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Everything posted by SteveTheCynic

  1. Nah, it's much better to provoke him then troll him by telling him how much you learned from him. Magnificent, especially on a Female Inq.
  2. It won't be about an allergy to money, but about something they apparently said many years ago, that the appearance system for Twi'leks was built by an insane person, and therefore very difficult to update without breaking the appearance of existing characters. And you've surely noticed that *none* of the speices have body tattoos or other colouring, except for the chest and upper back ridges on PBS, which are *geometry* rather than colours.
  3. The word I heard is that the Twi'lek appearance system in SWTOR was described (after the fact) by BioWare people as "built by someone insane". Good luck getting new features for that...
  4. I don't think it is a lore item as such. A Ghostly Magus is a thing in SWTOR's lore (not sure about its status in the wider lore, but my best guess is that it's SWTOR-only), and the armour set (it's a complete set, not just the mask) is, I'd guess, just a way for your character to dress up as a Ghostly Magus. (Yeah, Ghostly Magus cosplay, woohoo.) As for the appearances in the stories (I have a nagging feeling there's another one somewhere, but I can't put my finger on where it is in which story), I think it's to show how the Entombed Guardians are kinda horrific things, probably created by some sort of Sith Alchemy related stuff; and that the being the JK fights in Chapter 2 is warped and distorted by... Or maybe I'm overthinking it.
  5. What would you propose as a price? As a cooldown period? Hmm. OK. For CC, it would seem more logical to put them directly on the CM.
  6. +10 Supported. For all those well 'ard Assault Cannons that sound like wet noodles.
  7. Not just specularity, but also in some cases actual skin colour. Example: If your character is a red Twi'lek, all of those type of armours will make your character's upper chest/lower neck skin about a quarter of a shade lighter redpink than your character's face and upper neck skin.
  8. Probably not. As far as I can tell (I've had the odd "Invalid" myself(1)) it doesn't look across word boundaries. The problem you get with invalid names arises from them colliding with *something*, and not necessarily inside Star Wars lore. And with Jake being a common name, I'd expect there to be plenty of uses out there to make it considered invalid (notably Jacob, he of the wrestling match against an angel). I also suspect that the names of characters on permabanned accounts are considered "Invalid" rather than "Unavailable". Consider: someone once came on these forums and commented on "Phoenix" being invalid. There was some speculation, covering ten to fifteen posts, about why it could be invalid, before I pointed out the most likely Phoenix, the one whose other name is Jean Grey. (Yes, *that* Phoenix, the one from the X-Men.) Consider: "Havelock The'dane" is invalid (but "Havelock Thedane" is not), probably because of "The" in the apostrophe-separated second word. Consider: "Floppy Alice"(2) is invalid, but "Floppy Alyce" is not. Probably because of one or other of Alice Cooper, Alice in Wonderland, A Town Called Alice, or Alice's Restaurant. Consider: "Rigmor", which someone wanted to use, but was rejected as "Invalid". The person claimed to have received permission to use it by the original creator(4), which I doubt very much, since it was probably first given to an Earthly human in what is now Denmark in the tenth Century or so, derived from a name in Old German, Ricmuda. But yeah, Jakey, or maybe Jaik or Jayke or Jeyk. (1) Notably Havelock The'dane and Floppy Alice, but also a character I deleted and tried to recreate with the same name, called Luminara Excelsis. Probably invalid because of the religious reference in the second name, but considered OK the first time around.(3) (2) Inspired when I pushed the "Random Name" button, and got "Flopialis", which my inner voice heard as "Floppy Alice"... (3) Yes, the criteria for "Invalid" names changes over time. (4) I believe this refers to the person who created the "Rigmor of Cyrodiil" mod for Skyrim.
  9. Almost all NPCs, aside from companions, don't wear armour. Instead, they have armour-shaped and -coloured skin, as you suggest in the second half of your first question here. Wiktionary says: magus - Wiktionary, the free dictionary It for sure exists in the SWTOR lore, and might refer back to something in KOTOR or KOTOR 2, but The Internet shrugged its shoulders as if to say "dunno, never heard of that" when I asked it for anything else. And it's highly likely that the mask, together with the rest of its armour set, is a way to make your character(1) *look* like a ghostly magus rather than being a mask that ghostly magi wear. (1) Or your companion.
  10. I'm trying to work out if this is sarcasm or a lack of knowledge. In 3640-ish BBY, isn't Naboo supposed to be mostly just forests and a few small outposts on the land surface?
  11. That's more of a problem for a reset that can be used multiple times (er, once per token, naturally) on a single character, even if it's limited to once every 30/60/90/180 days. A single-use-ever-on-that-character token is a fix for the "four 'it's irreversible' warnings went before my eyes but I chose wrong anyway" problem (if you think it's a problem).(1) Excuse me? That's my job... (1) Noteworthy: I wouldn't want a "reset second style" token anyway. I'd want a "reset *either* style" token, so I can rechoose the first style, the one that was inherited from the state of the character before 7.0 came out.
  12. Incorrect. The biggest ask would be to remove the hook system altogether and let us place decorations where we want them to be.(1) Well, with three restrictions: What are now floor-hook pieces are only allowed on the floor. What are now wall-hook pieces are only allowed on walls. What are now ceiling-hook pieces are only allowed on the ceiling. (1) See e.g. ESO or Runes of Magic.
  13. May 1, 20h00 CEST. YMMV in irrelevant(1) timezones. (1) Irrelevant for people who live in the One True Country(2). (2) The one I live in, duh.
  14. Play the mission offered by Strom and Wossname when you first arrive on PubTaris, the one about throwing grenades in pipes, and you'll get a very clear idea of the sort of person she is, and why something that is offered at the end of KotET Chapter II is a good(1) thing to do, even if it gives DS points. (1) Or, at least, immensely satisfying.
  15. Because the story context implies that until some point after you begin, you don't have a "real" weapon, just a worthlerss piece of junk that's worth less than zero.
  16. It isn't the case, and they've never shown any inclination to build it, even one time vaunting something that was to be "better than cross-server". I never did work out what it was that was "better than cross-server", mind you.
  17. The more important reason why nobody groups for them is that it is almost totally unrewarding. When someone was campaigning to change this soloable content to make it soloable, I reran them (solo), and got 753 credits (roughly) for finishing it (on [Veteran], not on [Solo]). No gear from the boss, nothing, just a few hundred credits.
  18. Good point, and no I wouldn't want to disrupt the NL event. Of course, nothing stops them having the events overlap...
  19. If you're not Preferred, what is your status? As for the "recent ex-subscriber can still post like subscribers can" thing, it's always been assumed by players that it's because the "I'm logged in" cookie (the one that logging in drops on your computer) contains your posting privileges, and the privileges in the cookie don't get downgraded when your subscription ends. And yes, I would call that a bug.
  20. Good point, that. Sorry to have left it out.
  21. There's also one on one of the Pubside planets (my memory wants to say Taris, but I don't trust it any more) where one player stands on a grate in an underground room, then another player presses a button which releases a blast of wind from the grate that shoves the player on the grate up onto some pipes that let the player get to the datacron.
  22. Given that people have been complaining about it here on the forum for some years now, I'd say that they almost certainly already know.
  23. But wasn't (realistically) GS *armour's*(1) value almost exclusively cosmetic as a result of all the weird weirdness about 7.X gearing anyway? (1) And mostly for weapons as well.
  24. By two popular definitions, Spring goes on until either the 31st of May or the equinox around 21-22 June (yes, "Midsummer's Day" is at the beginning of summer, not the middle), so there's time yet, but yes, it would be nice to have an announcement about it.
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