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Everything posted by HaoZhao

  1. If you're complaining about the new gear system, perhaps I can attempt to answer some of your concerns. 6.0 is the worst state this game has EVER been in. We've had two entire years where the entirety of the end game has been Hammer Station SM and Toborro's Courtyard SM. This has been monstrously terrible in every single way. It is garbage. Returning to a proper progression gearing system is the only chance this game has to be saved. Imagine being a new player, reaching the end game and asking "now what?", following by the answer of "now run TC and HS, every day." 6.0 is garbage and garbage gets thrown away. Bless 7.0.
  2. Maybe you don't understand the very simplistic math at issue here. Yes, there is a powerful correlation between being in combat and doing more than 0 DPS. In case you forgot, DPS means Damage Per Second. Not being in combat is a very significant DPS loss, by definition. This should not be a controversial revelation. lmao You want Concealment nerfed because you want to be a duelist hero and because you don't know how to play WZ maps. The answer to your problem is more practice, not nerfs. Tactical Overdrive is not an excuse. It is, in fact, part of the game, and it is working exactly as designed. It is a burst ability that provides burst output. Burst being high spike damage that occurs only a fraction of the time. I asked for arguments based on facts and not emotions. What I got here was an overdose of emotions from you. That little roll you are complaining about has a cooldown. Good players understand this, wait for the roll immunity to end, and then pull operatives into Huttball traps. Good players do well-timed Electro Nets. Good players do well-timed roots and stuns. The issue here is that people refuse to get better because they can't accept that they need to keep practicing. There's no shame in being a new player who doesn't understand PVP. Keep working at it and don't let yourself get frustrated like this. I'm rooting for you.
  3. This is a shifting of the goal posts. The original grievance was that without moddable gear, it would be impossible to balance stats. Go look at your previous post. This is not true, however, so now you are claiming that the problem is that you have to run content? lol??
  4. Gear isn't moddable, but it is still varied. Like there's gonna be one helmet that has crit, one helmet that has accuracy, one that has alacrity, etc. You can still mix and match them. You don't have to worry about going into PVP with 120% accuracy or something. lol
  5. I don't want you to explain anything because the people who complain about Concealment don't know what they want. Concealment's maximum burst is tied to Tactical Overdrive which has a massive 3 minute cooldown. Yep, when you hit get hit by the full combo, it really hurts. Once that combo ends, the bottom immediately falls out of this spec's DPS. Laceration is a weak slap by itself. To be quite honest, the burst of Concealment is wet baby farts compared to eating the full burst from Advanced Prototype. I am still waiting for a compelling argument on how Concealment is breaking the game. Preferably an argument based on facts and not emotions.
  6. PVP has operated on super bolster for many years now. Gear rating doesn't matter. As long as you have the right distribution of stats, your set bonus, and your tactical, bolster will take care of you. You can see this for yourself in game. People with 220 item rating still have like 280K HP
  7. Concealment very, very rarely outputs big numbers in regs. I'm on Star Forge, and I've regularly seen the best operatives on the server fail to break 3 mil damage in a full-length match. When you see operatives doing 8 mil damage, that's all Lethality, every time. It's all cheesy DOT spam creating an illusion of dominance. I'm pointing this out because Concealment isn't good at sustained PVP damage. The only thing it is good at is trolling in duels. The big brain response is always to just refuse to duel them. Fight with your team. PVP is a team sport. "I tried to be a duelist hero and died" isn't a valid complaint and never will be. Concealment is fine.
  8. Powertech, obviously. Merc + PT gives you access to load outs for healing, DPS, and tanking. You can fit into any group.
  9. If you could reliably plan for getting destroyed, no one would ever die. lol Death happens, but PT is the only class where you potentially come back from death missing your burst. Shoulder Cannon doesn't expire from CC. It actually lasts for a massive 5 min. BUT, if you are guarding an objective for more than 5 min, it expires then. When a fight does come, you then have no burst. Changing Shoulder Cannon to a normal CD would fix much of this problem. It causes zero harm.
  10. You wouldn't need to use it every 30. You'd use it the same way you use it now. You'd let them charge up to 4 (or 7). The difference is that you wouldn't be able to lose them in PVP. Either because you died while they were charging or because they expired while you were guarding an objective. PVE-ers don't know half of this game.
  11. In the previous expansion, most abilities with multiple (but still limited) uses moved to the charged format. For example, operatives get one charge of roll, every 8 seconds. Shoulder missile should also work like this. You should get one charge of Shoulder Missile, every 30 seconds. Advanced Prototype would get a charge every 15 seconds, perhaps. The way that Shoulder Missile works in the current game is tedious and it's possible to just lose all of your missiles if you die at the wrong time in PVP and such.
  12. We're talking about mids. If the level requirement for tacticals isn't raised, what's going to happen is that new players are going to hid mid-40s, arrive in mids, and face level 75s in full set bonus and tactical. The first time a fully geared lightning sorcerer deletes half of your health bar in 5 seconds isn't going to feel good. If you look at new skill trees, abilities come MUCH, MUCH later, as well. Mids has always been a bit unbalanced because there are always trolls from the previous expansion who intentionally only do PVP to level as slowly as possible. It's surely going to be worse than ever in 7.0. I'd like to think that BioWare has the bare minimum of foresight needed to see that the lower level players in this tier are going to need a truly epic injection of bolster to have a chance of keeping up but I'm not going to hold my breath for it.
  13. Make and the BH actually have a conversation about this. Mako asks about how thin the line is between what they do and what assassins do. It's a grey area. The truth is that bounty hunters have pretty much always been assassins. The concept of "dead or alive" from actual history is that if you can bring them in, breathing,, you'll get paid. If you kill them and bring back the corpse, you'll still get paid. For many bounty hunters, it was always easier to shoot a target immediately upon identification and people always enjoy the path of least resistance.
  14. All level 70 FP content can be completed with a group of all level 70s. I know this for a fact because when 6.0 came out, I ran MM FPs on the very first day, no one was level 75 and we still won. If you guys cannot complete this baby-grade content because of one guy in the group not having maximum stats, then your group clearly needs practice. It is not a gear issue and never was.
  15. It wouldn't just "look bad". It would mean however many more months of a dead game where the entire end game is Hammer Station SM and Toborro's Courtyard SM. People are going to unsub until the expansion actually comes. A lot of people already feel burned because they subbed up in December and got no expansion.
  16. https://blog.bioware.com/2022/01/06/state-of-bioware/ Near the beginning of the year, the GM of BioWare said that one of his priorities is rebuilding the company's reputation. The Austin studio doesn't seem to have gotten this memo. Unlike most people, I wasn't too bothered by the lack of moddable gear at the beginning of 7.0. It was a strange change but it wasn't a deal breaker or anything. But now you're telling us that there is no moddable gear AND there's no weapons in appearance designer. What this means is that everyone in the game is going to be using the same handful of generic looking end game weapons. Do you guys not have any professional pride? How is it that no one who makes decisions is capable of anticipating these near universally negative responses to these decisions? This expansion is 2 hours of story and "combat styles" which is a quality of life feature, not an actual gameplay feature. Being able to change from operative to powertech doesn't actually give us new content to play. This is already the weakest expansion in the game's history as far as actual content goes, and it gets lighter on content, every few weeks. This expansion at launch has: -No new daily areas -No new operation -No weapons in appearance designer -Nothing for PVP -Nothing for GSF -No new crafting -No actual new combat styles, just the ability to swap between two old ones -No new strongholds -No new species Thank goodness that you guys actually have enough shame to not charge us extra for these "expansions". BioWare Austin's idea of an expansion is a middle of the year, generic content update in other MMOs. Just give in this one time. Make all weapons moddable. Just the weapons. It's a compromise. Show us that you're capable of good faith, please.
  17. You didn't try but you did. You're not even addressing what I am saying. You're just complaining about it. You said it takes no skills to beat these premades At the same time, the people complaining in this topic cannot beat them. Therefore, it logically follows that they have less than no skill Are you ever actually going to address this?
  18. You didn't need to say it. That is the logical conclusion of what you did say. Denying it won't change the facts. If it takes no skill to win the game, and these people are losing to the most tunnel vision premades online, then they must have less than no skill. That is logical. You tried to insult me but you insulted them, instead. That's rough, buddy. I can solo cap nodes in Coast. I can solo deactivate nodes in Proving Grounds. I can solo the doors in Voidstar. I can solo cap the pylon in Hypergates. I can solo cap nodes in civil war. Sorry, but you're wrong about this. Keep practising.
  19. She doesn't need to say it. Let's put 2 and 2 together. People are complaining that they cannot beat tunnel vision premades. She said it takes no skill to win games. Therefore, it logically follows that the people complaining somehow have less than no skill. I see a premade attempting to run objectives in maybe like 1 in 20 games. I play almost every night on Star Forge. This isn't a real problem. It's an excuse for people who need to practice but are unwilling. The truth is that the people who complain about premades are also deathmatchers and they are angry that they are failing at deathmatching. Zero sympathy.
  20. No, you're both still 100% wrong. You're claiming that it takes no skill to win the game. If that is correct then the people in this topic complaining about losing to tunnel vision pre-mades must somehow have less than no skill. All you've done with this argument is humiliate the complainers. Was that your intent?
  21. Sorry, but this is not correct. One good player can win the game, alone. I have had Huttball games where I scored all 6 goals by myself. i have had games of Hypergates where I capped the enemy pylon, by myself, every round, and caused the enemy team to finish with 0 points. 99% of premades are absolutely useless. Powertechs and juggernauts with maximum tunnel vision who just mash attacks on the nearest red name plate and it takes them 40 games to finish a 10 game weekly. The people who complain about these premades are the red name plates who just walk into them, over and over again. Play for objectives and you will win, almost every time.
  22. LOL If I get slowed by corrosive grenade, I should get 30 seconds of stun immunity? UHHH...
  23. Anyone seriously suggesting two separate queues is impossible to take seriously. Group regs queue would require premades representing 16 players to queue up at the same time. This thing would never pop. It would be like queueing with two DPS for operations and expecting a pop. Don't be foolish on purpose. This game is not WoW, FF14, or even ESO. The population isn't big enough to support segregated queues. We already have group ranked and it only pops by appointment. The solo ranked queue is so depopulated that there's no rating based match making, and people with 500 rating get put up against people with 2,000 rating. Segregated queues are objectively a failure and there's no evidence showing it would be any better with a group regs queue. This game already has up to 10 minute waits to get regs to pop. Segregating the queue is going to make it take even longer. "But if the premades are gone then more people will queue!" No, these people are bad players and they are bad even without premades. They will still rage quit matches when they die more than once and will still blame their losses on everyone else. Premades are an excuse, not the cause of any harm. What's being proposed is that this MMO should punish two buddies for wanting to play the game together. My sister and I only play this game to PVP together. If the game didn't allow us to do that, then there is no reason for us to sub. 99% of premades are absolutely terrible and they lose most of the games they are in because they just death match. If anyone cannot beat them, then I recommend that they keep practicing.
  24. Ties are broken based on which team has the cutest characters
  25. Blade blitz, Guarded by the force, and Force Camo are now utilities. You take one and lose the other two. Pacify is just straight up gone from the game. You could DOUBLE the damage of sentinels and it still wouldn't make a difference in ranked arenas because all sentinels are going to be killed on sight. They don't stand a chance. With all of the massive crit buffs that Deception and especially Concealment are getting, you're going to see the enemies for about 2 seconds before your corpse hits the ground.
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