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Everything posted by ManCandy

  1. I understand the fundamental philosophy behind Expertise rating in PvP to remove some of the "sting" from big hits/crits, but it seems to me all it does is make the grinding gear process absolute miserable. Take for example an individual fully geared in pvp armor head to toe. Lets say this person has 15% less damage taken and 15% more damage dealt. This person would then have a 30% overall advantage vs. say a new lvl50. Now that is not even taking into account the item level of gear and weapons. I would argue one of two suggestions to fix this problem. One, remove Expertise rating all together add a static "debuff" in all pvp contact either war zone or world of say 15-20%. And let both item level/stats and skill be the deciding factor of most matches. Or, alternatively give players access to creatable armors and mods with Expertise rating. I think either one of these solutions would make for a more enjoyable pvp experience and help to reduce the burden that a new or under geared lvl50 brings to the match.
  2. Forgive my ignorance, but when weighing which class/companion are best suited for a particular crewskill(s) shouldn't critical be of far more importance than efficiency? Especially in the case of crewskills that follow a non linear model of reverse engineering ie..arms/armor/synth As I understand it, efficiency only effects the length of time it takes to produce/retrieve "X" item/material. Whereas +critical can potentially effect the actual return of the item or material. Now I realize that endgame patterns and missions take a fair bit of time, but the end result is the same. It seems to me, if for example I need to send a crew member out to craft an epic pattern piece of armor that was going to take 2 hours to craft and I had a choice between getting the item back in 1h 45mins or +5 critical chance, personally I would prefer the crit chance as it potentially can effect the end result of the finial item. One place I could potentially see the benefit of a +efficiency is a profession like Biochem where you would be more likely to mass produce stims and medpacs for your own consumption, but to that end the epic version of all those patterns are not consumed on use. So who knows.... Just my two cents...
  3. A few reasons, first the majority of the damage you do as rage are force moves unaffected by sunder. Second, for the melee we do you ravage, assault, vicious slash and as disscused retalation you've already speced Schii-Cho Mastery ignoring 20% armor. Lastly, imo to make sunder viable at replacing assault you need to invest 4 points into enraged sunder and improved sundering assault. I rather like my free scream after every charge/obliterate. While I could see giving up 2/3 single saber mastery, im not sure i could let go of battle cry. Also, sunder has a 4.5 cd, that could hurt you in rage starved instances.
  4. Torhead lists: Retaliation: 1892 - 2020 Vicious Slash: 4202 - 4351 Assault: 224 - 274 Now in the Rage tree Vicious Slash is buffed twice 1. (saber strength 6% damage) 2. (Brutality 15% Crit) I just don't seem to have the problem building rage for my cool down period. Normally I can make is through 3 cycles before i need to work vicious slash into my rotation. 1. Charge, Crush, Ravage, Scream (no rage cost), assault Smash, 2. Choke, Obliterate, Scream (no rage cost) assault, smash 3. Assault, Crush, Force Push, Charge, scream (no rage cost) Smash, ravage(or Vicious slash depending on cd) So for example, If i were fighting an elite, I could take them through this entire rotation before i needed to start working in vicious slash into a rotation. The majority of the damage from the spec comes from force moves as you said they are much higher priority. Although I am not sure dumping 3 rage on retaliation anywhere in that rotation would be wise.
  5. I am currently running a 3/7/31 Rage spec. I love the spec, it seems to really sync well allowing you to build up big hits, while maintaining a decent level of control and movement. A while ago (lvl 30ish) I started trying to drop lesser used skills from my hot bar to make room. As the title says i removed sunder and retaliation. My thinking was with Shii-Cho Mastery talent your attacks ignore 20% armor which is already equivalent to a full 5stack sunder debuff. And while retaliation does good damage, i am finding more use out of the 3 rage points like smash, vicious throw, crush etc...
  6. Another good Trick my brother uses (I am not coordinated enough) he remaps his movement keys to E,S,D,F Then you end up with Q,W,R,T,A,G,Z,X,C,V all within reasonable reach. Although every time I try to play his toon i spin around in circles.
  7. I have a pretty simple set up: On top bar 1. =,-,0 to E,Q,R respectively 2. 5-9 bound to my Logitech G5 gaming mouse 3. 1-4 I press as normal Bottom Bar: 1. Alt1-Alt4 for 1-4 2. Shift 5-9 (the mouse makes life much easier) 3. Last 3 spots I bind for random keys for stims, channel hatred, and unleash Side bars are usually reserved for buffs, mounts, trinkets etc My biggest problem so far is on every other mmo i have used Z,X as my trinket spot. I got X to work fine, but Z binds to sheath and unsheath and I haven't figured out how to unbind it yet.
  8. I went rage all the way through (currently 48) I would suggest putting your first 3 points in Decimate in the Vengeance Tree first. It puts you a little behind the eight ball when you should be getting Shockwave Dominate and Obliterate, but t makes your life much easier until that point.
  9. Why? Not trolling, just genuinely curious. I've toyed around a lot with vengeance and just haven't found my niche for it yet. Based solely on my experience pvp'ing in other mmo's Rage seems like the clear cut winner for pvp because of it's control and burst.
  10. I having trouble deciding how to gear a rage spec SW. How important is power to the spec? Much of the damage from rage comes from "force" moves ie...smash, scream, choke and crush, but is power more geared toward to a inquisitor rather than a warrior? Should the priority be: Strength> (power>Crit) or (Crit>Power) and what about sub stats ie....surge/acclarity? (sp?)
  11. I having trouble deciding how to gear a rage spec SW. How important is power to the spec? Much of the damage from rage comes from "force" moves ie...smash, scream, choke and crush, but is power more geared toward to a inquisitor rather than a warrior? Should the priority be: Strength> (power>Crit) or (Crit>Power) and what about sub stats ie....surge/acclarity? (sp?)
  12. Choke is essential to a Rage spec Jug or Marauder for that matter. Charge/Obliterate + Choke/Crush + Smash = Drool!
  13. I put the important parts in BOLD to help! Force Charge Instant Range: 30m Jumps to a distant target, dealing 1347 - 1437 damage with the main-hand weapon, immoblizing the target for 2 seconds and interrupting the target's current action. Builds 3 rage. Cannot be used against targets in cover. Stagger Increases the duration of Force Charge's Immobilize effect by [0.5 second / 1 seconds]. Ravage Instant Range: 4m Performs a series of lightsaber attacks that deals 891 - 981 weapon damage over 3 seconds. Standard and weak enemies are additionally stunned for the duration of the effect. Strikes with both weapons if dual wielding. You should never have a problem landing a full ravage after a stagger talanted charge, gcd or not. The 4m range of ravage more than makes up for it.
  14. Read Force Charge tool tip +Stagger (Rage) =3 seconds of ravage! It's like magic!
  15. I have played around with both specs and these are my thoughts: (currently lvl30) 1. Vengeance feels like the "PvE DpS" spec to me. Rage does not seem to be as much an issue w/ Shien form. (it's 3% damage bonus is a nice plus) You have more Dot damage in this spec. It felt more like a "throw everything you got and hope they die first" built in PvP and PvE. 2. Rage spec feels like a PvP spec to me. You have a min gap closer in obliterate, lower cd's on your hardest hitting abilities and the 3% damage -3% from Shii-cho form. I'd advise to spec into decimate (vengeance tree) early, combined with dominate and shock wave make for some sick Damage. In PvE you'll find you can 1shot non strong mobs w/ smash a lot of the time. As of now, I am playing rage. I like the control it gives me in PvP building up my hard hits w/ charge/obliterate + choke/(soon to be crush) +smash. I still feel like the warrior is gimped, I mean i did die to a jawa last night. I'm not sure if that is the class being underpowered, being under geared for lvling or swtor learning curve. anyway, i hope this helped some.
  16. That is a good point, I'd hate to think I would be forced into playing w/ one companion over another because of the slight chance of a crit in a craft or mission, but if there is anything other mmo's have taught us it's that people will do anything, pay any price look anyway for that .00000001% edge on someone else.
  17. So I decided to try out the Galactic Market to make some credits, but found my self confused and disappointed. The interface was very clunky and not very user friendly. Now, I will admit, a lot of it might be user error and/or learning curve, but I was wondering if anyone else felt the same or knew of possible work arounds... 1. Searching by name: So when I open an auction panel the first thing i do to find what i am looking for is type in the name, but it was unclickable. When I did manage to "filter" (see point2) down enough to the type of item i was looking for i had no indication of "searching" or "non found" etc 2. Filtering: The filtering system seems very complex, and to require it to perform a search is a little much. (again,I am sure there is a work around,it just wasn't abundantly clear to me) Trying to determine if the item I'm looking for is for example a crating material from a crew mission or gathered was to much and item tool tips were less than helpful. 3. Posting Items: I may just be spoiled from other mmo's, but posting items took forever! There should be a way to split the stack from the market menu. For example, When I post a stack of 20 color crystals, I should have the option to split and sell them as 4 individual auction of 5,or 20 auctions of 1 w/o having to split them ahead of time in my bag. Also, When posting the same item as individual auctions it should save the information you input so all you need to do is hit the sell button. Finally, when you try to zero out the credit amount to input your own you are always left with a 1. So when posting several items for say 50 credits, i ended up with a few 150 and 501's that I had to cancel. Just my 2cents, thanks for listening....
  18. So I made my first character, a sith warrior and trained him as an Artifice. Now as more information is coming out I am second guessing weather I would have been better off with a different crew skill based on the companions skill bonus. Just how important are your companions crew skill bonus? How will it affect my yields from missions,crafting? etc...
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