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Everything posted by Dylancholy

  1. leveling a gunslinger is hell but very rewarding at 50
  2. Perhaps now that we have one of each role, the future companions will be more hybrid. Corso- single target ranged tank Bowdaar- group melee tank Risha- single target ranged dps Akaavi- group melee dps Guss- heals Ortolan Pal- heals/single target ranged dps Or his focus could be more on enemy stuns and player shields. His story also must be heartbreaking. Like his family was killed and he was sold to a sith lord who beat him daily. The possibilities are endless ORTOLANS, YOU GUYS
  3. Well it is Bioware, so I would be surprised if they made us trade companions in. I don't think that's likely to happen, because with the companion coming in 1.3, basically everyone would be swapping out an old companion. Also XS Freighter is basically the same size as the Ebon Hawk, which at one point had 11 people on it. Ortolan companion must be a healer. All his heals are delivered in the form of hugs.
  4. Survival shouldn't be dependent on chance at all, because that isn't difficulty or skill related. It just means the fight can decide to wipe you, regardless of how well you're doing. And not all bugs can be worked around, like when a platform decides to break right after it spawns. The element of chance is really just due to the various bugs, and learning to fight around those bugs isn't part of the intended design, so you can't really say it will make the fight worse, or nerf it. It'll make it work as intended. Which, although, is a big step down for people used to working around all the bugs. I'm not sure what you mean by chance being the only real mechanics. The platforms, pillars, water pools, power sources, lightning balls, mind traps, and whirlwinds are all mechanics. It's a mechanics heavy fight. I've never encountered the bug with Soa's shield not going down because he's on the cracks. I think Soa has reset in the times I've been in my guild's ops at least three times. Three I can remember. I read online that it happens when a tank exits a mind trap, but I can't verify. I don't think mind traps should be taken out, especially in the last phase. That would mean dps would be sitting around a lot.
  5. What you're saying is noted, but we are not a brand new raiding guild. We were just going back and forth recently about how these difficulties still have not been fixed. We've rarely had a problem with the whirlwind issue, but it's still nice to see it go. Often, Soa will use a lightning ball and then immediately follow it up with a whirlwind. When this happens to a healer, it guarantees one healer dead, which is extremely problematic. It's survivable usually if a combat rez is up, but when he does this multiple times per fight, it's a wipe. Then on the final phase, often Soa decides to reset. The fact of the matter is that having an element of chance that the raid is entirely dependent on is a huge flaw. Eliminating this isn't trivializing the encounter, it's making it more playable. I don't think it's fair that a raid can lose the encounter because Soa bugs and resets. I also don't think it's fair if we're expected to just circumnavigate these bugs and deal with them.
  6. I don't understand how people can be arguing that doing dailies for raid gear makes sense. It takes all the progression out of raiding and turns it into just some optional thing you can do, like fighting world bosses or getting the +10 datacron. All that will happen is people will get max pve gear and then have nothing to do. Why raid? It's more difficult, time consuming, and doable less often than dailies. It's basically handing gear to you... THISSSSSS Presence opens up the door for actual solo gear.
  7. EV has always seemed biased towards us Smugglers for some reason. At least in my experience. Haha Karagga's, on the other hand, hates me.
  8. Mainly hard mode Soa. I see that the whirlwind will in 1.2 drop players on the outer ring. Thanks for that About a month ago, a dev acknowledged the issue where in Soa's final phase, sometimes if a tank were put in a mind trap, Soa would reset. I'm assuming this is a complicated issue. Any updates? It hit my guild today, which is why I bring it up. If there's nothing that can really be told to the community, whatever, I get it. The platform glitches are another concern of mine. When the operation isn't reset after a Soa wipe, sometimes pieces of the platforms will be missing. Additionally, on one occasion during a platforming phase, a platform collapsed well before it was supposed to (it had just appeared and there were others above it). Any word on that? Though the next things aren't bugs, I wanted to bring it up also. Some people have also been unhappy with Soa's targeting. On several occasions in my guild's runs alone, Soa has put one or both of his ball lightnings on our healers, then immediately followed it up with a whirlwind or mind trap, causing an automatic, guaranteed wipe. Additionally, (though it can typically be circumvented with two tanks), in Soa's final phase, occasionally he will mind trap the tank and change aggro, missing a pillar. This is a bit more minor, but given the fact that he can reset when this happens, it is still an annoyance. Are there any plans to change the way, frequency, or order Soa targets people? My guild feels like all these things add an element of chance that the fight is wholly dependent on. I totally understand if this is ignored or you simply don't have all the answers. I just thought I would vocalize my guild's concerns Thank you for all your hard work.
  9. For the Smuggler class, in a future content release or expansion pack. I mean, look at this guy. http://tor.zamimg.com/torhead/uploads/images/7471.jpg The more depressing dialogue about Ortolans dying on Hoth, combined with their pudgy little stature and adorable teddy bear voices brought me to tears. I demand that you add an Ortolan companion with the most tear jerking, depressing back story you can produce from your brilliant minds. Otherwise I will unsubscribe and there will be mass layoffs at Bioware as a result. ORTOLANS
  10. Guys Hanharr is dead. Mira killed him on Malachor V. Zaalbar's age hasn't been stated.
  11. I love it. But I also love the republic officer CE social gear. And I'll like the idea of being able to go to my cargo hold and pick out an outfit for the operation.
  12. social gear for end game, what what I can't wait to strap into my CE republic officer gear for operations.
  13. I hate that you can't romance zenith.
  14. I *********** love cover. Taking it away would weaken the gunslinger class so much. And Nearly all of the important moves (speed shot, aimed shot) are channeled or have a casting time anyway. So removing cover would just make the gunslinger slightly *******r.
  15. From the Darth Vader wookieepedia page: end debate.
  16. Okay apparently nobody has said this so I will. There are tiers of canon. The highest tier is the films. The second tier is television. The third tier is expanded universe material that has been approved as canonical by Lucas' estate. Anything below the second tier is ambiguous canon or non canon. Boba Fett living is tier 3. Just because it's silly doesn't mean it's non canon.
  17. These are my thoughts on the force. The Force was a really impressive, inventive canvas of creation until 1999. The prequels narrowed many things about the Star Wars universe, and the force is one of them. It rendered what was this enigmatic binding of all life in the galaxy that was so incomprehensible it could only properly be called the force a crude and boring thing. Look at the opening scene from Dark Forces 2, from the 2 minute mark: We see Jerec do two things with the force that we never see after the prequels. I understand I sound like a Star Wars hipster, but I firmly believe the force was a better thing before it was tied down and restricted in 1999. When the prequels came around, the force was bottlenecked into a crude palette of weapons. You can choke someone, push someone, shoot lightning at someone, jump high, occasionally run fast, and minimally levitate things. That is it. The final blow was of course in The Force Unleashed (an ironic title, actually), that basically said the height of your power as a force user is being able to push really big things (sometimes with lightning, but only if you're bad). It even shows in The Old Republic, but that's more of a result of these decisions than a contributor to their effects. My opinion of the force, when I saw Star Wars in 77, was that it was one of the best creations in fiction I had ever seen. Now it is meaningless and boring.
  18. Yeah see that's why I'm not heavily criticizing this game or anything. There's no real point. The most applicable criticism to make is that it's incomplete. We all know about Ilum and the bugs and millions of little this and that. I'm not going to waste my time getting into all that because they all come down to one basic complaint. I think there is a level of dissatisfaction with this game because of the knowledge that many issues will take a long time to fix; people generally don't like waiting to love something more once it is out. That's why I brought up Minecraft. Minecraft was released as public alpha so it would actually be community funded. It worked because the type of game it was. Bioware isn't trying the same thing, but because of the nature of certain aspects not being quite perfectly fleshed out yet, it can feel that way, and people feel like they aren't getting their money's worth because they feel like they purchased an unfinished product. I enjoy this game, despite the shortcomings, and will stick with it, despite the ETA on those shortcomings.
  19. This isn't at all inconsistent with what I said.
  20. It's a perfectly valid term that encompasses nearly all of the game's shortcomings.
  21. I want to stick with it. I'm venting my displeasures with a game I've followed for four years.
  22. Nearly all of the flaws of this game can be wrapped up into one complaint: It isn't finished. This game was not ready for release. It is miserably incomplete. It does not make sense to me that Bioware (who, in their contract with EA, have the right to release their games whenever they choose) would release an incomplete MMORPG in December just to gain a holiday release. MMORPG's are constant incoming profit. They rely on both attracting and retaining customers long term. In releasing the game in such an incomplete format in the holiday window, they have gained a massive profit from attraction, but risk failing at retention. Waiting for the game to be ready would mean more profit in the long run. This isn't Minecraft. You can't expect people to stick with an incomplete MMORPG and wait for it to get better.
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