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Everything posted by RACATW

  1. Yep, sorc and sin both need 110% to hit them with white damage consistently. The rest not so much.
  2. You need 110% to hit sorc and sin consistently from what I recall in pvp
  3. Personally I'd say marauder and juggernaut story players miss all the force abilities they removed. Right now jedi and sith are just acrobatic thugs with a vibrosword and no force powers pretty much. It seemed very unnecessary and counterproductive to remove so many key force powers from the game. Especially since disney is now moving toward having more force powers in their shows (e.g. Ahsoka).

    Fixing PVP 8x8

    Over the years marauders lost force choke, force push (in the beta), and obfuscate. It'd be great if we got new content to choose from instead of making baseline old content a "choice". Story players really miss the force powers juggernaut (e.g. freezing force) and Marauder had. People love that sort of stuff because it makes you feel like a jedi or sith. We need all baseline content back, and for "new abilities" in the future to instead to become a choice. Baseline abilities should be reworked back in.
  5. Exactly this. Truth be told, I forgot swtor existed until the KOTFE marketing campaign.
  6. I see what you're saying but they wouldn't really fight well anyway. When people don't believe they can win (even if they can), they won't actually try anymore.
  7. You're thinking of how they removed killing blows in WZs.
  8. Let me put it this way. If you can't take the huttball without dying, you lose. You need to win the fight at mid to win the game.
  9. That's wrong though. They are about DPS / HPS / Tanking too. You need that or you lose the fights at mid or at the node. Back when people were competent at both objectives and playing their class we'd have some really intense fights that went back and forth. edit: Although to be clear, some DPS / HPS etc is completely useless (e.g. leth ops throwing green powder or playing dart tag with everyone)
  10. This was a good post to educate new players but could be updated to include farming premades and objective only premades.
  11. What they could do is track "rank" per group size e.g. solo rank, duo rank, trio rank, quad+ etc where you're compared against other players with stats for those group sizes (or just as solo).
  12. They already use hidden ELO / ranking in regs so not much would change by making it visible. I get what you're saying though, it would make things better because people would have more incentive to win.
  13. RACATW

    Fixing PVP 8x8

    Oh yes I agree, the tank I was talking about was a gold player on a new account. Not sure about the healer but they are highly disliked by ranked players as well.
  14. I think (or hope) they just might be starting too. I saw someone complaining about being banned on the steam swtor forums and then admitting they "trolled pvp".
  15. RACATW

    Fixing PVP 8x8

    If you're actually serious, here you go more screenshots from 80s instead of lowbies and midbies (which seem to have broken battle stats for me aside from medals / kills etc? kinda weird): 0 in a premade, nobody should need a tank and healer in lowbies and midbies. Not sure why you can't get past 60%, maybe your levels too low or classes not correct for arena to achieve the win rate you expect? And yep, it does put you with pretty bad players! However, once in a while the matchmaker finds a good player to queue you with. I've solo queued against a very good tank and healer duo in midbies and beaten them in a 3v4 (me being the solo queued on the 3 side). My team had a very good player who I recognized and talked to, super chill and skilled guy who doesn't trash talk. We won by playing off each other and putting them under a ton of pressure. Since it was lowbies and midbies we could basically ignore their dps players since they were quite bad. So I disagree that it puts the very worst players on your team all the time, sometimes you do get very unlucky. But generally speaking what's happening is you're facing duo's that are in different guilds or trios. It's hard to spot though, since they're unguilded or in different guilds. While solo queueing you're basically stacking the odds a bit against yourself. You also used to be able to queue sync in solo, or use /who and alt chars with lower elo to queue sync alongside of people you wanted to queue with or into. So there's always been ways to manipulate the matchmaker and get on the side you want to be on, stacking odds
  16. I mean, it's pretty suspicious when someone spends 15 minutes in stealth doing absolutely no damage every single arena... Not too hard to build in some small counter measures or force acid after 1 minute of inactivity.
  17. RACATW

    Fixing PVP 8x8

    This is what is being discussed: 1) Premades groups of 4+ players stacking the Lightening / Madness Sorceror DPS role 2) An existing mechanism in matchmaking preventing premade groups with 2 tanks from queueing The 2nd point is what can prevent the 1st point from happening. We can use this mechanism to prevent class role stacking. I don't think it desperately needs a screenshot but sure here, everybody knows how easy it is to dominate mids and lowbies as an experienced player. This is on DPS jugg no less. The worst class in the entire game for arenas. Literally no class is weaker at arenas than this and yet that's my win rate. I even have 100% on veng. Anyway, you get the point about how easy lowbies and mids are to dominate. Even just from this one character, my others are 80s now mostly. Although I can check my VG who recently leveled to 80. As for the win rate change, I usually don't notice a difference on my characters because I've played for so long (and my internal ELO is probably not too shabby overall, especially given the devs specifically implemented endzone changes to prevent me from scoring with the huttball and ending the game too quickly at one point). The people are still totally clueless no matter what your winrate is. It's like anakin killing the younglings in the jedi temple. Arena's can be even worse sometimes, people don't know the slightest thing about who to focus or when to attack them.
  18. RACATW

    Fixing PVP 8x8

    No, I'm talking about class role.
  19. RACATW

    Fixing PVP 8x8

    Right, but it's pretty low-hanging fruit given we already have the code written for it. It's basically just a quick 30 minute implementation and test.
  20. RACATW

    Fixing PVP 8x8

    Generally speaking, the ye olde days of solo players being able to effectively compete against a trinity premade are long gone. I distinctly recall queueing as solo (along with 7 other solo players) against some of the best trinity premades on our servers and giving them a run for their money. Now, a single long-time pvp player can dominate a match solo. So I don't really see the difference. My winrates queueing solo in lowbies and midbies (in both warzones and arenas) are 90%+ simply because I dominate the matches. I'm not even trying to play objectives sometimes in warzones and still win at that rate. In 80s, it's lower aside from arenas but my point remains. And we also know that winrate doesn't tell the full story either, the scoreboard does sometimes (in kill-ratios). What we do know, is letting people play in groups does help activity to some extent. Making friends to queue with is a tale as old as time itself. It's how villages are formed, it's just part of society and you're never going to be able to change that. You can "tweak" it, to make it more fair in some ways but the social part is pretty integral to this game. You can even reliably queue sync solo.
  21. RACATW

    Fixing PVP 8x8

    Are you genuinely arguing that premades that partake in class stacking don't have other dps classes they can play? Class stacking among premades is a very specific problem that has an outsized impact on everybody else.
  22. Honestly, judging by the survey questions I'm not sure about that and wouldn't make that assumption.
  23. I reported him for ban evasion because it seems to be a new account with an unnamed legacy (but I could be wrong). Maybe they just gave him a slap on the wrist instead of a permanent ban against an obvious bad faith actor?
  24. RACATW

    Fixing PVP 8x8

    Let me be clear again, class stacking in premades happens by players who KNOW what they're doing. They have many other classes they can play but do it purposely. I completely disagree with the idea that they're helpless little lambs. It's no accident, whereas often with two tanks queueing they'd be casuals who had no idea what they're doing. And yet, one is restricted and the other is not?
  25. RACATW

    Fixing PVP 8x8

    Why is it currently working for tanks then?
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