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Everything posted by MahneWarrior

  1. For a regualer war zone, I would have done the same, hell even thrown in some cheers.
  2. Stop being greedy, being able to buy the mats via WZ comms would help the pvp community as a whole since then people would not have any reason not to augment their gear.
  3. A form of dot protection would be nice, but uncleanseable dots would be overkill. btw I love my watchmen sent
  4. How dare you make fun of Black Jesus! ALL HAIL LANDO! We are clearly not worthy.
  5. Title sums it up, I am bored so I figured I would ask the community to state on aspect of the game they enjoy and one they do not. I may be in the minority in both camps, but I enjoy the PvP combat / system of SWTOR. Warzones are extremely entertaining for me, I enjoy Huttball the most, I wish they could add new huttball maps. Arena is also great fun. The one aspect I dislike would have to be PvE content endgame mostly. Which is strange since in WoW I loved clearing 25m HM content with my guild, each encounter was a blast, but for some reason I was not able to get the same sense of enjoyment out of the endgame content here. Do not get me wrong it is not bad, but for some reason did not click with me.
  6. I do not get it, I have seen players / guilds that claim they will only use said relic when it used against them, but I have still seen 4 man teams using these relics and typing in say "working as intended" now like people have said already countless times what you do with your game is your business if you do not break TOS you are in the right. However, you can learn a lot about a player when it comes to how they handle issues such as these. I know it does not matter to many, but I have lost some respect for players and guilds when I started back on the server as a marauder I really looked up to. I always liked how they looked after the little guy during those server events, and just for being overall wonderful people. Like they said nice guys finish last, I know I can be a douche, but I am not going to use something that I feel takes away from the server. I have left matches because I was fighting teams that were using these relics, and I simply could not muster up the motivation to get the team on track to switch dps targets etc... So I do see where players like Mort and many others come from, the relic adds an extra level of survival that helps you stay in the fight longer, get off the extra heal on yourself or someone else, which in turn results in a better experience for yourself. So no I will not bash people for using it, I may laugh from time-to-time or say nice relic, but what pains me the most about this is issue and while it may be silly, players I have grown to respect over my time here unfortunately has been effected by this. Though I know they do not care since I am a nobody, but still I never thought I would see such players or even guilds result to this. I always thought they were cut above the rest able to overcome any hurdle just with their personal skill and teamwork, in the end I was wrong. We are only human. So everyone have fun, oh and for the record maybe we could queue for solo ranked more often, two hour queues with no pops makes me a sad panda.
  7. You really are missing the point. In reality players that look down on respectable DPS are in the minority. Not everyone expects each DPS in the group to be within the top 5% of raiders, but players do expect DPS to at they very least do the minimum DPS required to down an encounter, this is within PUGs. Not everyone is willing to take every sub-par dps under their wing to show them the ropes, some do not even have the time nor desire. It is not fair fro the community to try and force that on everyone. That is what guilds are for. In terms of PUGS, it is fair of the community that the player is able to execute their role to some degree to prevent wipes, and wasted time. People say, do guild runs if you want to avoid bad PUGS, well why not do guild runes with your bad PUGS. Works both ways. In the end it is not up the community to teach someone how to play, it is up to the player. If a player has a fear about getting berated, said player should improve to the point where any sensible player will have no reason to belittle their performance.
  8. If it is ranked, I would park my *** as a node guard on my shadow, but for regular matches I play to have fun, and within regular matches anyone player with half a brain is able to play as a node guard. No need to pull out the current meta that shadows are node guards no matter what, it is our job etc... For ranked I would agree, but for regular matches, I play to have fun not stand around fighting the same 2 people over and over again on a civil war. That is why I hate objective pvp, it forces one or two people to not not have fun, unless you enjoy playing def, then god bless your soul.
  9. People keep mentioning 'having fun' though I must ask being sub-par is entertaining? Granted, many do not respond well to anger, but I must say it is a great motivator to help one progress. I mean, if you 'fear' that a real time DPS meter would cause others to impend on your fun, learn your class so you can maintain respectable DPS. Bam, no hate heading your way. Sure you will still run into players that will brag about being on top, but if that bothers you, push even harder, to always top the meters. Just like a guild mate told me once regarding pvp, if I wanted to 1 v 1, make sure I was good enough to beat people if they jumped me with 2 or 3 people. Or when I was kart racing, I use to hate the feeling of being in the pack, I just wanted to drive and have fun. So someone told me, get good enough to push ahead of the pack, and maintain the lead so you can drive without worry. Silly I know, but if the add a meter I would just work twice as hard to prevent most people from giving me flank.
  10. I do not think he was referring to you when he mentioned pvpers that should go to pvp servers. Just saying. Not bashing.
  11. I would rather not remove bolster, since that would mean even with the expertise cap, I do think the new pve hilts would be BiS and I am not really keen on the idea of dropping 3 million for two hilts.
  12. Silly me, please forgive me. I now know better.
  13. Tha, you are not a top sent on Hawk... please man stop with the lies.
  14. Know what really bothers me? When I play on my healer it seems I always end up with 4 or 5 other healers making a grand total of six healers. Spending time to respec. However, when I play on my shadow I mostly end up with ZERO healers. The real problem imo is not healers, but the match making system.
  15. Isn't credit card info saved if you have a sub? Thus if the child knows the user name and password, couldn't they in theory just log onto the TOR site buy CC, then buy the item? I use paypal on the account I bought from my little brother to avoid this. Truth be told options are a good thing, even if you think the price point is unfair the fact remains it will be a win win in most cases. If the item sells like hot cakes, the price point on the GTN will drop, if the item does not sell well, I am sure they will offer a sale. Win. Just play the waiting game, truth be told if you do not have a BB/WW dye yet I am sure you could wait a little longer for the price to drop on the GTN, or for a sale on the CM.
  16. Didn't the community on a certain server ban bubble stun from ranked play? I am sure if people really wanted to, they could come to an agreement server wise. Though, I am not a fan of limiting players, but is not uncommon for communities to rally together to ban certain things they feel hinder the competitive aspect.
  17. Cheese and crackers! Ebon Hawk needs more 1 v 1 action!
  18. Question remains who or what do you balance around, the potential of the class which only a full handful of players can bring out, or balance around the cap that the average player puts on the class. I will say this, if those skilled players are that tough to kill with a so called broken / under-powered class, I would hate to see what they can do if they ever buff said class. Fighting skilled players is fun, so I am looking forward to the buffs as well
  19. Still find it odd that a different servers guild of the same name would go through such lengths. If the man wanted a different name at the start, don't you think he would have gone with it? I was once a member of A-coy on Jung Ma during early launch of TOR, great fun awesome group of people, but we all know that leadership can be a up tight over certain things, and personally, I think you guys should have let it go. Hey if they were happy with it so be it, but meh, now I see why people on Jung Ma atm think A-coy has fallen, and even why someone who was extremely active broke off to form his own guild.
  20. Why did you change your name man? Do not let A-Coy strong arm you into something you do not wish to do. They have their own guild on their home server, you can have yours. Keep the name you prefer.
  21. I like the idea, but once again taking into account the average player attaching a ranking may turn them off, I mean I know for a fact I am a douche and I will make fun of people sub 500, I do it in jest, but some would take it personal. Should I learn not to be a douche? Yeah I should. Though should bioware provide more tools for people to belittle causal players, I do not think so.
  22. Truth me told some people like myself only have one character, thankfully I do not use that gear so I should be fine, nevertheless I have three ranked members that use the gree armor, so that means no ranked tonight which is cool, but like someone said before this is an odd bug, and I am shocked something like this got past their in house testers. While the rage in the thread is a tad over the top, I do understand why people may become so upset at this. In the in it is just a game.
  23. All jokes I sometimes run lowbie Flash Points to get the sense that I am using a light saber. True story, That would be pretty OP for PvP... not being able knock back and being forced to eat a gore + ravage if you do not have a stun up. CRY!
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