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Everything posted by EvoEmpire

  1. it was #5 that set you off? im sorry, truth hurts
  2. Hello all, this post is not to bash bioware to hard as i have had ALLOT of fun in this game but it's hitting a dead end for me, with 4 level 50s i can hardly get myself to login anymore, below are a few reasons why it's getting boring to me. 1. ZERO open world pvp (unless you want to gank lowbies but be prepared to be suspended as this games does not allow for any type of ganking)..No incentive to pvp as there are no rewards for open world pvp so why do it, everyone runs away anyways. 2. I can only do so many warzones even when winning, warzones are the carebears pvp platform, FFA pvp is real pvp so it makes me laugh when mmo claim they have pvp, but in reality it's warzone pvp with no incentive to go out and do open world pvp, i don't understand why we can't get some damn open world pvp!! 3.NOTHING to do at level 50 but wait for a raid to start and hang out in the fleets, or work the market thats completely trashed from so many people undercutting cause there broke and can't save a single credit. 4.Serious performance issues even on a $8000 rig that bioware seems to think it's the consumers problem when in fact it's a cheap engine that cost way to much to replace. 5.Over abundance of cry babies and immature players. 6.Terrible class balance, Mercenary's can't even get a raid invite anymore unless they heal, very few if any melee friendly raid bosses, Flashpoint that where fun after 1 run but are worthless after you progress even in the easiest raid dungeon is completed. 7.After trying my our best to test pvp on the test server every suggestion people made to try to help balance the game was ignored, but hey we did get the combat rez for the merc rofl if it ever works without bugging, just amazing how often it bugs. 8.Everyone looks the same, customization is really bad, and armor is horrendous looking, i mean it's really really bad. 9.Mounts are slow and in the starwars universe flying mounts should be a must, instead we get rail speeders that go pretty fast and are boring beyond belief, i love how lvl 50 mounts are only 110% speed, but seem like 20% faster then you can run, total face palm on that one bioware. 10.Lack of summoning in raid dungeons, even when progression gets you far enough to hitch a ride on a speeder it still makes you run for 5 minutes, just bad design i guess. 11. Forced to do space combat to get materials to craft sub-par gear, it takes 2 days to get 200 coms and roughly 1 hour to do all the space combat missions including the low level ones, it gets very annoying and boring to do the same thing over and over and over again, again it's just bad Q&A and imho very lazy development. 12. Game UI..Can have only 4 hotbars, this is by far the dumbest thing even seen in MMO histroy, bioware seems to think people only play the way they play, and it's very obvious they are mistaken, we have more abilitys stims ect ect then our hotbars can handle, another lazy developer who says it's too difficult to make it the way it should of been made the first time, so in the meantime we need to only use the abilitys that we think are important lol 13. Bioware saying they listen to the community's suggestions and claim they gave us a Guild bank that we asked for, hmmmm that should of been in the game from the start, i mean REALLY!!! lol so bad 14.Cross server pvp queuing , should of been in from the start, it's almost like Bioware never even looked at what makes other games survive, like they where in a locked cave during the entire development, how can you not have cross server pvp. 15. Ranking system, taken out a DAY before 1.2 went live and just after everyone resubbed, totally shady and si the core reason people are leaving this game.
  3. It's fun for a short time as it is now, open world pvp allows for a different experience every time and it seems so simple to add an infamy system, i would be willing to bet if Bioware made just 1 FFA server it would be packed to the hilt forcing them to add more, i just don't understand multi-million dollar companys anymore, if you're going to make a game do everything you can to give the people every option, some LOVE griefing and some love the adventure of knowing danger could be around any corner, these new games are killing my motivation to play cause i know if I kill someone in the open world the chat window is going to flare up saying "Leave Me Alone im questing" im sick of it. FFA PvP ftw
  4. thanks for not flaming me lol, it's just a shame every single MMO out or coming out has no FFA pvp, or an real incentive to go out and look for pvp in the open world, My last hope is the Elderscrolls MMO that will be announced this month...keeping fingers crossed it has real pvp.
  5. Why do so many games these days claim to have special rule set servers only to be disappointing that open world pvp has zero incentive therefore there is no open world pvp unless you plan on griefing lowbies all day, it's almost like some of these new MMO company's are trying to rename pvp to "almost pvp but not quite"...It is really sad and i feel my days for finding a true pvp game are over, Tera is a joke by the way, another company who claims they have pvp server but only to find pvp in warzones like starwars. Games these days are catering to WoW rejects and it's killing my intrest, it really is
  6. A vending machine that the guild leader can purchase and add items such as stims / heal pots / gear, anything BOE or consumable, have it unlocked in the legacy system, with an icon in your ability's to view the list on the run, and would help promote taxing and provide guild funds. I know my guild leader would love something like this as he has soooooo much stuff he would love to sell to guildies and not players outside the guild and trying to sell all that stuff via Shift-Enter is inconvenient , would make it really easy to make that extra fundage...Also was hoping The Legacy system would expand to guilds sometime also, such as guild buffs ect ect.....I really thought about this and hope someone takes a look.....Thanks The Vending machine can even be added to the bank, allow for a tab on the bank for purchasing goods
  7. Yea, will be interesting to see if they even read this with all the current issues going on i doubt it
  8. indeed it does, everone in my guild was like then they where like
  9. Not that it's a real big deal but why is the mailbox so far away from the bank, you grab something from the bank then you walk all the way across the ship to send mail, like i said i can deal with it but why not put everything in one area...seems sometimes the devs don't sit back and think "how to make this the best possible way" no big deal but just wanted to point it out. seems silly
  10. out of all the problems this new patch implemented, no being able to carry over your set bonus is a real kick to the nuts, im pretty pissed about this
  11. Everything is great....But that damn jet engine sound in the fleet is killing my head, like really bad
  12. Wow, the way things are going for bioware we may wake up tomorrow and hear that 1.2 is postponed for another month....I understand things need to be polished before release but all due respect this content should of been ready months ago...Bioware needs to talk to trion about how to run an MMO
  13. I love my op, ty for the videos
  14. Is there any future plans to allow for 2 or more players to ride in the same mount? Mounts are large enough for two people, would be a nice addition...Thanks
  15. If i had the extra cash for this i would buy it to scare the sheet out of kids on halloween lol it looks pretty damn cool http://games.yahoo.com/blogs/unplugged/darth-malgnificent-seven-foot-star-wars-figure-awesome-183228462.html Website http://www.sideshowtoy.com/
  16. Am I the only one who noticed his character was so easily persuaded and naive, he always made terrible/annoying decisions, the Jedi would of never tolerated his actions, he was constantly angry but yet the jedi just let it ride. Anakin didn't know right from wrong from the get go....Very bad script, in short Anakin was a complete moron and very stupid
  17. I found this pretty damn funny, enjoy http://www.break.com/index/cat-fights-off-dog-with-lightsaber-2313403
  18. AoC started out pretty good, the problem with AoC pvp was due to the bottleneck effect leading to everyone camping the same zone cause there was no other place to go, ohh and the healing was terrible
  19. 1. Flying mounts I find it hard to understand why new MMO's don't have this anymore, I have heard over the years it's cause you move threw content too fast hence the reason our mounts are snail slow, it would not be too bad if we had something a mechanic as simple as a power/speed boost to race to you're destination, flying mounts may fly over allot of content but making flying mounts only available at end game would quickly solve the issue, whats the real reason? 2.FFA PvP Believe it or not there is still an enormous fan base for FFA pvp and it's my gameplay style of choice but it seems only niche development teams make them anymore and 99% of them are epic failures due to lack of man power in the development team, not to mention the games getting dumbed down to accommodate the carebear who wants to give FFA a try for the first time only in return to cry on the forums tell the game gets nerfed to oblivion, caugh Darkfall 2.0...I really miss FFA pvp and hope something is on the horizon soon as all these themepark mmos are wearing on me. Anyone know of an upcoming FFA PvP game please respond.
  20. Same here, i was blown away with the movies....greatest marketing ever seen lol
  21. Indeed, only if i won the lotto (powerball) i would fund full production in a second
  22. Return was by far my favorite cinematic, i enjoyed them very much and was hoping someone could answer the question, whoever is responsible for the making of the short movies deserves a chance at a larger project, a full movie would be amazing and i would pay to see it in a heartbeat. Here's to hoping more are on the way and larger projects are in the making
  23. Im currently legacy lvl 21 but several guildies are 25
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