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Everything posted by aristrokratie

  1. Oh lol you caught me... But I am serious. If I had played that match with my sorc I would have produced similar hps. In ranked (regs is all pretty much the same for me on any healing class. even mercheals because most players seem to derp around letting me heal as much as I want, the players that atack me ususally are alone and easily kited, but you won't agree that Merc=op=sorc, would you?) In any ranked enviroment you get to see the weakness of both mercs and ops. Their healing is just plainly too weak to compete against 2 damage dealers + usually a 2.5k dps pt tank. The heals of op's are easily shut down and same story for merc. This is why op need an hps shift to instant cast hots and surgical probe, leaving casts as filler. Mercs need a buff too but I want to keep this short so... Ops and Mercs are okay in regs but could be better. Their are unviable in ranked, this is why they need a little improvement.
  2. Just shut up. I am sick of people complaining about too strong healers. 2 OUTTA 3 HEALERS ARE WEAKER THAN THEY SHOULD BE. Sorchealers have too much utility and 100% efficient heals, on top of that they have 3 get out of jail freecards. That's it. The rest is a matchmaking issue. The healing power of mercs and even ops is weaker than it should be in the current high damage meta. SORChealers are op. NOT OPS NOR MERCS I am sorry for putting it up that way but anger cumulates if there's a player complaining about the wrong thing per day.
  3. When will people realize that 12 cd interrupts plus stun plus interrupt when charging... are totally screwing the other two healing acs in their current state. Nerf sorcs. Not mercs. Not ops. NO WE DON'T NEED HEALING DEBUFFS neither mercs nor ops can heal through the current damage meta. Healing mustn't be nerfed as a whole. It's ONLY sorcs. Nerf sors and slightly buff op and merc a little more.
  4. You're a hardcore casual. Supercasuals subscribe once to play the story and unsubscribe 20 days afterwards because arcann killed their immortal sorchealer. Game's too hard.
  5. THAT IS THE ULTIMATE SOLUTION. Matches would be so much more fun. So simple yet too complicated for the devs.
  6. Creating content before balancing is pointless. Creating content is more easy tho and it can be used as a counterargument to the statement "devs have abandoned pvp" (which they have)
  7. aristrokratie


    It would also help operatives... wait that'd be a buff...
  8. They don't care about us. This game is reigned by super casuals now. (Btw I've developed a simple function that can tell you how many of those casuals will be playing after a set amount of time:(simple decay) f(t)=m*20√(1/2)^(t/d) halflife of 20 days.)
  9. I think kptfe is worse, not saying revan was good. Just my opinion but KotFE is not star warsy
  10. It is. Suggesting that ALL major movement abilities are op and break the game is like saying we should all stand there and do a pve rotation
  11. aristrokratie


    Well the last one could be bad, yes. But I really think it's time to say goodbye to double carbonize meta by berfing the ability.
  12. aristrokratie


    It is an issue. Ofc in TR both teams use carbonize and hardstuns but 2b completely honest it's not fun being stunned for ~ 20 seconds by default in a match (I am a healer so I eat even more stuns) It doesn't break the balance but it certainly affects the fun. The ccs are on too low cooldown and there's no punishment for timing a stun badly. 3 simple fixes: - if the enemy throws two stuns at you, full resolve is added, no matter how little the second stun comes after the first. -reduce the radius of carbonize by 2 m and make it break on damage - you can only be affected by one slow and one root at a time, overlapping slows are ignored, overlapping roots are resisted. We need ppl to think more abput when and what to cc rather than pressing a button when it's ready.
  13. Yeah, but they need slight adjustments, shifting healing from kolto waves to hots and making surgical probe the go to bread and butter heal instead of kolto injection. apart from that they're fine, but I will never miss an opportunity to complain about how garbage everything is compared to sorc
  14. This is so true Ops need a buff. No, I am serious now, mercs need one too... badly
  15. Yeah, we ended up double capped so 6 of us were in mid (2 guys constantly attacking east...). I always hit 4 or 5 ppl with waves and the enemy had some dot juggs+ dotmaras spreading in our cluster. I ended up taking 1.4 mil damage but they didn't chase me around too much. All in all one of those matches you have every few months or so:D
  16. I want to thank you, hottie for the great advice, you really tought me, how to opheal when I was a little rolling nubnub. Had a great match yesterday: Keep it rolling!
  17. Like the op's one, it's all green, flooded with kolto, some parts of the op's brain just stealth out when it get's hairy.
  18. http://imgur.com/MNkOgmE Scientists have studied the brain activity of a fellow pvp healing operative and compared it to the results when he was playing his a sorchealer.
  19. But the logic is flawless: PvP= much more effort than farming or crafting -> more cash Sadly bioware follows this logic: more cartel stuff -> casuals get a b**er when wearing thexan's armor -> cash
  20. :DWell I'm used to using imp terms like a foreign language, if I spoke my native language noone would understand me^^ Oder liege ich da falsch?
  21. In terms of playing the class effectively in pvp-combat: -sage/sorcheals -jugg spanktank -jugg dps/ dotsorc -ap -smash mara -op/ sniper / sin -rest
  22. sadly it works with dark infusion aswell at1.6-1.7 s ... Why can't we have the candy ...
  23. aristrokratie


    A little rude but on the point. Chopping it off on both sides wouldn't hurt, neither melee nor ranged. It would only make gamepley faster and more enjoyable. I also think that stacking stuns on a person should add full resolve, if they're uncoordinated and double stun me right away, why should they be given a second chance to lock 9 s NINE SECONDS?
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