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Everything posted by Lortemand

  1. Basically same thing here. With 4.0 I just can't convince my self to resub this game anymore. Focusing entirely on story neglecting the pvp aspect ..no thx. A single map...just one lousy new map would have changed things, but no not one new map in a large xpac. Happily I found a new game and cam finish off swtor with a smile after almost 4 years - because it's just not worth my time anymore.
  2. pvp players in this game mainly consist of immature ghetto kids playing fotm classes in their little premade. you punch their face down to 10% in a 1on1, then they jump back to their healer, come back, defeat you...and guess what?think they're crazy like hell. stupid commentaries included. me so happy found new game just harassing for the last 27 days of sub. so stupid, so unsupported. dead.
  3. Lortemand

    Open world pvp

    good luck chasing companions.
  4. ranking here ranking there. W H O T H E F(BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP) cares? it's not a balanced game, so rankings are not viable. go on, if you still think this is importank see a medi.
  5. Yes. my merc doesn#t wan't arena My sniper doesn't wan't arena. Thank you. And i certainly don't wan't 4vs 2. Thank you. Spare my limited lifetime of such beeeeeppp
  6. bolster was going to be fixed wasnt it? but yeah a 35 cant do beeeepp against a 59er. my sin with with level 59....no fun and i lveled through missions instead because it got ridiciculous. i hit them---almost dead, they hit me...mmhh scratch?
  7. Lortemand

    Bubble Stun

    yes the bubble stun suxxxx. i know from my operative(especially when playing concealment) and my sin. but without the bubble these guys(including my sorc) would be free loot for operatives and sins. not cool, but mind the meta....quite ok. we can destroy them, even with bubble.
  8. sorc is ok, does well in zerg scenes. but can be humiliated by (YES) good marauders in 1on1 situations(not juggss, too predictable)) pt only have tanlk. mediocre at best. takes some hits but dependent on healer. sin. 1 free kill, then you're dead. Hmkay?
  9. Lortemand

    I hate 12 xp!

    ah well some people can't get enough. double xp weekend double xp WEEK whatever.
  10. new frogdog mount for everyone with a certain rating. who the beep cares. taking ranked serious? Go see a shrink
  11. If you equip yourself with the dromund kass gear, you're not doin anything wrong. You will have max level gear. Just some ppl say it's a waste of tokens. I give a (beep). If you do alot of pvp, these tokens will not matter anyway.
  12. Try lethality operative. no big burst stuff, no "i make 25k in 2 secs" buut,,,fun keept the hots up and go into the battle, place dots and ID the enemy healer. Go in close. Fun. Not FOTM but fun and you can do stuff a merc or sniper can't do(i have both).
  13. As an European i play on POT5 at european "dead times". Plenty of pops, almost to soon (want to do some crafting too). Don't know what you guys are talking about. Very "live" i would say. Got some goos tips and good teams there. Seems like most pple know what they are doing. A pleasure to play there in the european 4-8 times.
  14. i have the one and only solution to swtor pvp buff assassin now
  15. well at least they did SOMETHING. but yeah mercs still dead meat. buff assassin.
  16. arh cmon. sin whining. what ya want? another i win button? grow some kudos and play a real class.
  17. a game without overpowered stealthers. a game without forced arenas where you get pulverized by god mode stealthers and can do XXXX about it. a game that is not based on pve mechanics, but on pvp mechanics, because that's the problem and why the pvp part of almost all mmos fail. a game where developers actually listen to their community and take action as soon as they can a game with regular new content updates, not focusing on recolored items you can pay for a game that uses an engine designed to handle multiplayer games and not an engine designed for single player games
  18. 1. sin 2. sin 3. sin 4. sin 5. sin 6. sin 7. sin 8. sin rip swtor pvp.
  19. Been playing on multiple accounts since release here in Europe Dec. 2011. Pubs, Imps, PVE/PVP server, been there, done that. Tried it all, and it has been fun. Now my sad, destructive conclusion of pvp in SWTOR 2014: It's all about Assassins. At its current state, it should be renamed SINTOR. Stealth + heavy burst(out of stealth) + ridiculous heavy defensive skills on a way too short cooldown(yeah, always got that force BS on AGAIN when you come back from the spawn point) My question: Will you(Bioware) change any of the sin mechanics OR offer any non-sin character a free class transfer? Change your non-sin character to a sin with equal gear level? That would at least be fair! Thank you^^ BTW I love the PVE part of your game
  20. Why not? The PVE guys got a new FP, so why not implement a new warzone? PVP is the only thing that holds quite a lot of subs right now, as the PVE content is too stupid boring.
  21. Enough smash since dec 2011. Thank you.
  22. Wanna play arena? Roll juggernaut. Just use all your over powered defensive skills in every round - no worries, when all your enemies are dead, you can fire them off again in round 2^^
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