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Everything posted by Dylancholy

  1. I don't understand your argument. Bioware have said a class need goes above a companion need or a vendoring need or scrapping for mods (which doesn't make sense unless used for companions). So it's not that defensible.
  2. It's still a waste of a time investment. He can't use the gear either. My complaint is that there are basic measures to prevent this kind of thing from happening that have been in other MMORPG's for years.
  3. It was in the recent Q&A. The one from last week. They said they're going to put something between need and greed that's for scrapping mods and companion gear.
  4. Turning in a token and scrapping for mods doesn't make much sense either, because the mods are for the class. It can kind of work with the enhancement slot, but the one designated for your actual class is better. edit: the tokens also can't be vendored.
  5. Also doesn't matter. Bioware have said that companions are a priority below "need," so it doesn't make sense to take a token for another class that needs it.
  6. He rolled on it to ninja it. It was tionese. He literally cannot use it for anything.
  7. I just spent almost three hours (the dps and heals weren't spectacular) in a flash point, only to reach the end and have a Sage "accidentally" need roll on Smuggler/Agent Unassembled Tionese gear and win. I understand there needing to be a roll function in the event that an item for a class not in the group drops, but why can classes still select "need" on items not for their class, especially items they can't even use?? Because of rolling being a free for all and the lack of an in party trading system of bop items to remedy items accidentally winding up in the wrong hands, stuff like this is really annoying. I'm really hoping this will change soon.
  8. Do you have any plans (or speculate that in the future) that you will implement a function to switch between advanced classes? I wish to know this just because I want to know if I should have the incentive to roll two of each class or not. My hope is that I can roll two of each class without one of the characters becoming obsolete later due to an alternating advanced class function.
  9. I just wish the devs would say SOMETHING on this topic. Not even "We understand this is a growing issue and we're working quickly to figure out a resolution" or "Choosing how you want to play is vital to the purview of our game and this is not something we will enforce." All I wish is that we could have a simple "We're aware of the concerns over this." Just SOMETHING so we'd know the devs are aware of it. Because I find it incredibly unlikely it isn't something they're talking about. And if that talk is just for us to shut the hell up and play, I'd like to at least hear that. I just left one horribly imbalanced game. Why would I want to jump into another? But let's not forget the most glaring issue of all: http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/388961_3044460198506_1473153726_33118717_502052579_n.jpg (Joking)
  10. A lot of it has to do with WoW monopolizing the MMO market. Something I really hope SWTOR, GW2, and TERA end. The MMO market needs competition to really progress.
  11. http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/388961_3044460198506_1473153726_33118717_502052579_n.jpg GET YO AUREBESH RIGHT This isn't really intended that seriously. I know stuff like this is bound to happen and isn't a big deal. I just find it funny. Haha.
  12. WoW's faction population NEVER balanced. It's only gotten worse over time. I'm doubtful this will change with TOR. And I'm doubtful Bioware will want to put hard caps because it's your personal story and you need to be able to play the game the way you want or whatever... All the devs raving about the dark side didn't help much either...
  13. ah thanks, you rule. not sure why i thought 5.
  14. Yeah thanks. Not that I disbelieve you, but any chance you could produce a source? Simply due to the fact that I got so many different responses. Thanks.
  15. judging by the smuggler quest line and the planet levels, it looks like chapter 1 is going to at least thats why i ask
  16. I know it was said at some point but I can't remember or find it anywhere. I thought it was like 5 or something but judging by , I'm kind of curious. Thanks.
  17. I've been extremely bored since the second half of coruscant. played smuggler. after coruscant, when chapter 1 began, story got pretty interesting, then died down right away. taris and now nar shaddaa I both find boring. i'm worried the rest of the game will be like this. i want the story to progress, but it's frustrating that every small step of personal story is clogged up by an hour or more of pointless chains. i don't find them really engaging like i did on ord mantell. i guess the best way to put it would be like playing kotor, but every time you moved a step forward in a quest line, you had to sit through an hour of unrelated stuff. Like say you meet Mission, but before you can go and free zaalbar, you have to spend two hours killing rakghouls and gammoreans. that's how i feel, any way. i don't know I just want my story to move... and I hear quesh has only one story quest.
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