pretty much guarantee a longer game, but fair enough. expunging camo is useless for pvp, sorry. for a solid yolos build, go carnage, brazen, relentless, phantom, unbound, (personal preference - undying, subj, other), blood and ruthless.
  16. tactics are definitely too hard for most regs. counting is hard for many. running the huttball in the right direction is tough for some. knowing not to use your raid buff before the gate opens is too difficult for some to comprehend. and stopping a cap, we all know, is impossible. just earlier i had an odessen game. mid and south lit up at the start, 5 of our team went north. that gave me a headache. I'd love to say the other team punished such stupidity and we lost, but we capped mid and south somehow, and ultimately won. against any decent team they'd be thrashed, and such players need space to figure out the game (given that the main stories are so fast and teach them nothing beyond clicking basic attacks) - that's why i've previously suggested breaking up pvp based on experience rather than level. but until it's fixed, the top end of the regs community needs to get over themselves and stop farming bads, the bottom needs to get over their excuses... class, gear, bolster... and focus on basics - being fully augmented, using a stim, keybinding, using defensives, thinking about your positioning, and watching your objective. excuses just lead to the devs chasing shadows, over-fixing things and makes the game worse. build up the base so everyone can have fun games and let devs release content rather than reacting to every qq about a utility someone doesn't like.
  17. nerf or removal? cry more dude, you really can't be serious. mara is fairly balanced in terms of survivability and dps, no need to screw it over.
  18. there are some people that expect to win every game and if they don't they start crying. such people are regstars and should go back to being as such. or they're 3 and lack basic inhibitory control. most of the anger, though, happens if someone gets globaled or tunnel the first person they see rather than a previously stated target. accidents happen but if someone repeatedly does that, games become frustrating and yeah people lash out. why lash out? because if 1 person dies without a fight, it's 3v4 and unless the other team has an equally useless player or a really bad setup, it's game over. if one team can mezz someone and focus a target while the other team keeps breaking cc's, it's 3v4. losing 3v4 is frustrating, and if there aren't a number of bads queueing ranked, more and more matches become 3v4, leading to frustrations boiling over. honestly no one expects you to be a master of hardswaps nowadays in solo queue. if you can use your cd's properly and focus a stated target that's generally fine. how much damage should you take regardless of stuns? in a 4v4 dps game, and you die, look at your damage taken. marauder, juggernaut, pt should aim for 200-250k. op, sin and sorc should aim for 300k. sniper and merc aim for 400k. these are minimums. If you kite the whole match or have dank offheals, obviously it goes up. if you don't hit those, maybe you should learn your cd's or kiting, then come back to ranked later. should they lash out? you say "it's a game, so no". fair enough. a competitive player would disagree. fair enough. bottom line is, a lot of experienced players don't like getting bads in their team. Inexperienced players don't like getting schooled just because they have no idea what a cd is or how to use it. all that said, I'm in favor of a makeover of the ranked system to bring back skill v skill. no, this isn't a gear post. gearing is fine. my proposal is: pick pvp matchups based on highest account/legacy valor - so if you have a(n elite) warlord, you can't play against complete noobs. <50 can play against each other and learn to pvp (any level). 51-85 can play against each other and get better. And 86-100 can play 8v8 and have all their matches ranked. if a higher level is grouped with their lower level friend, it rounds up. it gets complete noobs into a fairer queue so they can learn the game. it does away with arena only ranked and brings back 8v8 ranked. it makes games fairer and more competitive for everyone.
  19. a tournament would be seen as fairer, but honestly I think we'd have a better chance if knin chose them. he's been round long enough and done enough to know the legit top players compared to the ones that can fluke a tourney on the day or win a popular vote. don't forget the last urc mosh went to, he lost early cause of a mistake. it happens. snave has done ... 10 tournaments? he knows the legit players. but sure do a tournament. i'd enter if i had decent ping. gl all
  20. wrong. how is it over? it's always been like this. except before there were also noobs that had no idea about expertise. wrong. bolster is 232. wrong. few actually have full 242, especially since there's no way to convert 240 to 242 or 234 to 236. many at rank 300 are nowhere near full 242. honestly grinding and hoping for that 242 piece isn't worth the time and most move to other characters. wrong. there is a difference, it's just not gamebreaking. skill easily covers and exceeds that gap. side note, why not just buy 240 mods/enhancements/mh etc and test for yourself? so... go start a thread discussing the notion of gear progression in pvp. suggest alternative rewards? ranked 8's? good idea.
  21. It seems that, instead of trying to find out why you're underperforming, you just jump in and complain that it's not fair. 1) you're just back into the game and fresh into level 70. Saying that followed by "there is zero... skill based into it" is a glaring contradiction. Give it a bit of time to get your keybinds, augs, other gear (see point 2) positioning etc in order. 2) you're using the wrong gear set. Hilarious for a thread called "gear disparity". For pvp generally, tank gear doesn't do much defensively due to the current bias towards high crit and the fact guard damage isn't mitigated. It does even less offensively. Also please try to actually understand bolster before blaming it. The only areas that endgame gear significantly beats bolster is in your mh barrel/hilt. Buy a 240 from the gtn, problem solved. Augments also help and are really cheap. 3) you seem to be determined to tank. That's fair enough, it can be rewarding. Just note that the pvp tanking meta isn't about protection, peeling and facetanking 4 people indefinitely (reasons above). You need to do moderate dps on top of your protection or you're putting the team at a disadvantage. If you'd like, sure, start a thread to change the pvp tank meta to a classic meat shield. But blaming gear because you misunderstood said meta is stupid. 4) find a decent healer and queue with them. 5) bugs happen. Force leap bug happens, in my experience, incredibly rarely and only on very specific parts of the novare coast map. As noted, operatives can, under stealth, holotraverse (not roll) through the middle of the gap in voidstar. All it takes is someone standing right near the edge (as if that actually helps your team).
  22. these numbers are pretty accurate. As mentioned it doesn't show the impact of healers or the fact sins, maras and ops can stealth out and heal up if the other team doesn't chase. On the other hand mercs and snipers don't have such an easy escape (poor juggs and pt's too). OP if you use your defensives correctly, of course you'll still go down but you should have taken a decent chunk out of the other team. Of course it depends on the user too, some mercs can't click off their bubble in time and only take 120k. some use all their cd's at once and only take 300k. but played best, merc can take the most damage in 4v4 dps matches.
  23. haven't you threatened to unsub over and over again? it's rng. everything is dropping. sometimes you get a good mix, sometimes not
  24. most of the time, a noob healer does more (and dies less quickly) than a noob dps, especially if they can freecast, so I think the greater issue is in the difficulty of each role. as people said, 2k dps is average for most regs, 3k is pretty good, 4k good. most dps i see are 1.5-2k, while most healers are >4k. stacking healers of course drops that, but op deleted his post anyway so i'll move on. instead of bringing healers down, we can use what we have to bring dps up. teaching what utilities to use, teaching positioning or getting them to play a ranged class can help people in reaching 3k rather than their usual 2k. we have to start somewhere. or they can play heals so that they learn how to defend, making their survivability, keybinds and hence dps better. making classes easier (like they did for sorc, merc and sniper) should also decrease that gap. sometimes watching pvpers, I think to myself "do they get their parents to log in for them?" then my brain dies in a state of disbelief. there's ways to help them be competent, though. it's not gear (though please get augs; there's a stat bonus but also not having any is like going into a warzone and saying "hi i'm a noob". 240 mh is also very helpful). it's not yelling at them. teach them their rotation and targeting (or suggest dulfy, youtube guides etc), teach them to survive and teach them calling incs/counting numbers and it'll be a lot more fun for everyone. 2 players to kill a healer is fair, and that's basically the current state if there's a similar skill level. less and healer is broken. more and healer is broken.
  25. none of this. tho I'd recommend getting a 240 mh and full aug set. sage and sorc are very mobile healers. gear adds to your survivability but is far from the most important thing. if you've seen these sorcs around for a while you've probably seen where they stand/los, where they put phase walk etc. a big part of it is staying active and following a priority list (see dulfy). once you learn and bind your cd's just focus on survival. if they focus you just keep moving behind and around objects. force speed is your friend. Set your phase walk far off, in a hidden location to buy extra time. don't overuse bubble unless you're on the run. utilities also play a big part in performance. i haven't played corruption in ages but you might try http://dulfy.net/2014/10/13/swtor-disciplines-calculator-swtor_miner/?link=dGEBAABGAgEAGgQGBwgNDhMR sorc/sage forum should also have suggestions and reasons
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