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    Political Science, Politics, Immigration, cybz....
  1. cn you at least make an exception for leveling players? Or allow a SINGLE point to be allotted?... Also, when your group has to leave queue in order to allow a player to allot a skill point, can you make LEAVE QUEUE a "Group LEAVE QUEUE"? If we queue as a group, why do we have to leave separately?
  2. I simple in game title like ummm, "Bug Finder" or "Bug Squasher" would be an appropriate thank you...lol..
  3. I get that it is intended not to allow players to respec while in a warzone/arena.... But not allowing a player to respec while they are just in the QUEUE for a WZ/4v4 can't be intended... I get the matchmaking need... but.. currently if you are in a group and one of you level up.... ALL must leave queue so that the player who leveled up can allocate their 1 point into their skill tree. At least make low/mid lvl pvp be able to allocate their points after leveling while in warzone queue....
  4. so you dont dispute the +1,000,000 damage claims.... but it's all..... fluff? so you arent happy unless you get insane killing blows and whatever other godmode abilities you want... and in 4v4's?... Sorcs can DPS, stun, heal, DOT, and bubble.... but still you arent happy.... see my above last comment....
  5. you need to L2P your class. I am grinding up a Sorc right now because of all the Sorc/Sage players I see in Warzones dealing +1,000,000 damage AND +200,000 heals.... Defenseless? the ability to bubble and mitigate ALL damage?.... TONS of CC's. Force Run, Knockback, AND PULL!?!? you are SUCH a baby
  6. for what its worth, I created a lowbie sith sorc and paid for the cassus fetts collection. the cape flows and acts normally on that character.... but on my Shadow, its bugged.....
  7. I stopped reading right there....
  8. this was the BEST part of Oricon!!!!
  9. the cape on Cassus Fett's body armor is glitched and always points down... no matter if you jump, sit, die, etc... attached is a screenshot... http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/1715/kchw.jpg
  10. It WAS implemented 3 weeks ago... and then promptly taken away a day later.... and nothing but SILENCE from BW concerning anything else regarding it
  11. Here is the problem.... We have all (not speaking for EVERYONE) wanted a PvP system that harbors some kind of penalty/decay/some kind of loss.... otherwise most PvP becomes about who can spawn and run back the fastest. (I personally hate the zerg concept) there should be some kind of consequence in PvP...whether it be item decay/wear and tear, or stolen comms, or longer respawn times SOMETHING.... We all want an open world PvP system. I am by no means saying my idea is the best, or even one of the best. But it is my hope that we drum up enough support so they put SOMETHING in..... Your point about imbalance is quite valid, I personally didn't like they open both factions up for same account.... If you wanted to roll different faction your should have been forced to do so on a different server. Thats just my own opinion though. My idea would be this.... group (size various) PvP for an hour or until they disband.... server keeps track of how many kills/death they have, and each hour the group is active (or upon disbanding) the server allocates either a net gain or a net loss (in comms) to each group member. So if you have 2 people in the group, and you kill 10 people, you each get 5 comms//// If you had 4 people in group and killed 16, each member would get 4 comms...////16 member ops and killed 32, each would get 2 comms.... and so on... this would make it fair for the healer contribution (who rarely get killing blows) and tank contributions.... of course tweaks are needed.... but lets get SOMETHING out there.
  12. I played WoW, Im not trying to compare the two. Its not a copy of their system, its simply a BASIC mechanic that could make Open World PvP viable again....
  13. I have each piece, equipped to a companion, but it still isn't showing up in my collections....
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