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Everything posted by EvanSnowWolf

  1. And I will ask AGAIN... please direct me to where my Guardian's cleanse button is.
  2. Stop being lazy and kill the target instead of playing tag with everything in range of your Tab key.
  3. Good players purge? Where is the purge button on my Jedi Knight, exactly?
  4. My PvP character is an Assault Commando and this does not bug me at all. I don't expect my dots to do prevention. I do it the straight up old fashioned way.. shooting people.
  5. Why exactly is the locking of the toggle thread "good news"?
  6. Fake casting? Sounds like nonsense invented by World of Warcraft.
  7. So your problem is that I don't nod my head like a Bobblehead Doll to everything said in this thread? I'm not allowed to have different viewpoints as each specific point is made? This is a Discussion Thread, not an Echoing Chamber. There are some forms of implementation I agree with and others that I do not. I take each point one at a time. What I have said is no less relevant to implementation than some lament about the Dune Sea/Hoth used as a romance companion wallpaper.
  8. I'm not a computer programmer, and my last computer class involved Hypercard on an AppleIIe, but I don't think it would kill someone to come in here in bright yellow text and say "THIS IS HOW FAR WE'VE COME ON IT." If they were trying some big "We got it all done at once, suprise!" I don't think it is worth the current stress.
  9. I keep hearing this over and over and over again, but to be fair... it hasn't been five months. They said it would be a post launch feature, and launch was December 13th for EGA. So, its actually been less than 90 days. I know that sounds like nitpicking, but hearing this 5 month thing ad nauseum is really bordering on hyperbole. Worded that way, it makes it sound like it was promised IMPLEMENTATION 5 months ago and that is not true.
  10. At this point I don't think it is the player base. The number of people I've seen that flat out refuse to have it in the game are incredibly small. Assuming it is true (and I don't), that the SGRA crowd is less than 10% of the player base, then the true anti-group is less than 10% of even that number. This is pretty much completely on Bioware's end. The l337 PvP guy in full Battlemaster screaming at Huttball? I seriously doubt he could possible care less if two lesbians are engaged in a conversation he can't even see aboard a ship he can't get on.
  11. Uh.. yeah, you're right. They don't tell the people complaining about others threads to be patient. They flat out tell them to shut up. Bioware has been EXCEEDINGLY nice to this community in that respect. Any comment telling anyone in this thread to shut up would be deleted in the span of time it takes to get a glass of milk from my fridge. Sorry, but this argument doesn't hold. The amount of negativity allowed here is borderline zero. Compared to what I saw going on in a thread about nerfing Sorcerers this morning, this place is a paradise of harmony.
  12. I saw that. Not one mention. Not even in a vaguest sense. With 10% replies. Maybe there really AREN'T gays in Star Wars...
  13. If you're bandwidth is that bad, you may not want to play this game for a year or more. I have my patches downloaded AND installed in 5 minutes. I click my login information and then start getting dressed. No problem.
  14. http://www.hk94.com/hk/uploadgal/gallery/album_195/gallery_1_195_65489.jpg
  15. And you didn't read the part where I mentioned that people are too stupid or lazy to use it for anything other than DPS.
  16. No one can do two things at the same time. It's called a global cooldown. In any given 2 second period, I can press an attack button OR a healing/utility button. Everytime I have to push one of the latter, I lose DPS. The other idiot does not. Hence the gap. Multiply by the duration of the fight. You fail at logic. So you are probably one of these people.
  17. My problem with damage meters is it creates the false idea that people with high DPS are good. They aren't. I've had plenty of groups where I would do say, 1200... and another guy would do 2000.. and the leader wanted to boot me for sucking. Here's the thing.. Mr. Tunnel Vision was standing in fire, not doing his interrupts, not clicking the consoles, not paying attention to the group, not watching his aggro, and basically doing nothing except hitting that max DPS. Yeah, I did barely over half his... but my *** was off-healing, removing poisons, and doing the things the fight requires. Bigger numbers are not always good, and MANY people are too stupid or lazy to check parsers for other factors.
  18. So what? It was in the notes of the patch TODAY. Nothing else matters.
  19. You keep using dat word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
  20. I want you to read this with a calm and unemotionally objective standpoint and realize how you are sounding. There were people that had their posts deleted from this thread for taking the very stance that you are suggesting. *It's trolling if you are just going to throw it absolutely ANYWHERE. *I don't think the devs are unaware of this. Bashing the intern isn't going to suddenly have someone go "Wait, there's a problem?! Why didn't anyone tell us!?" Why is the summit not about implementation? Isn't the entire point to speak to the devs and address game concerns? So your unhappiness needs to be spread to others? That's not fair, either. The objective should not be to make everyone equally miserable. That was an entire list of things. The point of his statement was that there are a variety of ways to contact Bioware. It doesn't mean that any thread in any form of media is fair game. Your decision. Look, I get it. You're like the man salivating at the window, looking into a nice restaurant. Everyone inside is eating and having a great time. And thanks to the policy of the management, you are not allowed to go inside and eat with everyone else. All you can do is watch, and that is frustrating. My point is, that doesn't mean you need to pound on the glass and make obscene gestures at the other patrons that haven't done anything to you or are responsible for the policy that won't let you in.
  21. They did not rub your nose in it. You and Nozybidaj really need to get off this conspiracy kick that everyone is out to get you and do this on purpose just to hurt your feelings. It's Valentine's Day... no one did that to rub anyone's nose in anything. The question was to name a specific romantic moment, and it got trolled for it. I am going to go out on a limb and say the poor Facebook guy has nothing to do with implementations. Meanwhile the summit thread two posts above it, last time I checked... had zero statements about requesting implemention of this feature in it. Why not go there instead of sounding like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBTYri2KGEE
  22. So what you are saying is that a question posted the day before Valentine's Day that was meant to be romantic got TROLLED. Classy.
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